Serious products don’t have to be serious

In industries like financial services, we have learned to expect that all communication will be formal, stern and, quite frankly, boring. It’s all insider jargon and confusing acronyms — any sort of personality is a rare sight. But it doesn’t have to be that way… At TransferWise, we have recently launched instant transfers, allowing you to send… Continue reading Serious products don’t have to be serious

Elements: A free iOS UI kit by Sketch

The designer team at Sketch has recently released a totally free UI kit for their popular app. It is called Elements and it is pretty massive since it includes 35 screens, 45 icons and 175 symbols. Elements is probably the best choice to get started on your next app design for iOS: you just need… Continue reading Elements: A free iOS UI kit by Sketch

When AI gets in the way of UX

Interest for “Artificial Intelligence” over the last 5 years, according to Google Trends. Artificial Intelligence is the big buzzword of today. If you are a digital designer, there are good chances that a quick scroll through your RSS reader, Twitter feed or Slack channels will show you more instances of the term “AI” than you would… Continue reading When AI gets in the way of UX

Finding Great Design Elements for Your Website

Fonts, images, logos, and videos are some of the most eye-catching elements of your website. While your content is what defines your site, the graphic elements act as the content setting — it helps it stand out. Design elements can quickly get expensive enough to affect any budget, which is why it’s so important to… Continue reading Finding Great Design Elements for Your Website

9 ½ Plausible and/or Absurd UX Industry Predictions for 2018

1. Salaries will either increase or decrease, but likely not remain exactly the same With the volatility of our world, who’s to say where salaries will go? 2017 similarly saw salaries go in a direction. 2018 will either see an increase or decrease. This will depend on economies, how many salary negotiation blogs we read, and… Continue reading 9 ½ Plausible and/or Absurd UX Industry Predictions for 2018 – Thousands of Free Photos, Vectors, Icons, Fonts and Videos

Finding images, graphics, fonts or even videos for your design projects can be a difficult challenge. Photos and graphics are expensive; many of us have found that to be true. With many thousands of new designs being created each day there is a growing need for designers to obtain good quality royalty free images, free… Continue reading – Thousands of Free Photos, Vectors, Icons, Fonts and Videos

UX is a Process. SEO, too.

TL;DR: Most people consider the value of both UX and SEO in the same way. Instead, we need to emphasize that both are about the process and an end result, not a product or deliverable. The Internet is a crazy place. Where else can you find a whirlwind of scholarly papers one minute and an… Continue reading UX is a Process. SEO, too.

Getting Started with CSS Grid Layout ― Scotch

Introduction CSS Grid Layout allows us to construct custom grids with more flexibility and control than ever before. Grid Layout gives us the ability to divide a webpage into rows and columns with simple properties. It also allows us to position and size each element inside the grid using CSS only, without any change to… Continue reading Getting Started with CSS Grid Layout ― Scotch

10 Common WordPress Mistakes You Really Need to Fix!

When you think of WordPress, you may simply think of it as a good place to write your latest blog. Over recent years, WordPress has evolved into an adaptable and user-friendly content management system. In addition, WordPress is widely used amongst businesses because it is extremely customizable, free to use and has a large and… Continue reading 10 Common WordPress Mistakes You Really Need to Fix!

Studying Web Design: 5 Typical Problems Newbies Have

For people who are just getting accustomed to the world of website creation, studying web design is an intriguing prospect. Learning how to customize websites and make them unique is a lovely thing. But if you are a beginner, you’ll agree this isn’t easy. To correctly describe web design, one would call it ‘a science… Continue reading Studying Web Design: 5 Typical Problems Newbies Have

The Ignored Obvious of UX Design Interviews (and interviews in general)

#1 Do Your Research Being a UX Designer, I use research to understand the problem at hand, know my audience, and gather enough context information to make an informed decision for further steps. Research is an integral part of my design process and I apply the same to interviews. In most cases, especially UX Interviews, the… Continue reading The Ignored Obvious of UX Design Interviews (and interviews in general)

Ruby On Rails Isn’t Going Anywhere

November 1, 2017 by Spyrestudios Ruby on Rails has gotten some tough press recently, with programs like Coding Dojo dropping Rails from its boot camps and workshops. What’s happened to the once dominant coding language? Despite the fact that Ruby on Rails is the underlying framework for many of the most popular websites, developers are… Continue reading Ruby On Rails Isn’t Going Anywhere

Interviewing design interns at Facebook

Geunbae “GB” Lee Degree Pursuing M.S in Human Computer Interaction at Georgia Tech Profile Links Portfolio Website / LinkedIn / Medium / Dribbble How did you get into design? A couple years back, I graduated with a degree in Psychology. While I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and most… Continue reading Interviewing design interns at Facebook

How to Optimize the Design and Location of the Search Bar

The search bar is one of the most useful features on your website. It can help visitors find exactly what they’re looking for with just a few key presses. On a typical ecommerce website, search users convert at a rate 3.5x higher than those that don’t interact with search, so it makes sense to use… Continue reading How to Optimize the Design and Location of the Search Bar

Website Design Ideas for Gaming Enthusiasts

Video gaming is one of the hottest and fastest growing industries right now. If you are into gaming, there is no reason why you should not have a website or at least a YouTube channel to show off your gaming skills. Many people take to the internet to show how they are playing a certain… Continue reading Website Design Ideas for Gaming Enthusiasts

31 Halloween and Autumn Web Design Elements for Inspiration

October 4, 2017 by Alex Fox Getting started on a new project, or trying to theme an existing project for the brisk autumn weather? Take a look at these Halloween and autumn web design elements for inspiration on your next web design project. Below you’ll find icon packs, backgrounds, web banners and more. Feel free… Continue reading 31 Halloween and Autumn Web Design Elements for Inspiration

10+ Wonderful Resources (Fully Packed With Hidden Gems ) For Developers

Web developers are always ready to pack with fresh, trendy and latest tools and resources which help them in their work and save time. For the web developers another latest and fresh resources have come out. All these fresh and wonderful resources are fully packed with superb and useful tools like JavaScript libraries, frameworks, plugins,… Continue reading 10+ Wonderful Resources (Fully Packed With Hidden Gems ) For Developers

Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Services

Hello there! I hope you’ve followed along with our tutorials on Angular components and routing. In this post, we’ll go on to another interesting concept in Angular: services. Angular Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Components Divya Dev Angular Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Routing Divya Dev If Angular components are the presentation layer of our application, what… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide to Angular: Services

9 Tools To Simplify A Graphic Designer’s Life

Here, we have come up with some extraordinarily useful and great tools to simply the daunting task of graphic designing. Even the most experienced designers rely on these tools to figure out things and find out new elements that they can use in their work. Having a good collection of useful tools always come handy… Continue reading 9 Tools To Simplify A Graphic Designer’s Life

The 5 questions you should be asking yourself all day, everyday #UX

The other day I found myself writing down a list of 5 questions I was asking myself more frequently than ever in the projects I am working on — and decided to pass it on to my team as well. The agency life is extremely fast-paced. Each Experience Designer on my team is simultaneously involved in two… Continue reading The 5 questions you should be asking yourself all day, everyday #UX

Everything You Need to Get Started — SitePoint

Whether you’re starting a new project or your existing blog has moved beyond the or Medium world, at some point you’re going to want to dive into the world of hosting. This is a one-stop shop that’ll give you the information you need to get started. Whether you’re deciding whether to take the hosting… Continue reading Everything You Need to Get Started — SitePoint

Processing Incoming Request Data in Flask ― Scotch

In any web app, you’ll have to process incoming request data from users. Flask, like any other web framework, allows you to access the request data easily. In this tutorial, we’ll go through how to process incoming data for the most common use cases. The forms of incoming data we’ll cover are: query strings, form… Continue reading Processing Incoming Request Data in Flask ― Scotch

No Digital Tools needed: Creating Digital Products

Photo by Climate KIC on Unsplash I am sure, every UI and UX Designer knows that kind of problem: You have received a briefing for a new project. Everybody is on fire and is going to do some fancy stuff for it. But how to start? How to create innovative ideas? How to set your mind… Continue reading No Digital Tools needed: Creating Digital Products

3 Working Methods to Create a Beautiful and Fast Loading Website

Did you know that there are currently over a billion active websites and blogs on the internet today? It’s true! When they say “active”, that means they are actually live and producing content. If you were to take a count of every website, blog, forum and info source online, you would quickly find yourself counting… Continue reading 3 Working Methods to Create a Beautiful and Fast Loading Website