Learn Xcode And Swift To Develop iOS Apps

Advertisement I know you want to learn Xcode and you are not the only one. Yet, you might think that creating an app for use on an iPhone or iPad is too complicated and simply out of your reach. However, app design and creation has never been simpler than it is today. Using tools such… Continue reading Learn Xcode And Swift To Develop iOS Apps

How to Create a Dory-Inspired Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating To celebrate Finding Dory, the upcoming sequel to the classic Finding Nemo, I’ll show you how to create realistic fan art easily in Adobe Photoshop. Inspired by the movie, learn how to use photo manipulation and digital painting techniques to make any character come alive. Let’s get started! Tutorial Assets The… Continue reading How to Create a Dory-Inspired Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop

How to Use Pantheon to Set Up and Maintain a Production-Safe WordPress Site

Today, WordPress powers 25% of all of the world’s websites, so it’s safe to say that what started as blogging software has grown into something much bigger than its humble origins, and is ready to be used on production-level sites from news portals to complete web applications. With this level of professionalism, new needs arise.  On a personal blog read by… Continue reading How to Use Pantheon to Set Up and Maintain a Production-Safe WordPress Site

A Comprehensive Introduction to Color in Design

This article aims to give you a comprehensive introduction to the deepest of design rabbit holes: color. It will introduce you to the most important lingo and concepts to get you started, helping you make better decisions applying color in your designs. Topics As usual for these guides, we’re going to cover a great deal,… Continue reading A Comprehensive Introduction to Color in Design

Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Learn how to create a surreal scene of waterfall mountains in Photoshop. In this tutorial I’ll show how you can merge different stock images to accomplish a surreal and fantastic scene of waterfall mountains. You’ll learn how you can create amazing lights effects, blending mountains stocks into a cohesive scene, enhancing light effects and creating… Continue reading Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

Learn how to create a surreal scene of waterfall mountains in Photoshop. In this tutorial I’ll show how you can merge different stock images to accomplish a surreal and fantastic scene of waterfall mountains. You’ll learn how you can create amazing lights effects, blending mountains stocks into a cohesive scene, enhancing light effects and creating… Continue reading Create This Surreal Scene of Waterfall Mountains with Adobe Photoshop

How to Draw Trees

What You’ll Be Creating Trees seem like one of the few things that are easy to draw. However, if you know nothing about drawing, you may either go too simple… … or too literal: Neither of these is what a real tree looks like. The first is a symbol of a tree, and the other… Continue reading How to Draw Trees

Testing and Dependency Injection With Model View Presenter on Android

We explored the concepts of the Model View Presenter pattern in the first part of this series and we implemented our own version of the pattern in the second part. It’s now time to dig a little deeper. In this tutorial, we focus on the following topics: setting up the test environment and writing unit tests for the… Continue reading Testing and Dependency Injection With Model View Presenter on Android

How to Create Flat Weather Icons in Adobe Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating April showers bring May flowers! It is traditionally known that April is quite a rainy period, when the weather changes unexpectedly from the sun shining in a clear sky to raining cats and dogs. However, any weather has its own beauty, so let’s get inspired and prepare for springtime with this… Continue reading How to Create Flat Weather Icons in Adobe Photoshop

How to Airbrush Skin With Frequency Separation

Professional retouchers use a lot of techniques to retouch skin. In this tutorial, you’ll learn one of the most basic retouching techniques called frequency separation.  It’s used as a quick way to airbrush skin without removing too many fine details. What is Frequency Separation? Frequency Separation is a jargon used in the retouching world to describe a skin airbrushing… Continue reading How to Airbrush Skin With Frequency Separation

Weekly Inspiration: Scrollin’, Scrollin’, Scrollin’

Web browsers all have one thing in common: almost without exception they allow us to scroll through content. Scrolling gets us from the top of a document, to the bottom. But it allows much more than that–and for better or worse, web designers have been challenging the scrollbar for some time now, seeing how else… Continue reading Weekly Inspiration: Scrollin’, Scrollin’, Scrollin’

10 Reasons Why Your Design Skills May Seem Lame

The design field is pretty crowded. If this is your “calling,” then you have to accept that you are in competition with a lot of creatives that may know more than you. You have to accept that you will have to take all of that creativity you have and translate it into products that others… Continue reading 10 Reasons Why Your Design Skills May Seem Lame

How to Use Swift on Linux

1. State of the Union As with any new and emerging technology or language, it is always important to stay on top of the latest news and updates. Swift as a language is no different. Apple has released many new updates and enhancements in the short time that Swift has been in existence. So you first… Continue reading How to Use Swift on Linux

Create An Emotional Photo Manipulation Of A Sad Angel In Photoshop

Rate this post Learn how to create a fantasy photo manipulation of a desperate angel in sorrow and bleak rainy scene with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create your winged angel with ordinary stock images, do some retouch and enchantment on the angel with shadows and lighting, then complete it with rain… Continue reading Create An Emotional Photo Manipulation Of A Sad Angel In Photoshop

Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Running

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial we will be animating a cycle of a character running. In this case, the character will appear to be running in place. If this run cycle were to be incorporated into a movie, perhaps a background scrolling from right to left would be behind the character. Walks and… Continue reading Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Running

How to Create Mooncake and Dim Sum Icons for Chinese New Year

What You’ll Be Creating Celebrate Chinese New Year with mooncakes, steamed buns, and dumplings! In this tutorial we’ll illustrate dim sum food icons, perfect for use in a mobile game or other vector graphic needs. Start with circles and ellipses, and end with delicious food drawings.  You can also supplement your icon designs with vectors… Continue reading How to Create Mooncake and Dim Sum Icons for Chinese New Year

How to Create a Retro Funfair Vector in Adobe Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating Wanna have some fun in the amusement park? Then join me in this tutorial and create a retro-style flat funfair scene, inspired by the Grease movie! No special drawing skills are required here—we’ll be working with simple geometrical shapes and the Pathfinder operations of Adobe Illustrator. What is more, we’ll learn… Continue reading How to Create a Retro Funfair Vector in Adobe Illustrator

20+ Free WordPress Themes to Start the Year With (January 2016)

Let me welcome you to the first issue of our monthly themes roundup for 2016 – the January edition. I hope you’ve had an excellent special season and switched years comfortably. Now is the time to start anew. What have you promised yourself to change this year? If the design of your WordPress website is… Continue reading 20+ Free WordPress Themes to Start the Year With (January 2016)

Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial I will be taking you through the steps of how to animate a character walking in place. Basically you will be creating a walk that loops infinitely, so if you were to incorporate a walk like this into a movie, perhaps the background would be scrolling from right… Continue reading Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking

To New Beginnings 2015

2014 may not have been the best year for many people. The year was laden with heart-breaking tragedies, disasters and losses. Unless you have been hiding underneath a rock for the past 12 months, or have a heart made of rocks, there were probably times when you wanted to just stay in bed and not… Continue reading To New Beginnings 2015

30+ Stunning Joomla Virtuemart Templates

It is more and more common that web developers use solid and mature multi-purpose CMS platforms, such as WordPress, Drupal and Joomla, for building professional and easy to maintain websites, web applications and webshops. These solutions are interesting because they are easy to set up, they make it a breeze to publish content and further you… Continue reading 30+ Stunning Joomla Virtuemart Templates

50 Amazing jQuery Plugins That You Should Start Using Right Now

jQuery has a wonderful community of programmers that create incredible things. However, it may become difficult to sift through everything that is released and find the gems that are absolute must-haves. This is why, in this post, you will find a collection of 50 new jQuery plugins and JavaScript libraries that, when applied with good… Continue reading 50 Amazing jQuery Plugins That You Should Start Using Right Now

Finding Design Inspiration in Others’ Work While Still Being Original

Originality can be hard to find, which is surprising since each one of us are creative individuals. Why don’t we embrace that individuality more often? It seems like it should be such an easy question to answer, but nonetheless, it doesn’t seem to be. Being a designer is a constant battle between embracing our own… Continue reading Finding Design Inspiration in Others’ Work While Still Being Original