An engineering manager’s guide to rebranding —

Anytime a company launches a rebrand there’s the obligatory “how we did it” blog post. Uber did it, AirBnB did it and we did it. Usually these posts jump right from “good looking people putting post-it notes on a glass wall” to “unveil on an unsuspecting public” stage, and completely skip the really tricky part — going… Continue reading An engineering manager’s guide to rebranding

Amazing Drawing Portraits by Russian Artist Viktor Miller-Gausa

Today we are featuring drawing illustrator, graphic designer and art director Viktor Miller-Gausa, with his amazing drawing portraits collection. He is from Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. In this posts, we will showcase his best portraits illustration  artwork for your inspiration. You can catch him Viktor words: This project. images that have inspired me. It seemed interesting and memorable. individual words, I would… Continue reading Amazing Drawing Portraits by Russian Artist Viktor Miller-Gausa

Vancouver Rebels Over Generic Rebrand

Many who don’t live in Vancouver at least know the western Canadian city for a few things: Sky-high housing prices, green sensibilities, and lots of rain. Now, thanks to local design and digital activists, they also know Vancouver for…producing a new city logo that has been blasted for being uninspiring. In an open letter published… Continue reading Vancouver Rebels Over Generic Rebrand

Overcoming Material Design.

Okay, I’m going to start this off with one statement; Material Design is great. It has helped unify user interfaces across platforms, and it provides designers with awesome resources (the icons especially ????????). And while some of you may use aterial Design as your UI-North-Star (why are you doing that to yourself), I am not… Continue reading Overcoming Material Design.

Interaction Awards, Chatbot Interactions, Empathy as Faux Ethics, and more UX this week

What’s hot in UX this week: Notifications: an Interview with John Saito, from Dropbox → We dream of a future with connected and ubiquitous experiences, but we still feel overwhelmed with the notifications across all our devices. In this last piece of our series we interviewed John Saito, ‘designer of words’ at Dropbox, about how we… Continue reading Interaction Awards, Chatbot Interactions, Empathy as Faux Ethics, and more UX this week

How to Create a Website to Compliment Your Logo

When it comes to creating your website and logo design, nothing but the best will do. You need to consider your branding always when creating any STD or web property. You also should consider your logo design and how your website works with your logo to help your branding. Remember that branding is a concerted… Continue reading How to Create a Website to Compliment Your Logo

Google Data Studio: a Nifty, Free, Easy-to-use Data Vis Tool

As a digital marketer, you can often be overwhelmed with the amount of information and data needed to be analyzed in order to evaluate your efforts. Traffic, conversion rate, user location, behavior and acquisitions — just to name a few — all have to be examined to define the progress of your digital marketing campaign.… Continue reading Google Data Studio: a Nifty, Free, Easy-to-use Data Vis Tool

The ultimate guide to CMS, part 1

Gather ’round friends, and I’ll tell you a story that is pure fabrication on my part, and also probably how it happened: Once upon a time, around 1995 (as far as I can figure out from searching around the web), some poor guy who worked as the “webmaster” for some large company was putting nearly… Continue reading The ultimate guide to CMS, part 1

Choice paralysis: 3 ways the number of choices impacts conversions

Maybe you’ve heard of a phenomenon called choice or analysis paralysis. In short, it’s a situation where a customer can’t make a decision on a purchase because he’s faced with so many choices that they end up paralyzing him. Hence, choice paralysis. In the annals of marketing, there’s this notorious jam experiment that painfully details… Continue reading Choice paralysis: 3 ways the number of choices impacts conversions

Designing for Tech Clients – How Pre-built Websites Will Help

Posted · Category: Best Collections If you are reading this article, you most likely have worked with a tech company or startup. You’ve noticed that this niche has its own rules. And you probably had to answer some hard questions. What’s the audience’s main treat? What’s the suited design style for tech clients? Do web… Continue reading Designing for Tech Clients – How Pre-built Websites Will Help

How to get your design concept approved by your client

Advertisement It is said that the main goal of the web design studio is to perceive their client. When you learn all about your client’s personality, values, and most importantly, business goals, you come up with a concept – a visual outline of the future website. Sometimes, however, it turns out that your vision does… Continue reading How to get your design concept approved by your client

10 Brilliant Design Quotes That Inspire Us

Working in an industry that allows us to produce new and thrilling designs everyday is something most people would be envious of. But, just like any other career, graphic and web designers still need a little inspiration every once in a while. Lucky for us, there have been many talented artists, designers, businesspeople and dreamers who have… Continue reading 10 Brilliant Design Quotes That Inspire Us

10 Writing Tools For Bloggers & Content Writers

In this collection, we are presenting 10 writing tools for bloggers and content writers. With the help of these amazing and superb writing tools you can easily and quickly improve your writing content for websites, blogs and for other purpose. These wonderful writing tools will help you in complex problems which you face in writing… Continue reading 10 Writing Tools For Bloggers & Content Writers

What Multipurpose WordPress Theme Should You Pick?

Posted · Category: Best Collections Most web designers work with a variety of website types, and they prefer multipurpose themes for that reason. This is especially true when they need to deliver websites to multiple clients with different needs. Each of the multipurpose WP themes presented here features pre-designed website or layout selections from which… Continue reading What Multipurpose WordPress Theme Should You Pick?

6 Principles for Timeless Web Design

How do you stay relevant when your audience always changes? Just like fashion, film, and food, web design and UI are subject to an ever-changing set of standards and expectations. While you might sometimes want to cater to the crowd, having the know-how to create something that does the job and does it well is always… Continue reading 6 Principles for Timeless Web Design

11 Free Tools To Make Marketing Magic

If you want to create some outstanding and attractive marketing magic then you should try this collection. In this post, we are presenting top 11 free tools which help you to make marketing magic. In this post all these tools are free and very useful. When you use these tools in your projects it makes… Continue reading 11 Free Tools To Make Marketing Magic

What Are WordPress Themes?

We recently wrapped up a series that covered How to Get Started With WordPress. Though it’s not a pre-requisite for reading the following article, I recommend reading through the four posts, especially if you’re someone who is just now getting started with WordPress. The people who visit Envato Tuts+ come from a variety of backgrounds, both… Continue reading What Are WordPress Themes?

Interview with Artist Devin Mars

Devin Mars is a digital artist from USA. born in Curitiba, Brazil. He can’t really pinpoint an exact moment on the time he wanted to become an artist because it’s an idea that evolved with him. Let us know about him more in this interview. So, read on and enjoy! When did you decide to become an artist? I… Continue reading Interview with Artist Devin Mars

What’s new for designers, February 2016

In this month’s edition of what’s new for designers and developers, we’ve included frameworks, code resources, UX and UI design tools, JavaScript resources, design and dev tools, apps, stock photo sources, and much more. And as always, we’ve also included some awesome new free fonts! Almost everything on the list this month is free, with… Continue reading What’s new for designers, February 2016

Counting Word Frequency in a File Using Python

Ever wondered about a quick way to tell what some document is focusing on? What is its main topic? Let me give you this simple trick. List the unique words mentioned in the document, and then check how many times each word has been mentioned (frequency). This way would give you an indication of what… Continue reading Counting Word Frequency in a File Using Python

Icons In Web Design

Image source:[2] Well-executed and beautiful icons look like tiny and cute images, but they are much more than that. They are extremely advantageous to every website because they attach visual cues to the essential elements of a website (headings, sections, buttons, etc) and they make the site/app look professional and sophisticated. Generally speaking, icons… Continue reading Icons In Web Design

What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design

One of the most common elements of your website is typography. After all, it is for reading the content that visitors typically look to visit your web-pages. Undoubtedly, graphics and layouts are also key components of a webpage but you simply cannot ignore line heights, type size, and column width in their favor. When it… Continue reading What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design

5 Must Have Free eBooks for Web Designers

We have gathered 5 ebooks regarding web design for you to download and read. In the era of Internet, you can get good quality free content instead of buying with cash. Here we have a list of ebooks that’s worth reading. Enjoy. 1. Designing for the Web by Mark Boulton This snappy, extensive book from… Continue reading 5 Must Have Free eBooks for Web Designers

10+ Awesome Tools You Should Use

2015 has just started and we all are looking for ways to improve our work. How can we do that ? The easiest way is to start using the best solutions on the market. Here is the showcase of the best tools and services. 1. Great results can only be achieved when we work… Continue reading 10+ Awesome Tools You Should Use