The opportunity for freelancers to make money in any number of fields is greater than it ever has been. Nearly anyone, with skills they already have, can make a living from home by freelancing. Rather than creating departments and hiring employees, hundreds of companies are using freelancers instead to get the work they need done… Continue reading 5 Must Have Tools for All Freelancers
Tag: space
Tips That Graphic Designers Should Follow
As children, many of us used to draw or doodle to express our thoughts. Perhaps we doodled during lessons when work felt tedious and we no longer wanted to pay attention. Some of may have doodles while thinking, creating a pattern or texture on the page. Perhaps we were discouraged by our early results and… Continue reading Tips That Graphic Designers Should Follow
25 Best Minimalism Resume Templates 2018
Super clean and minimalistic Best CV /Resume Templates print ready designs can assist you achieve the dream job. Simple and sophisticated design Minimal Resume Templates are fully editable and easy to customize. These template are perfect for those who want to make a good impression. All templates are perfect for photographers, designers, and developers with easy to customize fully Photoshop layered PSD files. These resume… Continue reading 25 Best Minimalism Resume Templates 2018
5 Tips to Make Your Business Website User-Friendly for More Conversions
Days when businesses used websites for sharing information and promoting products only, are long gone. Today, companies use websites to improve customer experiences and increase traffic conversion. However, to offer your website visitors with the best experience possible, you need to ensure your site is as engaging as possible. One of the most critical aspects… Continue reading 5 Tips to Make Your Business Website User-Friendly for More Conversions
SVG Viewport and viewBox (For Complete Beginners)
Check out this quick SVG viewport and viewBox tutorial. We’ll break down exactly what viewport and viewBox are in SVG for the web. SVG Viewport If you literally break down the word “viewport” you’ll get a hint as to its role in SVG. It creates a “port” through which you can “view” a section of… Continue reading SVG Viewport and viewBox (For Complete Beginners)
How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?
Everyone who runs a website knows that the loading speed is the most important factor for high convension, especially, if this is an online market. Studies made by Walmart clearly show that the longer it takes to load the page, the less operations made on the site by potential customers, because no one simply wants… Continue reading How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?
New Free Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials (30 Tuts)
Free text effect tutorials to learn how to create 2D, 3D, Retro & Vintage and 80’s text effects in Illustrator and Photoshop tutorials. Tutorials are perfect for beginners and advance graphic designers. There are amazing text effect tutorials to create posters, flyers, calendar and giving your typography or lettering a fresh touch with traditional and digital media, mixing patterns and textures… Continue reading New Free Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials (30 Tuts)
A Short Guide to Mobile-First Web Design
There is no way to go around the fact that modern websites have to provide a quality user experience on a variety of devices. Four out of five people who would visit your website use both mobile and desktop devices. Even though mobile-only is a trend that has been exhibiting growth, it still makes the… Continue reading A Short Guide to Mobile-First Web Design
How to Create Better Typography Based Designs
In days gone by, books were originally handwritten by monks in monasteries. Later on, they were created out of wooden or metal type, which was used as a part of a printing process. Using typography, therefore, has a long legacy. In a world where many focus on a drop down menu and the size of… Continue reading How to Create Better Typography Based Designs
Inclusive Design Mindset
At the end of a 72-hour race to complete the Student Design Challenge (SDC) hosted by Microsoft at IxDA this year, I was prompted to think about how my experience could not only benefit future designers, but also public school teachers. The challenge was to design an interactive way to teach rhythm to a student… Continue reading Inclusive Design Mindset
Analysing Usability Testing Data
Gathering feedback from your users is a crucial part of any design process. The way in which you can gather this feedback varies depending on what kind of questions you are trying to answer, the resources you have available for user research and what stage of the product life cycle you are currently in. Qualitative… Continue reading Analysing Usability Testing Data
Typography Tips You Should Know When Designing a Website
Graphic designers use typography as a form of communication. Both the appearance of text and the readability of this text in a visual product have an impact on user experience. Typography speaks to users, and may, therefore, be considered the voice of design. This is because typography sets a mood for a website and shares… Continue reading Typography Tips You Should Know When Designing a Website
Modern Dining Table Set at Urban Ladder
Home planning and designing is the important part of our life. If you cannot design your home then you will not feel complete and if you are planning about only living room or drawing room then you are missing a very important place of your home is dining area. For that area you will need… Continue reading Modern Dining Table Set at Urban Ladder
How ideating with developers can make you a better designer
I haven’t always been as lucky as I am now by being able to work extremely close with an incredible team of developers. Since making the in-house move, I’ve had the chance to work directly with iOS, Android, and Full Stack developers. Each of them is extremely talented, and they truly care about the product.… Continue reading How ideating with developers can make you a better designer
3 Features Every CSS Navigation Menu Must Have
Building a custom CSS navigation menu for yourself or a client is exciting. You’ve got a blank canvas to start with, and you can create anything. However, CSS menus aren’t simple. Engineering them might be old hat, but over the years, CSS menus have gotten stuck in a groove, skipping some of the most important… Continue reading 3 Features Every CSS Navigation Menu Must Have
50 Best Adobe Photoshop Tutorials Of 2017
The top best Photoshop tutorials of 2017 are just gathered for you. Amazing collection of incredible Adobe Photoshop tutorials to learn from beginners to advanced Photoshop techniques and improve your Photo editing and manipulation skills. If you are interested to learn How to use Photoshop and their tools. So here is the list of 50 Best Photoshop… Continue reading 50 Best Adobe Photoshop Tutorials Of 2017
3D Particle Explorations | Codrops
An inspirational set of demos that explores particle animations in 3D space with three.js. This type of animations could be very suitable for page loaders. This set of demos explores 3D particle animations using three.js and easing. All of the particles and shapes in these demos are made from basic geometry/material/mesh sets in three.js, such… Continue reading 3D Particle Explorations | Codrops
A Showcase of Great Typography Usage in Web Design
Good typography is vital to having an effective website. Visitors need to be able to read the info on a site, whether it is an eCommerce website or a purely informational website. If they aren’t able to read it, they will quickly leave. The site will not be linked to, so it won’t show up… Continue reading A Showcase of Great Typography Usage in Web Design
Getting Started with CSS Grid Layout ― Scotch
Introduction CSS Grid Layout allows us to construct custom grids with more flexibility and control than ever before. Grid Layout gives us the ability to divide a webpage into rows and columns with simple properties. It also allows us to position and size each element inside the grid using CSS only, without any change to… Continue reading Getting Started with CSS Grid Layout ― Scotch
12 Ways to Design the Perfect Site Navigation
Header navigation menus can often be overlooked when it comes to inventive and creative web design. But as the primary way users explore and interact with your website, investing in engaging header navigation means site visitors spend more time on your site and end up seeing much more than just your landing page. There’s no… Continue reading 12 Ways to Design the Perfect Site Navigation
Avoiding Common Problems with CSS Grid
October 25, 2017 by Alex Fox For many dark days, properly aligning objects on a webpage with CSS alone was close to impossible. With mostly-functional semi-hacks like float, positioning and in-like block, we could make it work, but it was far from perfect. When vexed by a particularly troublesome layout quirk, some event lamented the… Continue reading Avoiding Common Problems with CSS Grid
How To Use Color In UI Design Wisely to Create A Perfect UI Interface?
Whenever found an interface that looks nice, clean and elegant, I save it. Now I have a collection of more than 100 UI interfaces. After learning, making use of or simply viewing it again and again, I finally realized something in common. It is always the color that steals my heart at the very first… Continue reading How To Use Color In UI Design Wisely to Create A Perfect UI Interface?
The 6 Elements of an Effective Logo
The signature of your company, a strong logo has the power to make people think your name without actually seeing the words. It’s your symbol, and as such it should immediately telegraph what you stand for in the minds of your customers. This is why it’s important to consider the attributes of your primary customer… Continue reading The 6 Elements of an Effective Logo
How Non-Digital Elements Can Improve UX
Designers draw ideas for website design and best user experience (UX) from everywhere – not just the digital sphere. If it annoys in real life, it can hinder user experience online. If it uplifts emotions or forms connections in the outside world, chances are it can be used for inspiration in designing online experiences as… Continue reading How Non-Digital Elements Can Improve UX