How to Easily Edit and Improve Photos for a Website

April 30, 2019 by Spyrestudios Adding photos to your website can definitely make it more appealing and help you to draw in and engage more visitors. But regardless of whether you’re using stock photography or snapping shots of your own, the one thing you need to be able to do is edit and improve the… Continue reading How to Easily Edit and Improve Photos for a Website

How to Make an InDesign Presentation Template

What You’ll Be Creating Ready to present your amazing business ideas? This InDesign presentation template will help you get what you need to launch your next project.  In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an InDesign presentation template. You will learn how to create a multi-page document and organize it with multiple layers. Paragraph… Continue reading How to Make an InDesign Presentation Template

Here’s How You Can Improve WordPress Code with Latest PHP Features

PHP is one of the most powerful and preferred scripting languages, and a huge number of WordPress sites are powered by it. However, developers faced several issues with this combo,and they are about to be answered. One of the main problems with WordPress and PHP up till now was mainly because of its backward compatibility… Continue reading Here’s How You Can Improve WordPress Code with Latest PHP Features

Step Up Your Photography Game With 5 Simple Rules

It is easier than ever for anyone to pick up their smartphone, take a few pictures, post them on social media and buoyed by positive feedback call themselves a photographer. However, there are several fundamental rules that you should follow which we will outline below. If you are keen on becoming serious with a good… Continue reading Step Up Your Photography Game With 5 Simple Rules

How to Create a Mental Health Themed Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating Although mental health is just as important as physical health, it’s often misunderstood and treated too lightly. After all, a person suffering from depression or anxiety looks completely fine on the outside, and nobody can tell what they’re really feeling. That’s where art can help—it allows the artist to show their… Continue reading How to Create a Mental Health Themed Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator Tutorials: 32 New Vector Tutorials to Learn Design & Illustration

Latest free Adobe Illustrator tutorials to design and illustrations. These tutorials are best for beginners and advance graphic designers. As we know Adobe illustrator is widely used to draw illustration, vector graphics and background and many more useful fully scaleable illustrations. Illustrator Tutorials are the best way to learn how to create professional vector graphics and illustrations. These tutorials will provide’s a… Continue reading Adobe Illustrator Tutorials: 32 New Vector Tutorials to Learn Design & Illustration

How to Create a Glowing, Fireflies Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating Have you ever caught fireflies on a warm summer night? When I was a kid we used to call them “lightning bugs.” I was always fascinated by how they would shine and glow against the sky, and loved releasing them back into the night. So in this tutorial, I’ll show you… Continue reading How to Create a Glowing, Fireflies Photo Manipulation in Adobe Photoshop

MasterStudy – Revolutionary Learning Management System on Vue.js!

MasterStudy Major Update! Introduction to the exclusive development of the LMS for effective organization of online courses. What is MasterStudy? MasterStudy is an elegant WordPress theme for educational needs. It is full of premium plugins that are professionally integrated to save your money and create the best online learning site for both teachers and students.… Continue reading MasterStudy – Revolutionary Learning Management System on Vue.js!

Tips For Using Images in Web Design: 20 Examples

Web designers know that images can have a huge impact on viewer experience.  An attractive image, placed on a well-designed site, can engage your users and send out a message.  How do you find the best images for our site?  How do you use your images to the very best effect? When creating a website,… Continue reading Tips For Using Images in Web Design: 20 Examples

5 Best Entry Level Cameras for Amateur Photography

Your entire photography portfolio looks like blurry iPhone pictures of your food. Guess what? It’s time to level up. Don’t go out and buy a camera just yet. Some of the best cameras you can find are confusing and way out of your budget. It’s not that these cameras are forever out of your reach.… Continue reading 5 Best Entry Level Cameras for Amateur Photography

Start your designs with a concept — and more UX links this week

If you like the links, don’t forget to ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Start your designs with a concept → The best designers I know always start a project with a concept (or conceptual model). What’s your design concept for this project? How do you envision people interacting with your product? What model are you trying to emulate in… Continue reading Start your designs with a concept — and more UX links this week

How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?

Everyone who runs a website knows that the loading speed is the most important factor for high convension, especially, if this is an online market. Studies made by Walmart clearly show that the longer it takes to load the page, the less operations made on the site by potential customers, because no one simply wants… Continue reading How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?

New Amazing Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

Download new amazing Photoshop Action and transform your photos into real life painting effect, oil paint, newspaper print, abstract effect, watercolor effect, comic and dots effects within a seconds. Mostly Photoshop actions available with video tutorials that shows how to setup action files and how to use. Every time you run the action you will get a highly detailed… Continue reading New Amazing Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

New High Quality Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

These Photoshop Action transform your photos into Oily effect, newspaper print, abstract, watercolor effect, comic and dots effects within a seconds. Mostly Photoshop actions available with video tutorials that shows how to setup action files and how to use. Every time you run the action you will get a highly detailed result, a lot of possibilities… Continue reading New High Quality Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

Illustrator Tutorials: 30 New Tutorials to Learn Illustration and Drawing Techniques

In vector illustrator tutorials you’ll learn how to draw illustration vector resources like vector logo, cartoon characters, typography poster and more useful illustration graphics. You’ll be able to use these illustration and drawing techniques for your future drawing and vector art and creating new interesting graphics and compositions! You may be interest ed in the following new articles… Continue reading Illustrator Tutorials: 30 New Tutorials to Learn Illustration and Drawing Techniques

25 New Adobe Photoshop Tutorials to Learn Editing & Photo Manipulation

The new releases of Photoshop CC 2017, rolling out with exciting new features photo editing and special effects for designers and digital photographers. Today we are gathered fresh new Adobe Photoshop Tutorials to learn how to edit photos, creating photo effects, manipulation, fantasy and retouching. These new 2017 tutorials are helpful to learn beginning and advance techniques to enhancement… Continue reading 25 New Adobe Photoshop Tutorials to Learn Editing & Photo Manipulation

10 Yearly Planner Design Ideas for 2017

Setting a list of goals and tasks for the year to come is a common activity that boosts motivation and gets us through the first tedious months after the holidays. Yearly planners are not only a great way to set your goals straight but it’s also an interesting design concept that can help you develop… Continue reading 10 Yearly Planner Design Ideas for 2017

Cinemagraphs in web design

If you read any of the countless web design trend reports that came out earlier this year, you likely read about the promise of large, hero-sized cinemagraphs placed prominently on homepages everywhere. So where are they? While a few fashion-forward companies are using them on their websites, the cinemagraph has been largely relegated to showcase… Continue reading Cinemagraphs in web design

Interview with Illustrator Grzegorz Rutkowski

Grzegorz Rutkowski is a 28 year-old Polish illustrator. He works in the industry for about 6-7 years. He was always interested in art since he was a child. He has done some comic arts and illustrations inspired by cartoons, movies and comics. Read on and enjoy! Can you tell us the process in making the… Continue reading Interview with Illustrator Grzegorz Rutkowski

How to Design a Tattoo With a Game of Thrones Theme

What You’ll Be Creating Game of Thrones season 6 is just around the corner! If you want to pass the time and learn something along the way, with this tutorial you’ll be able to create your own GoT tattoo design. I will show you how to plan the composition and how to paint it using… Continue reading How to Design a Tattoo With a Game of Thrones Theme

10 Illustrator Tools Every Designer Should Be Using

What You’ll Be Creating In this article, we’re going to talk about the top ten most useful tools in Adobe Illustrator. Whether you’re into icon design, illustrations or any other craft, you’ll definitely want to read this article, since you’ll learn something new and interesting about the software that you use on a daily basis. So,… Continue reading 10 Illustrator Tools Every Designer Should Be Using

10 Top Tips for Fashion Illustration

Fashion Patterns From clothes to accessories, fashion illustrations have a long history as a visual reference for a designer’s concepts or current fashion trends.  What makes a good fashion illustration, though? With help from content from Envato Market, let’s count down 10 top tips for creating great fashion illustrations to better your own sense of… Continue reading 10 Top Tips for Fashion Illustration

A Collection Of Useful Photoshop Typography Tutorials

Type art is popular at the moment for all sorts of reasons – and it’s a highly versatile skill to have. You can use illustrated lettering in projects ranging from posters to brochures – making it a great technique to add to your creative toolset. But beware: type art is so popular at the moment… Continue reading A Collection Of Useful Photoshop Typography Tutorials