Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however,… Continue reading Popular Design News of the Week: May 4, 2020 – May 10, 2020
Tag: CSS
How to Choose the Best WordPress Theme for Your Business
Creating your company’s website is a big project. This is true no matter what kind of company you operate: a manufacturing firm, a retail store, a business consultancy, or a software development company. The process includes multiple components: developing your message, writing the copy to express it, creating an easy-to-navigate structure, and coming up with… Continue reading How to Choose the Best WordPress Theme for Your Business
How to Build a Simple Toggle Switch Component With the CSS Checkbox Hack
In this short tutorial, we’ll learn how to build a CSS-only switch component by taking advantage of the “CSS checkbox hack technique”. Along the way, we’ll also look at other switch implementations on Codepen. Sound like a good challenge? Our Switch Component Here’s what we’ll be building during this tutorial–a simple todo checklist: For design… Continue reading How to Build a Simple Toggle Switch Component With the CSS Checkbox Hack
Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS
April 29, 2020 I’ve always loved exploring how to make semantic, accessible elements aesthetically pleasing. And yes, it is possible. Challenging myself to do this has improved my CSS skills. Today we are going to talk about input[type=”range”]. These inputs where you select a value from a slider that has a thumb on it. You… Continue reading Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS
Exciting New Tools for Designers, April 2020
While there’s a lot going in the world with the COVID-19 pandemic, the design world is also reacting. You’ll notice that some of the newest tools and resources for designers are for working through or with the virus’ impact or are inspired by this change to our lifestyles. Here’s what new for designers this month.… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, April 2020
7 Online Business Ideas That You Can Start With Just WordPress Plugins
As the time passes by, the online businesses are growing rapidly with the support of already available online business platforms, plugins etc. And to Achieve the same, WordPress is much louder than anything else around to fulfill the required online business existence without any boundaries and limitations. As having the high-end yet diversified software… Continue reading 7 Online Business Ideas That You Can Start With Just WordPress Plugins
20 Best HTML5 Audio Players
Do you need to add an audio player to your website? Is the default browser audio player too limited? By adding a premium HTML5 audio player plugin to your website you will be able to successfully share your audio files in a visually appealing and interactive way. Super HTML5 Music Player is one of the many… Continue reading 20 Best HTML5 Audio Players
How to Style Wide and Full-Width Gutenberg Blocks in WordPress
The Gutenberg block editor for WordPress has changed how we create content within the CMS. But it’s also opened up some new possibilities on the front end as well. One of the more interesting developments in this area is the ability to add “full” or “wide” blocks to a page or post. This feature adds… Continue reading How to Style Wide and Full-Width Gutenberg Blocks in WordPress
6 Best Browsers for Developers in 2020
On the surface, web browsers seem very similar. They all provide you with a relatively straightforward way to get online and search for the content that you need. However, the more time you spend building your skills as a designer/developer, the more you’ll recognize the need for a unique kind of browsing experience. Fortunately, we’ve found… Continue reading 6 Best Browsers for Developers in 2020
How to Add Custom CSS to Your WordPress Site
The WordPress ecosystem is huge, so it can be a challenge to find the perfect theme to match your brand in every respect. A good starting point is by browsing the thousands of high-quality WordPress themes on ThemeForest. However, it frequently happens that you find an almost perfect design but you still want to tweak it a little—or… Continue reading How to Add Custom CSS to Your WordPress Site
CSS Tips for Better Color and Contrast Accessibility
Color accessibility is an important part of visual accessibility. People with various types of visual impairments, such as color blindness and low vision, perceive colors in different ways. As a result, the meaning of colors becomes less significant or is completely lost for users with visual disabilities. Although most articles on color accessibility give design tips… Continue reading CSS Tips for Better Color and Contrast Accessibility
12 Best CSS Animations on CodeCanyon
In the past few years, browsers have come a long way when it comes to supporting newer CSS properties that allow developers to create nice effects and animations using just pure CSS. There is a lot of browser support for using different transitions and keyframe animations in your projects now. You no longer have to… Continue reading 12 Best CSS Animations on CodeCanyon
How to Lint CSS Using Stylelint
Linters have been around for a good while; but if you’re new to CSS this might be the first you’ve heard about them. A CSS linter will keep your stylesheets in check and make you a better coder! What Are the Benefits of CSS Linters? As front end developers we hope that the code we… Continue reading How to Lint CSS Using Stylelint
Metatags 101: A Simple Guide for Designers
One of my mottos in life, and in business is this: “If Google tells you to do something, you better get it done.” And when it comes to using HTML meta tags for SEO, none of us should be messing around. That said, you know how it is with Google search. The algorithms are always… Continue reading Metatags 101: A Simple Guide for Designers
How to Remove “Powered by WordPress” From the Footer
So you’ve spent days, weeks or perhaps even months perfecting your WordPress website, and you’re excited to finally publish it—and then you notice the Proudly Powered By WordPress disclaimer in your website’s footer. WordPress may be one of the world’s most popular content management systems, but chances are you’ll want people to view your website… Continue reading How to Remove “Powered by WordPress” From the Footer
Boost Your Website Loading Speed with CSS Hacks
The user experience on a website matters the most; the content on it being of parallel value. A website’s user experience is all about making the navigation and the buyer’s journey of a prospective customer/visitor as smooth as possible and providing them with everything that they need to complete an action or a transaction, given… Continue reading Boost Your Website Loading Speed with CSS Hacks
Exciting New Tools for Designers, December 2019
As you are shopping this month for others, why not find a few goodies for yourself? Our roundup of new tools and resources is packed with usable items. And most are free, so there’s no shame in trying out something for yourself. Here’s what’s new for designers this month. CSS Background Generator CSS Background Generator… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, December 2019
How to Use a Free Responsive Portfolio WordPress Gallery Plugin
There are a lot of free and paid gallery plugins out there which you can use of your website to showcase images to visitors. Some of them simply allow you to display images in a neat manner on the website while others try to provide an all-in-one package with features like lightbox and social sharing… Continue reading How to Use a Free Responsive Portfolio WordPress Gallery Plugin
Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2019
You’re sure to find some tools and resources that will help you save time as we enter what is often one of the most hectic seasons of the year. Here’s what’s new for designers this month. Screen Size Map Screen Size Map is a tool to showcase popular screen sizes and will even auto-detect yours.… Continue reading Exciting New Tools for Designers, November 2019
How to Build an Accordion Component With the CSS Checkbox Hack
What You’ll Be Creating In this short tutorial, we’ll learn how to build a CSS-only flexible accordion component by taking advantage of the “CSS checkbox hack technique”. Most importantly, our component will be fully responsive and its layout will switch between horizontal and vertical depending on the viewport size. Along the way, we’ll discuss how… Continue reading How to Build an Accordion Component With the CSS Checkbox Hack
23+ Best HTML Resume Templates to Make Personal Profile CV Websites (2019)
A personal website is one of the greatest assets you can have in 2019. A personal resume website puts you in complete control over your name and your personal brand. It also increases your visibility and makes it easier for employers, or even clients, to find you online. Example of professional resume (CV) website design… Continue reading 23+ Best HTML Resume Templates to Make Personal Profile CV Websites (2019)
Show an Event Calendar With a Free WordPress Calendar Plugin
Many businesses need to share event calendars with customers. For example, a restaurant can use an event calendar to advertise special musical events, or holiday menus. Similarly, schools can use event calendars on their websites to let students and teachers know about any upcoming activities in school related to sports, exams or other events. Event… Continue reading Show an Event Calendar With a Free WordPress Calendar Plugin
5 Unexpected UX Design Skills to Help You Level Up
Whenever a hiring boom like this happens, you have to consider how it could work against you. Sure, there are more job openings. However, that means that more UX designers (and designer wannabes) are going to come out of the woodwork, trying to snag up the highly coveted gigs. So, let’s assume that you’re all… Continue reading 5 Unexpected UX Design Skills to Help You Level Up
7 CSS Units You Might Not Know About
Learn CSS: The Complete Guide We’ve built a complete guide to help you learn CSS, whether you’re just getting started with the basics or you want to explore more advanced CSS. New CSS Techniques It’s easy to get stuck working with the CSS techniques we know well, but doing so puts us at a disadvantage… Continue reading 7 CSS Units You Might Not Know About