What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, we’re going to make a Minecraft Twitch overlay template. We’ll use screenshots from the game to create a custom stream overlay that you can use on Twitch or any other platform you prefer. You will need Minecraft, Adobe Photoshop, and streaming software of your choice. The result is a Minecraft… Continue reading How to Make a Minecraft Twitch Overlay
Tag: entirely
3 Easy Ways to Use Emotion in Web Design
As human beings, we like to think that we’re rational creatures. We tell ourselves that we make our decisions based on fact and logic. However, that’s rarely the full truth. As much as we try to make choices guided by rationality, the truth is that we’re often highly emotional people, driven by the way that… Continue reading 3 Easy Ways to Use Emotion in Web Design
4 Strategies to Boost Your Website’s Conversion Rates
Picture this scenario. The top end of your marketing funnel is starting to run like a well-oiled machine. Each month, more and more visitors are streaming to your site via your increasingly effective email campaigns, Facebook ads, and content marketing strategy. Much to your consternation, though, this increase in traffic doesn’t translate to a proportionate… Continue reading 4 Strategies to Boost Your Website’s Conversion Rates
42 Best Sports Fonts (For Logos, Jerseys, and More)
Your sports fonts collection should include a great sports jersey font, a sports number font, and other versatile sports team fonts. If you’re looking for a great set of premium sports fonts for your next design project, look no further. Find awesome sports fonts, like this one, on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. In this article, we’ll take a… Continue reading 42 Best Sports Fonts (For Logos, Jerseys, and More)
How to Get Dark Mode Design Right
Dark themes are everywhere these days. As human beings continue to spend more of their time interacting with technology, dark themes provide a more relaxing way to engage with the digital world. More often than not, these themes are easier on the eyes, more attractive, and perfect for the dedicated user. Throughout 2020, countless leading… Continue reading How to Get Dark Mode Design Right
Spark AR: augmented reality playground for developers and designers
[unable to retrieve full-text content] This text aims to present the wonders of Spark AR. There is a lot of excitement around Virtual Reality(VR), Augmented Reality(AR) and Mixed Reality(MR). Spark AR Studio is a program provided by Facebook to develop Augmented Reality filters for social networks. The creative economy states that man’s ability to create… Continue reading Spark AR: augmented reality playground for developers and designers
Animal Illustration Inspiration: Character, Wild and Cute!
If you are an animal lover and are looking for cute animal illustrations to include in your designs, then you’ll love this article. Today we’re featuring a number of cute animal illustrations to encourage you to create beautiful animal-inspired projects. Animal Illustrations From Envato Elements Envato Elements hosts thousands of animal illustrations and other great resources for artists… Continue reading Animal Illustration Inspiration: Character, Wild and Cute!
Accessible Routing in JavaScript Frameworks
Lost in Transition In my role as a Developer Consultant with Deque, I get asked a variety of questions on how to implement and fix technical accessibility issues. One topic that always seems to be at the forefront of everything else that developers have asked is ‘How do I manage focus in my JavaScript framework?’.… Continue reading Accessible Routing in JavaScript Frameworks
15 Landing Page Designs for Console & Mobile Games
September 14, 2020 by Jake Rocheleau [UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2020] The development industry for both mobile and console games has improved over the years and competition for game developers is high. How can a game sell if there is too much competition? The answer is simple – all you need is hype. One of the best… Continue reading 15 Landing Page Designs for Console & Mobile Games
WCAG 2.2 Overview and Feedback
A working draft of version 2.2 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) has been published for feedback. WebAIM is thrilled to see the work on these formative guidelines continuing and we appreciate the efforts of the W3C’s Accessibility Guidelines working group. Below are WebAIM’s plain language summaries of each of the new proposed success… Continue reading WCAG 2.2 Overview and Feedback
3 Essential Design Trends, August 2020
Do the lazy days have you longing for a new design technique to try? You are in luck. This month’s collection of essential design trends is packed with functional ideas to spruce up design projects. And all of them are fairly easy to accomplish and will give your project a modern – or intentionally old-school… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, August 2020
9 Beginner Photoshop Tutorials
Digital skills are very important nowadays. As the internet and technology govern more aspects of our daily lives, learning a few digital skills could be helpful in the long run. Beginner Photoshop tutorials are everywhere and are available on almost any platform. Is Photoshop hard to learn? The answer could be both a yes and… Continue reading 9 Beginner Photoshop Tutorials
What are Breadcrumbs in WordPress?
In this tutorial I’m going to explain all you need to know to get started using breadcrumbs in WordPress. BreadCrumbs in WordPress Follow along with us over on our Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel: BreadCrumb Plugins on CodeCanyon If you’re interested in what solutions are on offer from our community of coders, check out the premium WordPress… Continue reading What are Breadcrumbs in WordPress?
25+ Best Free Vintage Fonts (Free & Premium to Download!)
Vintage fonts. Can we ever get enough of them? When you need premium vintage fonts for important projects, head to Envato Elements Absolutely not, and that’s why today, we’re sharing over 25 of the best free vintage fonts as well as a selection of premium vintage fonts you can find at Envato Elements. Unlimited Vintage Font Downloads at… Continue reading 25+ Best Free Vintage Fonts (Free & Premium to Download!)
How to Disable (Turn Off), Close and Delete Comments in WordPress
Comments can be a valuable addition to your WordPress website. A lively comment section can create a sense of community that encourages one-time visitors to keep coming back for more, and checking the comments can provide you with valuable feedback and ideas for future content. Search engines also index comments, so a thriving comment section… Continue reading How to Disable (Turn Off), Close and Delete Comments in WordPress
How to Add Social Media Icons to WordPress
Today, social media is one of the most effective ways to market your WordPress website, earning you invaluable word-of-mouth promotion, boosting your SEO, and helping you build a closer relationship with your audience. So why make it difficult for visitors to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all of the major social media… Continue reading How to Add Social Media Icons to WordPress
How to Build an Animated Bootstrap Landing Page With Material Kit
In a previous tutorial, we discussed how to build a responsive landing page with Bootstrap 4. Today, we’ll learn how to create an animated landing page with Material Kit, a free Bootstrap 4 UI Kit based on Google’s Material Design. To implement it, we’ll use a combination of Bootstrap 4’s helper classes, Material Kit’s additional… Continue reading How to Build an Animated Bootstrap Landing Page With Material Kit
How to Add a Booking Calendar to WordPress With a Plugin
What You’ll Be Creating If you run a business that takes bookings or appointments, adding a booking calendar plugin to your WordPress website will win you more business. Here’s how to do it with the Bookly Pro plugin. This will help you get more business and reduce the time spent taking bookings manually. In the… Continue reading How to Add a Booking Calendar to WordPress With a Plugin
Website Pop-Up Design: How To Get It Right
In the age of minimal designs and user friendly websites, using a website pop-up may not always seem like a bright idea. However, the design of your pop-up may just be the difference between a converted used and a user that never returns to your website. Whether you’re using a website pop-up to improve the… Continue reading Website Pop-Up Design: How To Get It Right
Decorating for Fall 2019 with Photo Prints
Well, summer’s nearly done with – everyone’s favorite season is preparing to leave town and hide out for another nine months or so. Just like every year around this time, it’s important to ward off the blues by staying proactive and creative. Getting your home ready for those chilly fall evenings is the perfect activity… Continue reading Decorating for Fall 2019 with Photo Prints
4 Benefits of Hiring a Remote Development Team for your Enterprise
The presence of technology in the composition of today’s world has immensely changed the game and taken it to a whole new level. In just one decade, the internet has genuinely connected the world and has since gone on to provide incredible work cultures made possible mainly because it is now easier to communicate with… Continue reading 4 Benefits of Hiring a Remote Development Team for your Enterprise
The Age of Digital – 7 Trends That Will Shape Digital Marketing in 2019
Any brand that doesn’t have a specific, comprehensive digital marketing plan is truly missing out on game-changing opportunities. As of 2019, digital marketing is raking in revenue for thousands of brands all over the globe, and this trend is only set to move upward. The quickly changing trends of digital marketing are both a pro… Continue reading The Age of Digital – 7 Trends That Will Shape Digital Marketing in 2019
Designing Websites Around Colorblind Users
Colorblind users are more common than you might realize. It’s not hard to design your website to make it easy for colorblind visitors to use. In fact, it will often make your designs more effective for all users, not just those with atypical sight conditions. Learn how to design your website around colorblind users to… Continue reading Designing Websites Around Colorblind Users
Create a JavaScript Contact Form With the Smart Forms Framework
In our earlier posts, we listed some free plugins and tools that you can use to create your own forms. One major downside to using free tools to create forms is that the end product might not look as professional and polished as you expect. Similarly, using free libraries to code your own forms might… Continue reading Create a JavaScript Contact Form With the Smart Forms Framework