Wordle is a masterclass in product design simplicity

Some of the most fun I’ve had this year is playing Wordle with my friends and family. But I’m a product designer and a programmer, so as I played, I couldn’t help but notice some strange things about how it was constructed. I was right in the middle of making my own product School Morning Routine,… Continue reading Wordle is a masterclass in product design simplicity

WooCommerce Shortcodes Cheatsheet

WordPress added support for shortcodes around 15 years ago. You can use shortcodes to easily add complicated functionality to your website which otherwise would have required you to write a lot of code yourself. Basically, shortcodes are short text snippets whose behavior depends on some more complicated code written in the back end. While WordPress… Continue reading WooCommerce Shortcodes Cheatsheet

Decolonizing typography: creating a font for Afrikan writing systems

The driving force behind my relentless mission to create digital fonts for Afrikan writing systems, one letter at a time. In this case study I’ll walk you through the process of designing a font for the Bassa Vah Alphabet. The name ‘Bassa’ and a Bassa proverb. Background Bassa language is spoken by about 600 000 Bassa… Continue reading Decolonizing typography: creating a font for Afrikan writing systems

15+ Best Shopify Themes for Selling Coffee and Tea

The tea and coffee market is booming. Expected to be worth US$135.9 Billion by 2027 and growing at a CAGR of 2.3% over 2020-2027, it’s a great time to be investing in the industry. With Shopify templates, all you need to do is choose which template is your cup of tea, edit it to make… Continue reading 15+ Best Shopify Themes for Selling Coffee and Tea

Why e-commerce is failing people and the planet

We need to stop designing with blinders and scaling solutions designed for the individual Illustration by Marie Dupuch Betting on convenience to grow e-commerce The number of parcels sent internationally has increased by 4.5 times in the last 6 years, from 43bn in 2014 to 131bn in 2020 (B2B, B2C, C2B). UK deliveries account for 4%… Continue reading Why e-commerce is failing people and the planet

What comes after customer-centricity?

Read this and get ready for it. For many years now, I’ve been fascinated by the timeline shown below and pondering what lies beyond the Age of the Customer. These days, I’ve got a pretty good idea about what’s next. The Age of the Customer timeline. Source: Forrester Research First, let’s unpack this timeline and understand how… Continue reading What comes after customer-centricity?

Best Of 2021: 50 Professional Website Landing Page Designs

45 Shares Modern, elegant Website Landing Pages “Best Of 2021” for startups and businesses. We want to make it easy for people who have limited programming experience to build outstanding websites. These landing page designs will help you to create a website template as a professional. Compilation of Best of 2021 webite Landing page design, it’s… Continue reading Best Of 2021: 50 Professional Website Landing Page Designs

How to Use parse_str in PHP

In this article, we’ll explore the parse_str function in PHP. It’s used to convert a GET request query string into usable variables. In your day-to-day PHP development, you often need to to deal with query strings—the way data is passed to your script in the URL on a GET request. When a query string is… Continue reading How to Use parse_str in PHP

How to Use parse_str in PHP

In this article, we’ll explore the parse_str function in PHP. It’s used to convert a GET request query string into usable variables. In your day-to-day PHP development, you often need to to deal with query strings—the way data is passed to your script in the URL on a GET request. When a query string is… Continue reading How to Use parse_str in PHP

Top Tips on Picking the Best Fonts for T-Shirt Designs (With Examples)

T-shirts are one of those clothing items we can never get enough of, and that makes them a great vehicle for self-expression and advertising.  Top Tips on Picking the Best Fonts for T-Shirt Designs If you want to create your very own T-shirt design to support a cause, make people laugh, or promote a service,… Continue reading Top Tips on Picking the Best Fonts for T-Shirt Designs (With Examples)

How to Make a Funeral Program

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a funeral program in Adobe InDesign. You will learn how to apply background images to shapes, format text for an organized layout, and place swirl vectors in your funeral pamphlet template. If time is an issue for you, don’t hesitate to… Continue reading How to Make a Funeral Program

3 Essential Design Trends, October 2021

Design trends on top of design trends. This theme of this month’s collection is trends that seem to build on each other. These examples use multiple trends listed here: hero typography, round buttons, and big branding. Here’s what’s trending in design this month… 1. Hero Typography Big, bold, and even unusual typography choices are the… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, October 2021

6 Tips for Collecting Customer Feedback (The Right Way)

Feedback is one of the most valuable resources for any business. Informative messages from your customers can tell you a lot about your company. They’re a way to check that your service strategies are paying off and a chance to learn which parts of your product need an upgrade. Reviews and testimonials can also help you… Continue reading 6 Tips for Collecting Customer Feedback (The Right Way)

7 Effective Tips To Help Make Your Logo Stand Out

29 Shares When it comes to a company’s logo, it is the ultimate symbol that represents a company. Hence, it needs to be just right and perfect. According to studies, more than 65% of the world’s population consists of visual learners, meaning they are more likely to remember the company’s logo rather than the name.… Continue reading 7 Effective Tips To Help Make Your Logo Stand Out

5 Worth Checking Best Tools to Create Infographic

What is Infographic? Infographic or visual graphics are representations of your product, information, or data that  intentionally present the way where the audience easily and quickly digest and understand your message. In this article, we have shortlisted 5 Best Tools to Create Infographic, with the help of these tools you can create and present your… Continue reading 5 Worth Checking Best Tools to Create Infographic

Enterprise UX insights & myths you should know

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Handle complexities When I started my UX career 3 & a half years back, I had always wanted to work on consumer UX extensively, because of the immediate references that we had around us in our day-to-day ecosystem. The current aspiration trend is also showing more UX designers wanting to… Continue reading Enterprise UX insights & myths you should know

Using PHP urlencode and urldecode

Every now and then you will have to pass around URLs between different webpages and services. It sounds like a pretty easy task since URLs are basically just text strings, but things can sometimes get complicated. For example, sometimes you need to encode a URL in another URL, for example in a GET request! In… Continue reading Using PHP urlencode and urldecode

4 Best Seat Cushions for Office Chairs to Solve Your Long Hours Seating Problems of Pain & Stress

Do you feel restless after a long office day because of your desk job? Here is the answer to all your worries, A Cushion, yes absolutely a seat cushions, that would be with you everywhere and anywhere like a shadow to get that cozy comfort, perfect posture and a reliving relief from the pain. Previously,… Continue reading 4 Best Seat Cushions for Office Chairs to Solve Your Long Hours Seating Problems of Pain & Stress

3 Essential Design Trends, August 2021

Sometimes the designs that make the most impact do a lot of unexpected things and break some of the most tried and true rules of visual theory. Sometimes these design elements work brilliantly, and other times they are fleeting or fall flat. This month all of the examples here seem to break some conventional design… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, August 2021

25 Top-Notch AdSense-Optimized Themes For Higher Ad Earnings

No matter how many new ad networks enter the market, it’s almost next to impossible for them to outrank Google AdSense as the best ad network in the world. Many bloggers and internet marketers from all over the globe use it as their primary income source. The number of website owners is growing swiftly with… Continue reading 25 Top-Notch AdSense-Optimized Themes For Higher Ad Earnings

3 Tips to Never Lose Smartphone Videos Again

You are a creator and you love to capture videos while traveling light so you choose to shoot your videos on your smartphone. You return to your room and realize that all your videos are missing. What do you do? Where do you find your lost videos? Did you have a backup? Questions pop up… Continue reading 3 Tips to Never Lose Smartphone Videos Again

DIY Hacks to Make Your House Automated

3 Shares Have you always been dreaming about an automated home? Until recently, automation was pretty expensive, and the majority of people simply couldn`t afford it. What about nowadays though? Now, you can either purchase any automated item you might need or you can even build one, with the needed actuators. We have collected for… Continue reading DIY Hacks to Make Your House Automated

40+ Most Clever Negative Space Logo Designs

30 Shares Negative space logos are logos that create cleverly with white space or background color and make a new logo or artwork. Its’s called “Negative space“. It’s not just an artistic effect it’s purely designers creativity that can make your brand unique and multi-concept. In this logo design gallery I gathered beautifully designed negative… Continue reading 40+ Most Clever Negative Space Logo Designs

3 Ways to Design More Inclusively

Inclusive design is often mistaken for accessibility, or even used as an interchangeable term, which is a good indication that most designers don’t know what it means. Accessibility is a process that seeks to mitigate issues in a design that is not sufficiently universal; inclusive design increases the universality of the design. In real-world terms,… Continue reading 3 Ways to Design More Inclusively