Zulip – A Powerful Open Source Group Chat

Posted · Category: Chat, License Free

Zulip is a powerful open source group chat. Every conversation in Zulip has a topic, so it’s easy to keep conversations straight. Zulip makes it easy to review the conversations you missed, so you can focus on that important project without having to catch up on how Jim’s guitar lessons are going. Zulip’s Gmail-style search will delight you with how quickly you can find exactly what you’re looking for. Zulip has many integrations and a powerful API to match. But here’s where it gets interesting: thanks to how Zulip categorizes messages, automated messages never overwhelm you. As with any topic in Zulip, they’re easy to focus on, skim, defer to later, or ignore—as appropriate.


Requirements: –
Demo: https://www.zulip.org/
License: License Free