Best UX Research Repositories for 2022

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} Trying to make sure your product, app, website, and/or designs meet the needs of your target audience is of course essential to success. These days, there are loads of tools to help you test your assumptions against your users to see which elements are working and which… Continue reading Best UX Research Repositories for 2022

3D worlds and the future of UX: A review of “spatial interfaces”

[unable to retrieve full-text content] “Games and entertainment have pointed us toward a new way of thinking about interacting with software: spatial interfaces.” — John Palmer, Spatial Interfaces Spatial Interfaces presents a vision for the future of UX, in which “lots of the software we already use can be augmented by spatial interfaces”. Palmer envisions “spatial environments,… Continue reading 3D worlds and the future of UX: A review of “spatial interfaces”

What is UX Design?

UX Design has become one of the top professions of the decade, with UX Designers having some of the most sought after skills in the job market according to LinkedIn. This is because design continues to show its impact on the success or failure of products and services. As a result, the demand for confident,… Continue reading What is UX Design?

Top 7 UX Topics All Beginners Need to Know

User experience is the most important element and the success of your design depends on it. UX is everything that happens when the user interacts with your design, such as their reactions, emotions, attitudes and behaviors. The better it is, the higher are your chances at making a sale or increasing your revenue. Basically, user… Continue reading Top 7 UX Topics All Beginners Need to Know

We need a better name for UX, and that name is “Screllvus”

The debate has been raging for decades now over what to call the practice currently known as “UX.” It’s been called at times (and sometimes all at once) Web Design, UI Design, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, Product Design, User Experience, Customer Experience, and everything in between. But now I have definitively come up with a… Continue reading We need a better name for UX, and that name is “Screllvus”

Inclusive Design Mindset

At the end of a 72-hour race to complete the Student Design Challenge (SDC) hosted by Microsoft at IxDA this year, I was prompted to think about how my experience could not only benefit future designers, but also public school teachers. The challenge was to design an interactive way to teach rhythm to a student… Continue reading Inclusive Design Mindset

A few things I learned from the second day at #Interaction17 #IxDA17

Interaction 17 is one of the biggest UX conferences in the world. Organized by IxDA, it brings together design leaders, professionals, and students from different continents to discuss the future of Interaction Design and our role and responsibility as designers in creating experiences for our users — as well as the larger impact the products we create… Continue reading A few things I learned from the second day at #Interaction17 #IxDA17

How Good Is JavaScript for Building a Large Scale Web Application?

According to the most statistics that are recent on, significantly more than 89percent of sites presently utilize JavaScript as a client-side program writing language. As a cross-platform and programming that is lightweight, JavaScript makes it easier for programmers to build responsive websites and web applications that work with seamlessly with popular web browsers, operating… Continue reading How Good Is JavaScript for Building a Large Scale Web Application?

Weekly News iDevie (week 5)

This is our popular weekly design news post where we share our favorite design related articles, resources and freebies from the past week. You can sign-up to our awesome weekly newsletter for some more amazing design articles, resources and freebies. New Resources & Tools voxel.css – A new, lightweight 3D CSS voxel library. Performance Budget… Continue reading Weekly News iDevie (week 5)

More About MEAN Stack You Want to Know!

A latest technology to the old-fashioned LAMP/WAMP stack for building professional websites and real-time applications is MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) stack, which is an open-source software. MEAN is nothing but a rearrangement of code and technology upgrades switching the base platform from Linux OS to a JavaScript run-time which brings Node.js. Node.js allows to… Continue reading More About MEAN Stack You Want to Know!