For those who work in graphic design, giclee printing will be a familiar concept. Favoured by artists, art lovers and professional printers worldwide, giclee printing is considered the gold standard for the creation of quality reproductions. But what is it about giclee printing that separates it from more conventional printing methods? More importantly, under what… Continue reading Giclee Printing: A Guide for Beginners
Tag: order
Landing Page Design Fundamentals That Boost Conversion Rates
Creating the perfect landing page can be a complex process that requires the expertise of web designers, professional copywriters and SEO experts, but the effort is worth it. An effective call-to-action page not only draws more visitors to your site, but also boosts conversion rates and sales. The ultimate goal of a landing page is… Continue reading Landing Page Design Fundamentals That Boost Conversion Rates
5 Power Plugins Your WooCommerce Store Can’t Miss
If you are a WordPress fan, WooCommerce needs no special introduction. Statistics reveal that around 28% of today’s online shops are built using WooCommerce! Brief Intro: For those who are new to WooCommerce, a brief intro. WooCommerce, is a free (Open Source) Ecommerce plugin from WordPress Family(Automattic). It was originally owned by WooThemes and… Continue reading 5 Power Plugins Your WooCommerce Store Can’t Miss
Best Resources For Online Learning in All Sorts of Domains
Considering that people find themselves in an era of accessible information, where everything is at one-click distance, it is highly important to separate quality facts from false ones. In order to do that, you must stay up to date with the best resources you should use for getting your facts straight. Regardless of the area… Continue reading Best Resources For Online Learning in All Sorts of Domains
How to Make a Great (Coming Soon) Website Product Launch Page
Launching a new product is an exciting business venture, one that could mean a world of difference for your business. However, as you’re prepping for the launch, it’s important to think about how you’re going to promote your product as well as make it possible for people to buy it. Here are two options: Create… Continue reading How to Make a Great (Coming Soon) Website Product Launch Page
How Technology Has Impacted the Four Orders of Design
Unless you are a professional designer who has remained current in your respective field, you may not be familiar with what many of today’s designers know as the “Four Orders of Design”, as developed by Professor Richard Buchanan and extensively written about in his book of the same name released in 1999. However, if you… Continue reading How Technology Has Impacted the Four Orders of Design
Create Style Variations for WordPress Gutenberg Blocks: Part 1
Now is an exciting time for WordPress developers with the official release of version 5.0 just around the corner. This will mark the debut of the brand new editor, code-named Gutenberg. If you have anything to do with WordPress on a regular basis, whether as a developer or as a user, then you’ll probably understand… Continue reading Create Style Variations for WordPress Gutenberg Blocks: Part 1
8 Best SEO Plugins For WordPress
You can build a beautiful WordPress site, but if you don’t optimize your site for search engine rankings, there is a good chance that very few people will see it. Google and other search engines use complex algorithms to boost some websites to first-page rankings and relegate others to obscurity. Search Engine Optimization is the… Continue reading 8 Best SEO Plugins For WordPress
How to Easily Animate SVGs With SVGator
SVG animation is a great alternative to using animated GIFs on the web, but it’s not always easy. In this tutorial I’m going to explain how you can easily animate SVGs using an online tool called “SVGator”. SVGator allows you to import SVG files, then animate individual elements within those SVGs. Animate SVGs With SVGator… Continue reading How to Easily Animate SVGs With SVGator
Celebrate Diversity in Design—Volume 15
Welcome back to our Diversity in Design series on Envato Tuts+. Discover four talented artists with inspiring styles you’ll love. 4 Artists You Should Know: Diversity in Design Celebrate the work of these extraordinary artists. Each with their own unique background, they draw inspiration from their culture and surroundings to create phenomenal designs. Magtira… Continue reading Celebrate Diversity in Design—Volume 15
Design Persuasive Websites With These Basic Principles
November 5, 2018 by Alex Fox Web design has become the focal point of the online industry. Why? Entrepreneurs are now concentrating all their resources on improving their online image, reputation, and brand. That brand is defined most strongly through an official website. Official websites are by far the most common tool used to attract… Continue reading Design Persuasive Websites With These Basic Principles
What’s New in Core ML 2?
Last year, Apple launched Core ML—a segue into the world of machine learning for Apple developers. Before that, we were already using machine learning with technologies like AutoCorrect, Siri, and a predictive keyboard, but Core ML brought a new level of power and flexibility into the hands of developers. During WWDC 18, Apple announced Core… Continue reading What’s New in Core ML 2?
Keyboard Accessibility Tips Using HTML and CSS
Making your website accessible for keyboard-only users is an important part of the bigger accessibility picture. Here are some keyboard accessibility tips you can quickly implement using basic HTML and CSS. A11y From the Beginning These tips are part of Web Accessibility: the Complete Learning Guide, where we’ve collected a range of tutorials, articles, courses, and… Continue reading Keyboard Accessibility Tips Using HTML and CSS
Draw with CSS: Using CSS To Draw Elements
With clever use of CSS properties, it is in fact possible to draw very complex shapes. All the shapes below were drawn with CSS alone. It might be that CSS isn’t the best way to render shapes in the browser window, but it’s very fast and included for “free” on all modern browsers. Learn how… Continue reading Draw with CSS: Using CSS To Draw Elements
How to Quickly Build Layouts With Bootstrap 4’s Responsive Flexbox Utilities
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to quickly build layouts with Bootstraps 4’s responsive flexbox utilities. To gain a better understanding of these utilities, we’ll examine four different examples. Note: this tutorial assumes you’re familiar with Bootstrap 4 as well as flexbox. Take a look at these courses to get you going in the right… Continue reading How to Quickly Build Layouts With Bootstrap 4’s Responsive Flexbox Utilities
4 Key Design Principles That Videos Should Leverage
September 30, 2018 by Spyrestudios Design principles can be applied to any visual medium – and videos are no exception. In fact it is essential that you consider the design of the elements in your videos if you want them to look impressive. While there are many design principles that you should take into account,… Continue reading 4 Key Design Principles That Videos Should Leverage
How to Digitally Paint Dimension and Texture in Adobe Photoshop
What You’ll Be Creating How do you add volume and texture to digital paintings? Simple. Just reference real-life objects! Digital painting is difficult for many people, but it’s really all about patience and giving yourself adequate time to develop details to the best of your ability. So today, we’re going to tackle this challenge by… Continue reading How to Digitally Paint Dimension and Texture in Adobe Photoshop
What Elements are Associated with Effective International E-Commerce Solutions?
It is estimated that the online e-commerce industry will enjoy more than £2.8 billion pounds worth of sales in 2018 (1). This figure is expected to represent an increasingly influential portion of the entire retail market. One of the reasons for this stunning observation is that the virtual retail community is associated with a global… Continue reading What Elements are Associated with Effective International E-Commerce Solutions?
Resize and Manipulate Images in PHP (With Examples)
In my previous tutorial, we discussed basic image manipulation using the PHP GD library. In that tutorial, I gave a brief introduction to the library and showed you how to load images from a file or create them from scratch in PHP. After that, we learned how to crop, rotate, scale and flip an image… Continue reading Resize and Manipulate Images in PHP (With Examples)
4 Insider Secrets to Building Persuasion in Every Pixel
One of the fundamental mistakes you can make as a web designer is to divorce your designs from business goals. Few websites exist just for the sake of it. If you want to be a well-paid designer, you’ll have to align your work with your clients’ business demands. Most businesses have a simple goal for… Continue reading 4 Insider Secrets to Building Persuasion in Every Pixel
Get Started With Pusher: Using Presence Channels
In this series, we’ve been learning about Channels from Pusher, a platform that allows you to give your users the seamless real-time experience they want. Presence channels build on the security provided by private channels, but they add the benefit of knowing which users are subscribed and connected to that channel. The best part is how… Continue reading Get Started With Pusher: Using Presence Channels
Soft Skills Needed to Be a Children’s Book Illustrator: A Practical Guide
What You’ll Be Creating Looking on the internet, it’s fairly simple to find articles and information on creating a book—from how to do layout to character design, writing your own story, and so on. In my travels I found that unless you sat down with an experienced illustrator over a cup of coffee, you would… Continue reading Soft Skills Needed to Be a Children’s Book Illustrator: A Practical Guide
Invisible Design – What It is and Why You Should Care
Most designers are, oftentimes, expected to maintain an amount of sensibility toward interfaces that are more well-crafted; however, there are some experiences that actually require virtually little to no new pixel work at all. This is due to the fact that any new kind of interface requires some amount of effort in order to make… Continue reading Invisible Design – What It is and Why You Should Care
Elevate Your Designs with the Perfect Mockups
As a designer, you work hard to create unique and interesting designs, but you also know that a great design isn’t enough to get your work noticed. One of the easiest and most effective ways to ensure that all of your hard work gets the recognition it deserves is by displaying it in a way… Continue reading Elevate Your Designs with the Perfect Mockups