Example of How to Add Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a PHP Form

In this article, I’m going show you how to add Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a form on your PHP website. The latest reCAPTCHA is different than the previous versions—it doesn’t require user interaction at all. In this post, we’ll see how it works, and we’ll build a real-world example for demonstration purposes. As a website… Continue reading Example of How to Add Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a PHP Form

How to Convert Bootstrap Pills (Tabs) Into a Dropdown Menu

In the past, we’ve discussed various Bootstrap 4 extensions. Today I’ll show you how to convert Bootstrap pills (tabs) into a dropdown. Most importantly we’ll keep both these components in sync. We’ll use pills for the desktop layout and a dropdown for mobile screens. Note: for this exercise, I’m going to use Bootstrap 4 latest… Continue reading How to Convert Bootstrap Pills (Tabs) Into a Dropdown Menu

How to Work With Cookies in PHP

You might have heard about cookies, but what exactly are they and what can we actually do with them? In this tutorial, we will focus on the basics of cookies, and learn about their functionality in various web applications and site environments. We will also learn how to work with cookies in PHP. Cookies vs… Continue reading How to Work With Cookies in PHP

Scrape the Web at Scale With the scrapestack API

Introduction to Web Scraping Businesses need better information to target and reach wider audiences. They get this information by scraping the web for content from social media platforms, eCommerce platforms, video platforms, travel platforms, review and ratings, and more. Web scraping is simply collecting information and data from around the web. It can be done… Continue reading Scrape the Web at Scale With the scrapestack API

Flexbox Align: When to Use Auto Margins Instead of Flexbox Center

Flexbox alignment properties are superb and they solve lots of layout problems, especially where the common “vertical and horizontal center” layout is needed. However, there are times when aligning with auto margins is safer and more flexible. This tutorial will show you when! Get Started with Flexbox If you’re just stepping into the world of… Continue reading Flexbox Align: When to Use Auto Margins Instead of Flexbox Center

What Are Web Fonts?

If you’re new to web fonts, you might be wondering: what are web fonts? Don’t worry. Here we’ll cover what web fonts are and how to install web fonts. We’ll also show you some of the best web fonts from Envato Elements. Web fonts are fonts especially created for websites. They’re usually on a web… Continue reading What Are Web Fonts?

Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template

Building a React Native app from scratch can be difficult. Setting up the initial project can be complex and annoying, especially for those who work primarily on web applications. How do you deal with the command-line interface? What is exporting your project? These questions pop up, and for your first few apps, they’ll seem like… Continue reading Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template

Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2

Every now and then, you will have to show an alert box to your users to let them know about an error or notification. The problem with the default alert boxes provided by browsers is that they are not very attractive. When you are creating a website with great color combinations and fancy animation to… Continue reading Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2

Uploading Files With AJAX

I can’t seem to reach the end of the fun stuff you can do with web technologies. Today, I’m going to show you how to upload files via AJAX. First, we’ll see how to upload files using vanilla JavaScript. And later on, I’ll show how you could use the DropzoneJS library to implement drag-and-drop file uploads. Looking… Continue reading Uploading Files With AJAX

How to Use Map, Filter and Reduce in JavaScript

Functional programming has been making quite a splash in the development world these days. And for good reason: Functional techniques can help you write more declarative code that is easier to understand at a glance, refactor, and test. One of the cornerstones of functional programming is its special use of lists and list operations. And… Continue reading How to Use Map, Filter and Reduce in JavaScript

How to Use ARIA Roles, Properties, and States in HTML

In this beginner’s accessibility tutorial we’re going to learn what ARIA is, why it is necessary to write our HTML with ARIA in mind, what ARIA roles, properties, and states are, and (very importantly) the 5 rules of ARIA use. What is ARIA? ARIA stands for Accessible Rich Internet Applications and it was created by the World… Continue reading How to Use ARIA Roles, Properties, and States in HTML

Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2020

In the spirit of fall feasts, this month’s collection of tools and resources is a smorgasbord of sorts. You’ll find everything from web tools to icon libraries to animation tools to great free fonts. Let’s dig in. Here’s what new for designers this month. The Good Line-Height The Good Line-Height is the tool you won’t… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2020

Submit A Form Without Page Refresh Using jQuery

A great way to improve the user experience of your website is to validate and submit forms without a page refresh. In this tutorial I’ll show you how easy it is to do just that—validate and submit a contact form that without page refresh using jQuery! Let’s get started. What We’re Building In this example,… Continue reading Submit A Form Without Page Refresh Using jQuery

10 CSS3 Properties you Need to be Familiar With

We’ve already covered the thirty CSS selectors that we should all memorize; but what about the new CSS3 properties? Though most of them still require a vendor-specific prefix, you can still use them in your projects today. In fact, it’s encouraged! Web Development The 30 CSS Selectors You Must Memorize Jeffrey Way At the conclusion of… Continue reading 10 CSS3 Properties you Need to be Familiar With

A Guide to HTML & CSS Forms (No Hacks!)

Historically, HTML forms have been quite tricky — firstly, because at least a little bit of JavaScript was required, and secondly, because no amount of CSS could ever make them behave. However, this isn’t necessarily true in the case of the modern web, so let’s learn how to mark up forms using only HTML and… Continue reading A Guide to HTML & CSS Forms (No Hacks!)

7 All-Too-Common Landing Page Errors You Must Avoid

And it does this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year without ever asking for a pay raise. But this is true only if your website landing page is designed well, maintained, and optimized to the gills. The art and science of a flawless landing page is beyond the scope… Continue reading 7 All-Too-Common Landing Page Errors You Must Avoid

How to Use AJAX in PHP and jQuery

Today, we’re going to explore the concept of AJAX with PHP and JavaScript. The AJAX  technique helps you to improve your application’s user interface and enhance the overall end user experience. If want to learn JavaScript, check out our free online course on JavaScript fundamentals! FREE JavaScript Modern JavaScript Fundamentals Dan Wellman What Is AJAX? AJAX… Continue reading How to Use AJAX in PHP and jQuery

Accessible Routing in JavaScript Frameworks

Lost in Transition In my role as a Developer Consultant with Deque, I get asked a variety of questions on how to implement and fix technical accessibility issues. One topic that always seems to be at the forefront of everything else that developers have asked is ‘How do I manage focus in my JavaScript framework?’.… Continue reading Accessible Routing in JavaScript Frameworks

12 Best Google Design & Development Tools

Google resembles an iceberg: there’s the part above the water we can see and use everyday; there’s also the part beneath the water, that we don’t see and know little about. While many of us are concerned about the aspects of Google we don’t see — the parts that threaten our privacy, or monopolize the… Continue reading 12 Best Google Design & Development Tools

24 Best jQuery Image Sliders

Add a full-featured and easy-to-implement jQuery image slider to your website to help you keep your visitors’ attention.  CodeCanyon offers some of the best jQuery image sliders available on the web for a low one-time payment. Slider Revolution is one of the best-selling jQuery image sliders available on CodeCanyon. Images are an integral part of… Continue reading 24 Best jQuery Image Sliders

'Knowing what you're looking at' – JS tips for new React developers

August 17, 2020 I have a confession to make. While I have been a professional web developer for over 6 years, I didn’t feel comfortable with JavaScript until a year and a half ago. I still don’t feel like I know a lot of things. There’s a lot that still confuses me. But I’ve grown… Continue reading 'Knowing what you're looking at' – JS tips for new React developers

Choose Your Own Adventure with the Parsons Web Design and Development Certificate

Many people dream of a career in web design, but it may actually be more attainable than you think. There are countless online courses, of variable quality, with little to no academic structure; self-learning is an option, but it doesn’t come with a curriculum. Without a professional structure and a comprehensive curriculum your dream career… Continue reading Choose Your Own Adventure with the Parsons Web Design and Development Certificate

What Are the Best Online Web Design Certificate Programs?

August 5, 2020 by Clarence Web design is a continuous learning process. As our technology develops day by day, the number of new things we need to learn to be well-versed in web design increases as well. Good thing there are already online classes that teach web design. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional,… Continue reading What Are the Best Online Web Design Certificate Programs?

17 Tools I Can’t Design Without

I think of a creative practice as a combination of an approach (a design philosophy) and a series of techniques (craft skills); a good tool facilitates a technique, which in turn supports an approach. It wasn’t until I sat down to write a list of tools I can’t design without, that I realized just how… Continue reading 17 Tools I Can’t Design Without