How UberEats could make ordering for groups of friends simpler — a UX case study

The Problem — I find myself using UberEats (launched early last year) more frequently than the likes of DoorDash primarily because of two reasons: Continuous promotions — They have had some really cool promotions all this while. (No delivery cost upto $5 for an order) Ordering experience — From searching for food to ordering and waiting for it, the… Continue reading How UberEats could make ordering for groups of friends simpler — a UX case study

Treat Yourself to the Best Tools and Platforms for Your 2017 Projects

Posted · Category: Best Collections There are so many website builders on the market, that separating the good ones from the not quite so good ones can be a challenge. Finding the best of the bunch is an even bigger challenge. Affordability and ease of use are important. Even more important is finding a tool… Continue reading Treat Yourself to the Best Tools and Platforms for Your 2017 Projects

How fast is your site and is there a way to control the response time for the clients?

It is known that response time of a web server has a great role in indexing of the hosted sites in search engines. The slower is a web site, the lower is its rate among the competitors. Nobody is going to like such consequences: site is displayed on the bottom of the search, less clients… Continue reading How fast is your site and is there a way to control the response time for the clients?

7 Tips for eCommerce Web Design

Of all the ways to make money on the internet, eCommerce is one of the most popular. Selling products online is much more cost-effective than in a brick-and-mortar store. Even sellers who do have physical locations recognise the importance of using online revenue channels. When you decide to sell products online, the design of the… Continue reading 7 Tips for eCommerce Web Design

65 Proven E-commerce Consumer Behavior Statistics

February 2, 2017 by Noemi Twigg While the exact number of e-commerce stores cannot be pinpointed, based on data from the major platforms, it is safe to say that there are around several hundred thousands in the United States and anywhere from 12 to 14 million worldwide. In terms of online shoppers, Statista counts 1.61 billion (worldwide)… Continue reading 65 Proven E-commerce Consumer Behavior Statistics

Settle Design Debates With Data

Posted · Category: Tools Zarget, a full-service CRO tool, helps marketers drive email subscribers, guide users through the funnel, and get to know their website visitors. Using hard data can help you make vital decision about your website. The point of every website is to bring in conversions, and the point of conversion optimization is… Continue reading Settle Design Debates With Data

10 Totally Free WordPress Backup Solutions

Backing up your precious data is a common best practice these days. But, what about your WordPress powered website? Yes, most web hosting companies do perform regular system backups. But beware – not every host is reliable when it comes to backups. And you certainly don’t want to wait until disaster strikes to find out… Continue reading 10 Totally Free WordPress Backup Solutions

Google Data Studio: a Nifty, Free, Easy-to-use Data Vis Tool

As a digital marketer, you can often be overwhelmed with the amount of information and data needed to be analyzed in order to evaluate your efforts. Traffic, conversion rate, user location, behavior and acquisitions — just to name a few — all have to be examined to define the progress of your digital marketing campaign.… Continue reading Google Data Studio: a Nifty, Free, Easy-to-use Data Vis Tool

8 WordPress Plugins To Boost Speed And SEO

The beauty of having a WordPress website is that many issues or problems can be addressed with a simple plugin. You don’t need to know a line of code to add this piece of software to your site, and your site will quickly and easily get the improved functionality of the plugin. As anyone in… Continue reading 8 WordPress Plugins To Boost Speed And SEO

5 ways to identify quality stock images

In association with iStock by Getty Images. A good stock image is like a good design: you want it to be powerful, persuasive, and memorable; without drawing attention to itself. It can seem like a difficult balance to achieve, but a little effort on your part will reap rewards. Stock images are used for a… Continue reading 5 ways to identify quality stock images

Applying artistic facial effects to images on the fly

Ever wished you could add snapchat like effects on your images? Good news is, you actually don’t need extensive training or specific face detection skills to get started. All you need is Cloudinary. Cloudinary is a cloud-based image management solution that gives you the power to upload, store, manipulate, optimize and deliver images. It also… Continue reading Applying artistic facial effects to images on the fly

Cinemagraphs in web design

If you read any of the countless web design trend reports that came out earlier this year, you likely read about the promise of large, hero-sized cinemagraphs placed prominently on homepages everywhere. So where are they? While a few fashion-forward companies are using them on their websites, the cinemagraph has been largely relegated to showcase… Continue reading Cinemagraphs in web design

What You Need To Do To Be A Great UX Designer

The concept of user experience design is a relatively new idea, and now it is an appropriate time to find a way of defining it, by identifying UX design skills and by looking at how these need to be put into practice. In design terms, everything that goes into user experience can make UX a… Continue reading What You Need To Do To Be A Great UX Designer

What Is A User Experience Designer And What Do They Do

The term ‘design’ can be a deceptively simple one. It sounds curiously vague, and when offered in response to most people, it elicits a degree of confusion. For example, when somebody says ‘Oh, I work as a designer,’ a lot of people do not entirely understand what this means. This is because, for such a… Continue reading What Is A User Experience Designer And What Do They Do

Automatic Art Direction with Cloudinary’s Responsive Images Breakpoints Generator

Posted · Category: Tools Earlier this year, Cloudinary released the Responsive Breakpoints Generator to help developers automate the process of generating optimal sets of responsive image resources. This tool makes it easy to generate *resolution-adaptable* images – upload any high-resolution image to get the responsive image markup and an optimal set of resources to back… Continue reading Automatic Art Direction with Cloudinary’s Responsive Images Breakpoints Generator

Meet the Latest Monstroid WordPress Theme Update and Save 40%

Posted · Category: Best Collections We are excited to bring your attention to the most recent update of Monstroid – a multipurpose WordPress theme packed with premade designs, tools for developers, plugins, and many other awesome features.We have already featured Monstroid in one of our posts, and even hosted a giveaway. Today you have a… Continue reading Meet the Latest Monstroid WordPress Theme Update and Save 40%

The Principles Of Information Architecture

Advertisement At the heart of online design sits information architecture. In fact, a large proportion of our function as online designers is devoted to supporting users when it comes to locating the content that they need, and driving them towards the content that website owners would like them to interact with. As such, we incorporate… Continue reading The Principles Of Information Architecture

Candy – Bookmarks for the 21st Century

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools Most tools focus on delivering information to you today, but do not help in recording, retrieving and making use of it. Candy does. You can drop the meaningless links, lost articles in read later silos, and copy-pasting into docs. Candy helps you capture ideas in an easy and beautiful… Continue reading Candy – Bookmarks for the 21st Century

Website navigation and user experience

Advertisement Website navigation usability is the most crucial element in design. It makes the difference between a website where users find what they are looking for and one which causes so much frustration that users want to abandon it. The whole point of designing a website is to allow access the content, so the success… Continue reading Website navigation and user experience

Some of the Best eCommerce Themes for Building an Online Store

Posted · Category: Best Collections Choosing an eCommerce theme puts you on the right track for building a quality online store. But making that choice is only half the battle. The look and feel of your online store is critical. Your eCommerce theme can perform the tasks to make that happen, but you have to… Continue reading Some of the Best eCommerce Themes for Building an Online Store

Giveaway: Win One of Five Monstroid Licenses

Posted · Category: Announcement Do you remember Monstroid, a huge multipurpose WordPress theme we reviewed around a year ago? Since then, it’s grown even more as a result of multiple updates. Today, we’d like to review the latest one and give away 5 licenses for Monstroid. You can find a lot of WordPress themes designed… Continue reading Giveaway: Win One of Five Monstroid Licenses

How to get your design concept approved by your client

Advertisement It is said that the main goal of the web design studio is to perceive their client. When you learn all about your client’s personality, values, and most importantly, business goals, you come up with a concept – a visual outline of the future website. Sometimes, however, it turns out that your vision does… Continue reading How to get your design concept approved by your client

Recommended Premium Fonts That You Can Buy Online

Advertisement Good and free fonts are ideal if you find them but very few of the ones you find can reach up to your expectations if you have a big and really serious design project. However, premium fonts guarantee to be the thing you want for every kind of design project. Of course, buying them… Continue reading Recommended Premium Fonts That You Can Buy Online