April 23, 2018 by Alex Fox CSS wasn’t always as flexible as it is today. By using CSS pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, designers can target elements based on their dynamic states or positioning in relation to other elements. Pseudo-Elements and Pseudo-Classes There are two types of pseudo selectors: pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes. Either of these pseudo selectors… Continue reading Using CSS Pseudo-elements and Pseudo-classes like ::before and ::after
Tag: child
The Brand: the forgotten child in Design Thinking
Just as ‘we are our brain’, companies ‘are their brand’. It defines why they exist, why they do what they do and what distinguishes them from competition. The often quoted Simon Sinek framework of the ‘why, how and what‘ is a perfect way to answer the question: ‘why are we doing what we’re doing?’, and… Continue reading The Brand: the forgotten child in Design Thinking
Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Components
Building single-page applications is an art, with many impressive frameworks to choose from. One of the most intuitive and widely used frameworks for building both web and mobile applications is Angular. Today, Angular 10 is out, and there are many impressive features. However, you need to master components before you dig deep. First Things First:… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Components
35 Cute Baby Photos That Will Put Smile On Your Face
These cute, adorable baby photos are brilliantly amazing. If you’re not a photographer you must check the cute baby photos that are the best examples of truly memorable photographs taken by professional photographers. Some parents go their entire life without ever taking a photo of their baby. A special moment is lost before you know it,… Continue reading 35 Cute Baby Photos That Will Put Smile On Your Face
Losing customer trust is easy
Photo by www.stylecraze.com Today I tried to book a class in my fitness club where I pay a monthly fee for unlimited access to anything they have on the offer. To my surprise, I got the following message: “You are not allowed to book another class until 10.06 because you have already canceled two classes… Continue reading Losing customer trust is easy
Connections and creativity.
In 1978, scientist and historian James Burke produced a ten part documentary called ‘Connections’. In this documentary series he traced back a (then) modern invention through the history of connected ideas that led to it. Across the ten episodes the viewer goes on many weird and wonderful journeys learning such things as: how the concept… Continue reading Connections and creativity.
Starbis – All in 1 HTML5 Theme for Bloggers, Businesses & Web Stores
Bloggers, freelancers and web design studios are rapidly shifting towards building web resources on the basis of multi-purpose website templates. A broad spectrum of customization features, multiple ready-made layouts, child themes, and rich UI kits lure people’s attention, turning them into avid fans of fit-it-all designs. Today, we are going to bring your attention to… Continue reading Starbis – All in 1 HTML5 Theme for Bloggers, Businesses & Web Stores
Component Inheritance in Angular 2
Angular 2.3 is released! One of the exciting new feature is component inheritance. Component inheritance is very powerful and it can increase your code reusability. What does component inheritance provide us? Component Inheritance Component Inheritance in Angular 2.3 covers all of the following: Metadata (decorators): metadata (e.g. @Input(), @Output), etc. defined in a derived class… Continue reading Component Inheritance in Angular 2
How to Completely Remove Comments from WordPress
WordPress comments are an integral part of building a community with a WordPress blog. They allow your audience to connect with you by responding directly to your posts. They allow you to extend the conversation surrounding the topic you wrote your post about by letting members of your community pitch in. They even allow members… Continue reading How to Completely Remove Comments from WordPress
SpriteKit From Scratch: Constraints and Actions
Introduction In this tutorial, the second installment of the SpriteKit From Scratch series, you learn about constraints and actions. These features are used to easily add movement and animations to your SpriteKit game while limiting the position and orientation of nodes in the game. To follow along with me, you can either use the project… Continue reading SpriteKit From Scratch: Constraints and Actions
Kick-Start WordPress Development With Twig: Timber Image, Menu, and User
By now you have read about the basic concepts of using Twig through Timber, while building a modular WordPress theme. We’ve also studied block nesting and multiple inheritance with Twig, based on the DRY principle. Today, we are going to explore how to display attachment images, WordPress menus, and users in a theme with Twig… Continue reading Kick-Start WordPress Development With Twig: Timber Image, Menu, and User
Meet “Intense” – A Revolutionary Multipurpose HTML5 Template
Posted · Category: Information The fastest way to build a website is to use a readymade website template, plus do some customization (depending on your requirements). And when a few years ago that was the choice of small companies and bloggers, today even the largest corporations opt for these tactics. Indeed, why reinvent the wheel… Continue reading Meet “Intense” – A Revolutionary Multipurpose HTML5 Template
SpriteKit From Scratch: Fundamentals
Introduction SpriteKit, available on iOS, tvOS, and OS X, is a framework that allows developers to create high quality 2D games without worrying about the complexities of graphics APIs, such as OpenGL and Metal. In addition to handling all of the graphics for developers, SpriteKit also offers a wide range of extra functionality, including physics simulation, audio/video playback, and… Continue reading SpriteKit From Scratch: Fundamentals
A Closer Look at the Best UX and UI Tools and Apps
There are various ways to build a prototype, and a prototype can be used as a measure of design progress or to test final result. In most instances, a web designer goal is to create a high-fidelity prototype has the look and feel of the end product, and is also capable of supporting team collaboration… Continue reading A Closer Look at the Best UX and UI Tools and Apps
How to Work With WordPress Term Meta: Understanding Taxonomies
In a recent series, we talked all about how we could work with metadata for several of the major classes in WordPress. This included: Throughout the series, we talked a bit about how WordPress 4.4 introduced the idea of term metadata. I didn’t want to present the concept within the context of that series because… Continue reading How to Work With WordPress Term Meta: Understanding Taxonomies
Interview with Illustrator Grzegorz Rutkowski
Grzegorz Rutkowski is a 28 year-old Polish illustrator. He works in the industry for about 6-7 years. He was always interested in art since he was a child. He has done some comic arts and illustrations inspired by cartoons, movies and comics. Read on and enjoy! Can you tell us the process in making the… Continue reading Interview with Illustrator Grzegorz Rutkowski
Exploring WordPress Managers: ManageWP, CMS Commander & MainWP
In the previous part of this series, we talked about two popular WordPress managers out in the field. In this second part, we’ll be checking out a few more of them. Also, there will be one bonus tip about a core WordPress feature that may help you manage your (or your clients’) websites. So, without… Continue reading Exploring WordPress Managers: ManageWP, CMS Commander & MainWP
How to Develop a Processwire Theme
In this beginner’s tutorial you’ll learn about creating your own ProcessWire CMS themes. We’ll create a super simple site, covering templates, fields, theme structure and PHP variables. Don’t forget to get up to speed by following the first of our tutorials How to Install and Setup ProcessWire CMS. Where to Find Your ProcessWire Theme Unlike other CMSs like… Continue reading How to Develop a Processwire Theme
Data Structures With JavaScript: Tree
What You’ll Be Creating * { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} Trees are one of the most commonly used data structures in web development. This statement holds true for both developers and users. Every web developer who has written HTML and loaded it into a web browser has created a tree, which is referred… Continue reading Data Structures With JavaScript: Tree
Posts, Pages and Post Types
In this part of this series on WP_Query, you’ll learn how to use WP_Query to query for posts, pages and custom post types. You can query for specific posts and pages or you can run a query to return posts of one or more post types. A Recap on How Arguments Work in WP_Query Before… Continue reading Posts, Pages and Post Types
Create a Photo Manipulation Of a Lonely child in Photoshop
Learn how to create this photo manipulation of a lonely child in an emotional dreamscape with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create your own atmospheric dark fantasy scene using stock images, retouching skin, enchanting original image with lightning and some more. Throughout the tutorial, you’ll learn techniques that will help you create… Continue reading Create a Photo Manipulation Of a Lonely child in Photoshop
Animated Border Menus
View demo Download source The other day I saw a really nice concept of a menu on the UI8 site. CreativeDash implemented that gorgeous concept and I instantly had some ideas for more effects involving border transitions but also with the desktop in mind. So today I want to show you how to create something… Continue reading Animated Border Menus