In the web design industry, it’s rare that a tool stays relevant for a decade or more. Things tend to change so quickly that the useful life of an app or framework usually isn’t very long. However, Twitter’s Bootstrap has defied those odds. Now in existence for over 10 years, the self-described “front-end open source… Continue reading A Look at Its Impact on the Web
Tag: JavaScript
What is React Native?
React Native is a cross-platform mobile application development framework that Facebook created in 2015. React Natives uses JavaScript as the underlying programming language, and it aims to help developers can build native mobile apps for both Android and IOS devices with a single codebase. In this post, I’ll introduce some of the key concepts and… Continue reading What is React Native?
Practice Makes Perfect: 4 Reasons You Struggle Learning JavaScript
However much information you process when studying anything, there will be no results unless you start applying it in real life. To master a language, people usually practice writing, speaking, and listening to strengthen their knowledge after learning theory. With a programming language, it’s not quite the same. You can read the code and write… Continue reading Practice Makes Perfect: 4 Reasons You Struggle Learning JavaScript
How to Enable or Disable a Button With JavaScript: jQuery vs Vanilla
In this article, we’ll discuss how you can enable or disable a button with JavaScript. First, we’ll go through how it works in vanilla JavaScript and later on we’ll see how to do it with jQuery. JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the web. The majority of websites use it, and all modern… Continue reading How to Enable or Disable a Button With JavaScript: jQuery vs Vanilla
Create a Unique Scrolling Website With Locomotive Scroll & Tailwind CSS
Have you ever wanted to build a unique single-page scrolling website yet didn’t know where to start? If so, don’t worry! Today we’re going to create together such a website. To achieve this, we’ll take advantage of Locomotive Scroll, a small and easy-to-use JavaScript library for cool scrolling effects. Plus, to speed up the development… Continue reading Create a Unique Scrolling Website With Locomotive Scroll & Tailwind CSS
How to Change the URL in JavaScript: Redirecting
In this quick article, we’ll discuss how to change the URL in JavaScript by redirecting. We’ll go through a couple of different ways that you can use to perform JavaScript redirects. JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the web. The majority of websites use it, and all modern web browsers support it without… Continue reading How to Change the URL in JavaScript: Redirecting
5 Web Design Tips To Improve Your SEO
Many factors affect your SEO ranking, and getting the best results from it depends on the same factors that affect your SEO. When people hear the words ‘search engine optimization’ or SEO, they automatically think about optimizing their content through keywords in order to improve their ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). However, many… Continue reading 5 Web Design Tips To Improve Your SEO
Create Beautiful WordPress Pages with Optimized Images Using Elementor and ImageEngine
WordPress powers nearly 40% of all websites, thanks to its commitment to making publication possible for everyone, for free. Combined with premium plugins and themes, it’s possibly the ultimate tool for building attractive, unique, and feature-rich websites without any coding or design experience. However, you do pay the price for this experience, with WordPress and… Continue reading Create Beautiful WordPress Pages with Optimized Images Using Elementor and ImageEngine
How to Preserve the Menu State on Page Load (Using Local Storage)
What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple static site with Tailwind CSS and then learn how to preserve its menu state on page load. The first time we visit the site, the menu will be hidden. However, as soon as we open it and close the browser, we’ll use local storage… Continue reading How to Preserve the Menu State on Page Load (Using Local Storage)
Four Free Flutter Widgets You Should Know About
Flutter development has experienced unprecedented growth in the last year. Not only has it expanded as a channel for developers to expand their skillset in Dart, but it has also allowed them to enjoy the perks of a single codebase. Whether you are making a widget on Flutter or looking for a Flutter widget that could make a… Continue reading Four Free Flutter Widgets You Should Know About
3 Effective Ways To Improve Your Site’s Carbon Footprint
At the dawn of the web-era, there was much focus on how environmentally friendly websites were: we’d chop down fewer trees, ship fewer products, and travel less for business. And because the web was small, any negative impact it had was relatively small. But the Internet’s no longer small, and neither is the impact it… Continue reading 3 Effective Ways To Improve Your Site’s Carbon Footprint
HTML5 Form Validation With the “pattern” Attribute
In this tutorial we’ll explore HTML’s pattern attribute, using it to help us customize the way we validate our forms. Form Validation Video Check out the video tutorial below, subscribe to Tuts+ on Youtube, or read on to learn more about HTML form validation and the pattern attribute! HTML5 Form Validation Form validation is of… Continue reading HTML5 Form Validation With the “pattern” Attribute
7 Skills You Need To Thrive As A Web Designer In 2021
Web design is an ever-evolving field. Those of us that have been in the industry a long time (i.e., six months plus) have seen the launch of more products, the establishment of more ideas, and the promise of more growth than most industries see over a whole career. While the tools we use, the terminology… Continue reading 7 Skills You Need To Thrive As A Web Designer In 2021
8 Best Free Live Chat PHP Scripts
Are you thinking of adding a free live chat feature to your website? Do you want to give personalized live chat support that will improve your visitors’ website experience? Do you want your forum members to chat with each other in real time? Fortunately, there are free PHP scripts available to help. Free PHP live… Continue reading 8 Best Free Live Chat PHP Scripts
Top 5 Online Courses to Learn HTML for Students
Programming and computer science are undoubtedly becoming the top valued careers in the world, so there’s more than one reason to hurry up and master one or both of them while the demand is still high. Still, learning how to speak to a computer and treat it right beyond the basic user’s ability can be… Continue reading Top 5 Online Courses to Learn HTML for Students
Example of How to Add Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a PHP Form
In this article, I’m going show you how to add Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a form on your PHP website. The latest reCAPTCHA is different than the previous versions—it doesn’t require user interaction at all. In this post, we’ll see how it works, and we’ll build a real-world example for demonstration purposes. As a website… Continue reading Example of How to Add Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a PHP Form
How to Convert Bootstrap Pills (Tabs) Into a Dropdown Menu
In the past, we’ve discussed various Bootstrap 4 extensions. Today I’ll show you how to convert Bootstrap pills (tabs) into a dropdown. Most importantly we’ll keep both these components in sync. We’ll use pills for the desktop layout and a dropdown for mobile screens. Note: for this exercise, I’m going to use Bootstrap 4 latest… Continue reading How to Convert Bootstrap Pills (Tabs) Into a Dropdown Menu
How to Work With Cookies in PHP
You might have heard about cookies, but what exactly are they and what can we actually do with them? In this tutorial, we will focus on the basics of cookies, and learn about their functionality in various web applications and site environments. We will also learn how to work with cookies in PHP. Cookies vs… Continue reading How to Work With Cookies in PHP
Scrape the Web at Scale With the scrapestack API
Introduction to Web Scraping Businesses need better information to target and reach wider audiences. They get this information by scraping the web for content from social media platforms, eCommerce platforms, video platforms, travel platforms, review and ratings, and more. Web scraping is simply collecting information and data from around the web. It can be done… Continue reading Scrape the Web at Scale With the scrapestack API
Flexbox Align: When to Use Auto Margins Instead of Flexbox Center
Flexbox alignment properties are superb and they solve lots of layout problems, especially where the common “vertical and horizontal center” layout is needed. However, there are times when aligning with auto margins is safer and more flexible. This tutorial will show you when! Get Started with Flexbox If you’re just stepping into the world of… Continue reading Flexbox Align: When to Use Auto Margins Instead of Flexbox Center
What Are Web Fonts?
If you’re new to web fonts, you might be wondering: what are web fonts? Don’t worry. Here we’ll cover what web fonts are and how to install web fonts. We’ll also show you some of the best web fonts from Envato Elements. Web fonts are fonts especially created for websites. They’re usually on a web… Continue reading What Are Web Fonts?
Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template
Building a React Native app from scratch can be difficult. Setting up the initial project can be complex and annoying, especially for those who work primarily on web applications. How do you deal with the command-line interface? What is exporting your project? These questions pop up, and for your first few apps, they’ll seem like… Continue reading Getting Started With the MStore Pro React Native App Template
Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2
Every now and then, you will have to show an alert box to your users to let them know about an error or notification. The problem with the default alert boxes provided by browsers is that they are not very attractive. When you are creating a website with great color combinations and fancy animation to… Continue reading Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2
Uploading Files With AJAX
I can’t seem to reach the end of the fun stuff you can do with web technologies. Today, I’m going to show you how to upload files via AJAX. First, we’ll see how to upload files using vanilla JavaScript. And later on, I’ll show how you could use the DropzoneJS library to implement drag-and-drop file uploads. Looking… Continue reading Uploading Files With AJAX