Be a cultivator of ideas to achieve trust, buy-in, and design excellence

Be a cultivator of ideas because you are more likely to achieve design excellence when you include ideas from a diverse group of people. Field Of Sunflowers by Matthew T Rader One of the UX Designer‘s primary roles is to not generate all the ideas but to cultivate ideas from the various stakeholders in a project. Early… Continue reading Be a cultivator of ideas to achieve trust, buy-in, and design excellence

UX principles for AI art tools like DALL·E

Setting a course for better image-generation tools. A composite image made with DALL·E, using the prompt: ‘1980s illustration of a face with a visible brain that’s exploding in shapes and colours’ For the past year, I’ve been experimenting with several AI art image generating systems: VQGAN+CLIP and Diffusion notebooks on Google Colab, Midjourney, a text-based… Continue reading UX principles for AI art tools like DALL·E

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5 annoying UX mistakes in iPad apps

A guide for building great iPad apps — because over-stretched iPhone apps don’t count. Continue reading on UX Collective »

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4 killer examples of personalized UX

Image by Mo on Unsplash. A key component to creating excellent User Experiences is personalized content. You have been — either consciously or unconsciously — a part of hundreds of personalization experiments. Every time you log in to Netflix to watch some series or scroll down TikTok while going to work. UX design plays a… Continue reading 4 killer examples of personalized UX

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What does your design cause?

What does your design cause which is undesirable or unintended or at odds with the design intent? How does one ask and answer these questions? In these next few posts I’m going to propose some ways of answering these questions that build up in complexity and propose some ways of thinking about causality and modeling… Continue reading What does your design cause?

The dark yellow problem, UX in the 90s, background grids, inclusive design

“Inclusivity is at the heart of user-centric design approach, which considers not just the average user, but all users. That said, inclusivity isn’t an on/off switch you can magically flip in an instance. To design for all users, you need to consider their physical abilities, experiences, expectations, values, beliefs, and much more.” Inclusive design 101… Continue reading The dark yellow problem, UX in the 90s, background grids, inclusive design

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The coffeeshop mobile UX battle: Starbucks x Peet’s

That Starbucks is a coffee shop powerhouse everybody knows. Living in California though, there are many options when searching for your daily caffeine dose. One of those options is Berkeley-based Peet’s Coffee, a west-coast-focused chain with over 200 stores, most of them in the Golden State. If there’s no comparison in terms of company size… Continue reading The coffeeshop mobile UX battle: Starbucks x Peet’s

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UX fundamentals for web3, investing in design, automated UI variations

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “Crypto-natives have been living and breathing Web 3 for years. They populate an enormous echo chamber of people speaking a language that most tech people can’t even understand, to say nothing of the general public. The sense of wonder and empowerment that comes from knowing you are building the future… Continue reading UX fundamentals for web3, investing in design, automated UI variations

Metaverse UX, designing with data, immature orgs, how to ask for gender

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “I’m sure that you or someone else you know have worked somewhere in the past where you felt that UX people were out of place. After all, UX is an emerging discipline and a lot of organizations want to hire people from our field because no organization wants to… Continue reading Metaverse UX, designing with data, immature orgs, how to ask for gender

Some important considerations before starting a research project

We all get excited when embarking on a new research project, but it is important to pause and reflect before you begin; building a strong rationale for research can lead to better outcomes for both practitioners and stakeholders. Take some time to pause and consider… Photo: Design Futures Australia Ihave been leading user research projects… Continue reading Some important considerations before starting a research project

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How to help bridge the gap between UX design and code

If you are working on several compositions at the same time or if your are several designers on the same design, it is important that the team (both designers and developers) knows that the Design System is reliable (“I’m looking at the right object”) and fresh (“it’s the latest validated version”). That’s one of the… Continue reading How to help bridge the gap between UX design and code

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Best UX Research Repositories for 2022

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} Trying to make sure your product, app, website, and/or designs meet the needs of your target audience is of course essential to success. These days, there are loads of tools to help you test your assumptions against your users to see which elements are working and which… Continue reading Best UX Research Repositories for 2022

I Took on an Internship When I First Switched Careers into UX – Here’s Why

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Breaking into UX may not be as straightforward as you may think Whenever people talk about career switching, securing full-time jobs usually come To mind. This was exactly what I thought when I signed up for a UX course a year ago. However, is breaking into UX really that easy? I’d… Continue reading I Took on an Internship When I First Switched Careers into UX – Here’s Why

Be honest: product UX rule

It made sense for Dave to run his live test with me that evening; ‘Dave’s Honesty System’ will have, without doubt, weeded out many dishonest employees over the years — helping remove all the bad apples! Honesty is transferable; it’s an admirable quality. It’s both practical and moral. User Experience is no different. We ALWAYS… Continue reading Be honest: product UX rule

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7 UX Principles to Boost SERPs

User experience is one of the most important principles of web design. There’s no doubt that you focus on UX with every page you design on the web, whether it’s a portfolio, a profile page, or an entire website.  Unfortunately, what many experts forget is that UX doesn’t just apply to digital pages. That means that… Continue reading 7 UX Principles to Boost SERPs

UX and UI Logo Trends

26 Shares With the advent of online and mobile working culture, UX/UI trends have experienced a significant transformation over the years. Yet 2021 is just no exception. As a UX/UI professional, it is vital to keep updated about these continuously shifting trends and follow and recreate good UX design examples. The COVID-19 issue has transformed… Continue reading UX and UI Logo Trends

Can design change the world?

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Design won’t make the world a better place unless we make it happen Illustration of Design Evocatio, or falling in love with a new Roman God 1. Design Evocatio When Roman generals aimed to conquer a new city, they had plenty of technological tools and tactics, but one of the most interesting ones… Continue reading Can design change the world?

Enterprise UX insights & myths you should know

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Handle complexities When I started my UX career 3 & a half years back, I had always wanted to work on consumer UX extensively, because of the immediate references that we had around us in our day-to-day ecosystem. The current aspiration trend is also showing more UX designers wanting to… Continue reading Enterprise UX insights & myths you should know

User research and UX research: Any difference?

[unable to retrieve full-text content] On my first interview for a User Researcher role as an intern, I was asked this question by my mentor: Continue reading on UX Collective »

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3D worlds and the future of UX: A review of “spatial interfaces”

[unable to retrieve full-text content] “Games and entertainment have pointed us toward a new way of thinking about interacting with software: spatial interfaces.” — John Palmer, Spatial Interfaces Spatial Interfaces presents a vision for the future of UX, in which “lots of the software we already use can be augmented by spatial interfaces”. Palmer envisions “spatial environments,… Continue reading 3D worlds and the future of UX: A review of “spatial interfaces”

Cultivating Customer Confidence with UX

Businesses rely on designers to help them build the perfect relationship with visitors. After all, as much as companies may wish it wasn’t true, many consumers still judge a book by its cover. A website that fails to prioritize concepts like trust and transparency could instantly lose the confidence of its target audience.  As a… Continue reading Cultivating Customer Confidence with UX

Is Web Design a Good Job in 2021

If you’re looking forward to pursuing a career in web design, the timing could not be any better. As per the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of web design experts is estimated to increase by 8% from 2019-2029, faster than all other professions. Ever since the pandemic started, more and more companies have… Continue reading Is Web Design a Good Job in 2021