Functions in PHP: Return Values and Parameters

Functions are an important part of programming languages. They help us avoid code duplication by allowing us to run the same set of instructions over and over again on different data. In this tutorial, we will talk about functions in PHP. We will cover all the basic concepts of functions in PHP, and you’ll learn… Continue reading Functions in PHP: Return Values and Parameters

How to Create a Thumbnail Image in PHP

Today, we’ll discuss how you could create thumbnail images in PHP with the help of the GD library. When you’re working on projects that are related to media, more often than not you will need to create thumbnails from the original images. Also, if you’ve enabled image uploads on your website, it’s essential that you… Continue reading How to Create a Thumbnail Image in PHP

Build Your Own CAPTCHA and Contact Form in PHP

People write code every day to automate a variety of processes. We exploit the fact that computers are a lot faster and more accurate than humans, which lets us simplify a lot of mundane tasks. Unfortunately, these same abilities can be used to program computers to do something malicious like sending spam or guessing passwords.… Continue reading Build Your Own CAPTCHA and Contact Form in PHP

Render Text and Shapes on Images in PHP

In the previous, we focused on loaded and manipulating images with PHP. We learned how to rotate, resize, scale or flip an image. We also learned about different filters and the convolution matrix. Those tutorials also covered some practical uses of the GD library like resizing all images in a directory or adding watermarks on multiple… Continue reading Render Text and Shapes on Images in PHP

Resize and Manipulate Images in PHP (With Examples)

In my previous tutorial, we discussed basic image manipulation using the PHP GD library. In that tutorial, I gave a brief introduction to the library and showed you how to load images from a file or create them from scratch in PHP. After that, we learned how to crop, rotate, scale and flip an image… Continue reading Resize and Manipulate Images in PHP (With Examples)