Dealing with the loopholes of quantitative research

Concerns from stakeholders – High dissatisfaction among students😒 If the problem is approved, it gets posted, and if disapproved, the admins of the group don’t post that problem. But, they think students need to know why their problem was refused. Another primary concern was the announcements of the senate, and other information gets hidden in… Continue reading Dealing with the loopholes of quantitative research

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5 tips to improve your system feedback

Digital products will often have access to specific information about their users, such as their location, schedule and even their preferences. This information can be utilized in order to provide more informed feedback with the added element of personalization. Taking what the system knows about the user into account when giving over feedback will also… Continue reading 5 tips to improve your system feedback

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5 predicted UX trends for 2020

Voice UI, such as Amazon’s Alexa, is already popular in many homes around the world; however, this year will likely see a greater adoption rate. In 2019, an estimated 35% of U.S. households were equipped with at least one smart speaker and by 2025 forecast suggests that this penetration rate will increase to around 75%… Continue reading 5 predicted UX trends for 2020

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The bitter truth no one will tell you about being a UX designer

Sometimes, I only worked on the sign-up page of the application for one complete month, because there were back and forth iterations, as the screenshots had to go on Google Play Store. Nobody was happy with one design, and the suggestions were extreme! Our social media manager liked everything ‘clean’, and aesthetic. While our technical… Continue reading The bitter truth no one will tell you about being a UX designer

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How to test readability

Legibility is the ease with which a user can not only read the text, but also understand it. In my experience as a UX designer, I saw it as the most overlooked part of user experience. Many times I participated in usability tests checking if it’s easy to find some information in an app or… Continue reading How to test readability

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5 tips for creating successful company brand guidelines

The first component I feel is vital to brand guidelines is logo variation. Logo variations are alternative visual variants of a primary brand logo. Ideally, for maximum consistency and user recognition, the logomark or symbol/icon should always exist in one recognised colour. As an example, everyone recognises Facebook and Twitter as blue, HSBC as red,… Continue reading 5 tips for creating successful company brand guidelines

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The one thing I learned in engineering school that I use every day

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash Or, looking for data and boundary conditions Engineering problems are typically well-bounded. That is, we only need to solve for particular conditions, and problems often give us the values of critical variables. Undergraduate engineering problem-solving lies less in mathematical derivation and more in recognizing the shape of a problem,… Continue reading The one thing I learned in engineering school that I use every day

Categorized as UX

What’s happening in UX in 2020 — and more design links this week

The State of UX 2020 → We have seen a lot this year. After curating and sharing 2,411 links, we have identified a few of the trends our industry has been writing, talking, and thinking about. Our annual trends report is a holistic analysis of UX Design as a discipline: the tools we use, the… Continue reading What’s happening in UX in 2020 — and more design links this week

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Accessibility & Aesthetics, Cybertruck Design, Autocomplete UI — and more UX this week

Fabricio Teixeira Follow Nov 30 ¡ 3 min read Interfaces 3 →The third generation of interfaces is personal. Building Trust →The constant balancing act of being a designer. Kill The Label →Why labels in the UI are a last resort. The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 119,400 designers every week,… Continue reading Accessibility & Aesthetics, Cybertruck Design, Autocomplete UI — and more UX this week

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It’s not about the money — UX research in financial services

Anya Zeitlin Follow Nov 26 ¡ 4 min read I spent a year working as a Design Consultant in financial services. During that year, I lead over 80 hours of one to one interviews and countless other hours analysing data. I designed remotes studies, analysed surveys and visited homes. I spoke to people about one… Continue reading It’s not about the money — UX research in financial services

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Why banks need to invest in UX to retain customers

Deepak Pakhare Follow Nov 20 ¡ 7 min read Using mobile apps and websites for banking, insurance, personal finance and investment in India can be deeply frustrating. These are essential services and companies providing these services must invest in the right kind of design expertise to provide superior digital product experiences to their customers. UX,… Continue reading Why banks need to invest in UX to retain customers

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Potential designer: focus on this first

In our craft, it is ridiculously easy to consume hours of visual content every day. When researching, it’s a fine line between generating ideas, layouts, and concepts and getting emotionally jealous of their work. I’ve surrounded myself with creative people, a vast array of musicians, producers, photographers, illustrators, and designers. But I have a secret.… Continue reading Potential designer: focus on this first

Categorized as UX

New Atlantic, Figma Plugins, Dribbblish Designers — and more UX links this week

Fabricio Teixeira Follow Nov 16 ¡ 3 min read Shared Systems →Design systems as a shared product language.By Mariusz Ciesla Password Problem →Why passwords are ultimately a design problem.By Khoi Vinh Dribbblish Designer →Why you shouldn’t hire based on Dribbble shots. The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 117,600 designers every… Continue reading New Atlantic, Figma Plugins, Dribbblish Designers — and more UX links this week

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Our color vision is limited

Iho Kalmyk Follow Nov 7 ¡ 6 min read Our eyes are not only a mirror of our souls, but also the main and most important way for us to perceive the world around us. With the help of vision, we gather about 80% percent of all information concerning what is happening around us. Of… Continue reading Our color vision is limited

Categorized as UX

Got an idea for a service? Here’s how to evaluate its merit

Steven J. Slater Follow Nov 7 ¡ 3 min read It is so much easier to dismiss a new idea than explore its merit. Many organizations are risk-adverse and executives simply find it easier to say “no” to avoid disruption. That thinking, however, results in missed opportunities. Quickly evaluating new ideas helps avoid spending resources… Continue reading Got an idea for a service? Here’s how to evaluate its merit

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