The best UX and design conferences in 2018 – the definitive guide

If you like the list, don’t forget to ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A great way of learning more about User Experience and getting in touch with professionals who share the same passion as you is to attend UX Conferences and UX Events happening every year around the globe. Since our 2017 list has received a lot of… Continue reading The best UX and design conferences in 2018 – the definitive guide

9 ½ Plausible and/or Absurd UX Industry Predictions for 2018

1. Salaries will either increase or decrease, but likely not remain exactly the same With the volatility of our world, who’s to say where salaries will go? 2017 similarly saw salaries go in a direction. 2018 will either see an increase or decrease. This will depend on economies, how many salary negotiation blogs we read, and… Continue reading 9 ½ Plausible and/or Absurd UX Industry Predictions for 2018

The relationship between design deliverables and presentation skills

In 13 years working in UX, I have joined a considerable number of meetings where UX Designers present their work to the rest of the team. More than I can remember, to be brutally honest. Consumer journeys, sitemaps, wireframes, benchmark audits, personas, user research reports — the list of deliverables designers are creating is huge. Presenting work… Continue reading The relationship between design deliverables and presentation skills

Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid: Why Apple’s New Approach to Diversity and Inclusion is Deeply Problematic

The men and women who are responsible for leading companies and organizations in promoting, acknowledging, and valuing diversity and inclusion in the workplace carry a heavy burden and responsibility. Especially in Silicon Valley. They wake up, praying as they check their emails and social media feeds, “Dear God, please don’t let one person’s foolishness displayed… Continue reading Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid: Why Apple’s New Approach to Diversity and Inclusion is Deeply Problematic

Creating GraphQL Subscriptions in Express ― Scotch

Introduction This section focuses on creating realtime applications using GraphQL, and the best way to achieve that is through subscriptions. The code in this section is a continuation of Part 1 of this series, and I would advise going through it before moving forward. This is a critical and essential part to future implementation of… Continue reading Creating GraphQL Subscriptions in Express ― Scotch

When Copy Loves Itself Too Much

One time, I nearly lost my mind while brainstorming copy for a holiday print ad. I was writing for Havenly, an interior design company, and we were advertising in a popular home decorating magazine. “Keep it simple,” I told myself, “this has been done hundreds of times before.” An ad that took way too long… Continue reading When Copy Loves Itself Too Much

A Little Help – Developing A Tutorial-Driven Website

September 1, 2017 by Spyrestudios Blogger It’s harder and harder to carve out a profitable niche among the millions of sites populating the web today, but one option that has stood the test of time is the tutorial website. Based on a constantly evolving knowledge base, innovative presentation styles, and overall profitability, tutorial websites may… Continue reading A Little Help – Developing A Tutorial-Driven Website

Best practices for public speaking in design conferences and events

Hello, old friend. We all reach a point in our careers when we start speaking in public. Designers, in particular, are pretty good at organizing conferences, panels, meetups, livestreams and other forms of publicly sharing knowledge with fellow designers. Speaking at design events is not only important for the design community as a whole, but also… Continue reading Best practices for public speaking in design conferences and events

How to Develop a WordPress Theme from the Ground Up

Having your website is one thing. But developing a WordPress theme is another. Why? It’s because your site’s theme is the one which brings personality to your site. Not to mention, a WordPress theme optimized for performance like the ones seen here at Colorlib is what differentiates you from your competitors. It is what defines you… Continue reading How to Develop a WordPress Theme from the Ground Up

11 Communication Techniques for Designers

You have spent years getting this far — going to university, taking regular courses and workshops, going to conferences, reading countless books, articles, and listening to weekly podcasts — only for a stakeholder to steamroll your design expertise.Here are 11 techniques for improving your communication skills and getting your designs approved. There comes a point in every designers career… Continue reading 11 Communication Techniques for Designers

Stop Being an Ego Designer

Wow! The new client project has landed and you will be the lead designer! Great, everybody has to do your biddings. Gnaar! Thats wrong, dude! Photo by: Nik MacMillan I believe that every project and teamwork will push you more into the character of an altruist. Designing a digital product with your ego creates a… Continue reading Stop Being an Ego Designer

Is your WordPress Website Fast Enough for Mobile Users?

Do you ever bother if your WordPress website is fast enough? Maybe you’re or maybe you’re not. In either case, since you haven’t figured it out yet. I am going to provide you some useful inputs to find out if your website is fast enough for mobile users or not. If it’s not fast enough… Continue reading Is your WordPress Website Fast Enough for Mobile Users?

Combatting unconscious bias in design

bi·as: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair; cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something. A few years ago, a male-led design team was working on a brief for a major athletic apparel… Continue reading Combatting unconscious bias in design

You can plan design sprints, but you can’t plan “insights” or “innovation”

Image via unsplash @firmbee The best stories tumble out of a customer’s mind when you are walking them out after an interview. When they are relaxed. When they have had time to introspect. When they don’t have to please you anymore. They come when you meander on to an unrelated topic. They come when people are… Continue reading You can plan design sprints, but you can’t plan “insights” or “innovation”

Honing Crazy Eights with randomness

We use Crazy Eights often during ideation at Philosophie including during our Design Sprints (as does Google Ventures). They are great for diverging to lots of ideas before we start to build prototypes. You run the Crazy Eights exercise by quickly sketching a bunch of ideas as a team. Often it is done on a… Continue reading Honing Crazy Eights with randomness

How to Completely Remove Comments from WordPress

WordPress comments are an integral part of building a community with a WordPress blog. They allow your audience to connect with you by responding directly to your posts. They allow you to extend the conversation surrounding the topic you wrote your post about by letting members of your community pitch in. They even allow members… Continue reading How to Completely Remove Comments from WordPress

How to start a blog with Hostgator

Blogging is an incredibly rewarding experience; it’s one of the few times in life that you truly reap what you sow. Write a great post, and readers will find it, churn out the same old opinions as everyone else, and you’ll get lost in the crowd. There are some excellent platforms to blog on:,… Continue reading How to start a blog with Hostgator

How To Make Infographics Properly

Advertisement I know you are interested in learning how to make infographics. Before getting there, we need to start with the beginning. Since the dawn of time humans have used visuals to communicate with one another. Cave paintings have been discovered across Asia and Europe dating back as far as 40,000 years ago. Fast forward… Continue reading How To Make Infographics Properly

Zulip – A Powerful Open Source Group Chat

Posted · Category: Chat, License Free Zulip is a powerful open source group chat. Every conversation in Zulip has a topic, so it’s easy to keep conversations straight. Zulip makes it easy to review the conversations you missed, so you can focus on that important project without having to catch up on how Jim’s guitar… Continue reading Zulip – A Powerful Open Source Group Chat

10 Writing Tools For Bloggers & Content Writers

In this collection, we are presenting 10 writing tools for bloggers and content writers. With the help of these amazing and superb writing tools you can easily and quickly improve your writing content for websites, blogs and for other purpose. These wonderful writing tools will help you in complex problems which you face in writing… Continue reading 10 Writing Tools For Bloggers & Content Writers

Flexbox Patterns: Ready-To-Use Building Blocks for Your Design

If you ever delved into Flexbox as an alternative to the classic CSS box model, you probably don’t want to go back. The hitch is, that you need to deal with it in-depth, and who has enough time for that these days. Thus, we’re often stuck with old methods of getting things done, just because… Continue reading Flexbox Patterns: Ready-To-Use Building Blocks for Your Design

Using Let's Encrypt SSL With Your WordPress Project

What’s Let’s Encrypt? For years, purchasing, renewing, installing and managing SSL certificates overwhelmed me with expense and complexity. Now, Let’s Encrypt makes it fairly simple and free. Let’s Encrypt is an emerging, free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by a California public benefit corporation called the Internet Security Research Group—it also has nonprofit status.  Its… Continue reading Using Let's Encrypt SSL With Your WordPress Project

What Multipurpose WordPress Theme Should You Pick?

Posted · Category: Best Collections Most web designers work with a variety of website types, and they prefer multipurpose themes for that reason. This is especially true when they need to deliver websites to multiple clients with different needs. Each of the multipurpose WP themes presented here features pre-designed website or layout selections from which… Continue reading What Multipurpose WordPress Theme Should You Pick?

What Are WordPress Themes?

We recently wrapped up a series that covered How to Get Started With WordPress. Though it’s not a pre-requisite for reading the following article, I recommend reading through the four posts, especially if you’re someone who is just now getting started with WordPress. The people who visit Envato Tuts+ come from a variety of backgrounds, both… Continue reading What Are WordPress Themes?