Flexbox is an advanced method of more efficiently using space amongst items of a CSS container. While its theory can seen a bit complicated and difficult to master, thankfully the web is chock-full of great opportunities to learn. We’ve compiled a collection of some of the best resources out there to help you learn more… Continue reading CSS Flexbox Toolbox – Learning Guides, Tools & Frameworks
Category: Resources
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How To Choose Colors For Websites
Color schemes Although I will be criticized for skipping the basics, it is better to skip writing about why RGB is for web and CMYK is for print and other similar notions. Instead, I will jump directly to things that not everyone knows. For example, color schemes. In color theory, a color scheme is the… Continue reading How To Choose Colors For Websites
Learn SQL
Every web developer should know SQL. Although it has been around since the 70s, it is still widely used, and you can’t build a serious application without it. Most full-stack frameworks have libraries for dealing with the SQL complexity – ActiveRecord, Doctrine, Hibernate and more. But often times you need to get your hands dirty and write low-level… Continue reading Learn SQL
Card Stack Effects With CSS and Dynamics.js
This is some effect inspiration for card stacks. The idea is to show animation ideas for positive (accept) or negative (reject) feedback on a generic card element. Animation is at the top element of a stack by clicking on an accept or reject button.These kind of animations can fit into many scenarios involving all kinds… Continue reading Card Stack Effects With CSS and Dynamics.js
10 High Quality Apple Device Mockup PSDs
ADVERTISEMENT Mockups are designated to give a demonstration of actual full-scale output before it has been created to let clients check over the output. It is commonly used in automotive designing, system and software engineering, and consumer goods. Mockups not only save designers’ time but also let them communicate their ideas more effectively with the… Continue reading 10 High Quality Apple Device Mockup PSDs
The Best Tools for Building Websites and Portfolios in 2016
If your present page builder has taken the fun out of website design, it may be time to bring the fun back into the process. When Themeco launched Cornerstone, their 100% front-end page builder, it created more than just a stir. First introduced as compatible only with their incredibly popular X Theme, Themeco is close… Continue reading The Best Tools for Building Websites and Portfolios in 2016
How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop
How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop 3.33/5 (66.67%) 3 votes This is a simple tutorial about how to make an awesome space image with a couple of simple pictures. Made in Photoshop Cs5 on a Macbook pro. What you’ll be creating Jupiter Fall is a piece I did out of a dream I… Continue reading How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop
The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site
Web usability is an approach to make web sites easy to use for an end-user, without the requirement that any specialized training be undertaken. The user should be able to intuitively relate the actions she needs to perform on the web page with other interactions she sees similar contexts, e.g., press a button to perform… Continue reading The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site
Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins
Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables… Continue reading Design Mock-Ups Need Dynamic Content: Tools and Plugins
9 Free Database Tools For System Admins
Database management is the most essential thing that a developer needs to do in order to make sure that the website is up and running fine. Although, there is a huge plethora of tools available for database management but here in this compilation, we are showcasing only the 9 best database management tools for developers.… Continue reading 9 Free Database Tools For System Admins
How To Design User Interface Animations
Image source: Zach Krasner[2] Motion is not so simple – it might sound easy to add some ‘movement’ to your sketches, but how successfully could you replicate feelings and reactions? The truth is that designing interface animations could take a while before you upgrade from the basic animated patterns to highly technical interactions which could… Continue reading How To Design User Interface Animations
50+ fresh resources for designers, February 2016
Hey there! This month’s roundup comes with some amazing freebies for you to download and try out; including line icons, material design assets, gesture icons, mobile app presentation kits, a restaurant menu template, branding stationery mockups, watercolor illustrations, device mockups, stunning web and mobile UI kits, fancy fonts for all purposes, PSD templates, and landing page themes… Continue reading 50+ fresh resources for designers, February 2016
Add Gold/Silver Effects in One Click
Add Gold/Silver Effects in One Click 5.00/5 (100.00%) 3 votes Download this free set of Gold and Silver textures by SparkleStock. These Photoshop styles let you add gold/silver/rose-gold textures to your layer in one click. They’re a great way to make text look fancy without doing much. Examples How to Use After downloading the file, extract the… Continue reading Add Gold/Silver Effects in One Click
Beautiful Graphics Framework for Material Design in Swift
Material is a graphics and animation framework for Google’s Material Design. It is designed to allow the creativity of others to easily be expressed. It includes Fully Configurable UI Components, Base Material Layers & Material Views To Create New UI Components, Side Navigation View Controller, Navigation Bar View, Material Buttons, Material Card Views, Camera /… Continue reading Beautiful Graphics Framework for Material Design in Swift
11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers
This post showcases 11 best and most amazing CSS3 animation tools that will be extremely helpful for the developers. CSS3 has got excellent reputation among designers and developers. It is here to help them create amazing results. With these animation tools, you can create breath taking animations in a hassle free manner. These resources will… Continue reading 11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers
12 Free Small Business WordPress Themes
ADVERTISEMENT Are you looking for free responsive WordPress themes for your website or for your new project? If your answer is yes then look no further. In this post, we are showcasing 12 fresh and very appealing responsive WordPress themes for you. Responsive themes have become a necessity of the time. With the growing use… Continue reading 12 Free Small Business WordPress Themes
Create a Sci-Fi Chamber Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
Create a Sci-Fi Chamber Photo Manipulation in Photoshop 5.00/5 (100.00%) 1 vote Learn how to create a sci-fi photo manipulation of a mysterious chamber with amazing light flares and great entrance with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to contruct your own chamber with textures , place a model in front of the entrance… Continue reading Create a Sci-Fi Chamber Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
CSS And Javascript Animation Libraries To Create Awesome Effects
Velocity.js Velocity is an animation engine with the same API as jQuery’s animate(). It works with and without jQuery. It’s incredibly fast, and it features color animation, transforms, loops, easings, SVG support, and scrolling. It is the best of jQuery and CSS transitions combined. Vivus Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript class (with no dependencies) that… Continue reading CSS And Javascript Animation Libraries To Create Awesome Effects
10 Freelancing Tools & Apps To Manage Your Work
Freelancing comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In order to keep yourself motivated and up to date with the latest tools and developments in your area of work, freelancers need to spend lots of time in searching for the appropriate tools and resources. In this post, we are presenting 10 amazing freelancing… Continue reading 10 Freelancing Tools & Apps To Manage Your Work
20 Templates For Creating High-Fidelity Wireframes
Wireframing can be something quick and dirty, or it can be a large task that takes time to perfect. So here are some wireframe templates to help you save ton of time. With these templates you can easily create effective mockups and prototype of your web and mobile apps in no time. This is the… Continue reading 20 Templates For Creating High-Fidelity Wireframes
Philter – Control CSS Filters with HTML Attributes
Philter provides an easy way for almost anyone to post-process their content in the web. Using Philter is as easy as writing an attribute in HTML. Philter also supports hover effects. This nice effect of grayscale transition was created by Philter with one simple attribute. And some drop shadow, of course. Have you ever wanted… Continue reading Philter – Control CSS Filters with HTML Attributes
How to Create an Elastic SVG Progress Loading Bar
Codrops has published a tutorial of how to create an elastic SVG progress loader based on the Dribbble shot “Download” by xjw and implemented with SVG and TweenMax. The button starts as an icon with an arrow and once it’s clicked, it animates into a fun little wire and a label that indicates the download… Continue reading How to Create an Elastic SVG Progress Loading Bar
14 Best Resources For Learning CSS3
Are you looking for some detailed and useful CSS3 tutorials and techniques that you use to create better results? If your answer is yes then you are at right place. In this compilation, we are presenting top 14 useful and detailed CSS3 tutorials and techniques for you. All these tutorials and techniques are designed by… Continue reading 14 Best Resources For Learning CSS3
How To Design An App Walkthrough
Image source: Dan Machado[2] There are so many walkthroughs-misuse situations, that it is questionable whether designers really understand their purpose. There are many complex apps which don’t have walkthroughs, the same as simple ones which don’t need them, but they still incorporated them in their design. This makes the decision on whether to use walkthroughs… Continue reading How To Design An App Walkthrough