How To Create An Amazing and Engaging Blog

Creating a blog is something that you shouldn’t take lightly. Why? Because if you want your blog to be successful you need to put time and energy into it to make it up to the level that you’re looking to get it to. If you’re new to blog platforms and blog creation, then this article… Continue reading How To Create An Amazing and Engaging Blog

How to Draw Anime Hair

What You’ll Be Creating Hair is a very complex subject to draw, because it’s like a substance that can take many shapes and forms. Because of this, manga artists have developed a special method of simplifying hair. In manga or anime, you draw hair as a mass or a cloth. This way it can be… Continue reading How to Draw Anime Hair

File Upload With Multer in Node.js and Express

When a web client uploads a file to a server, it is generally submitted through a form and encoded as multipart/form-data. Multer is middleware for Express and Node.js that makes it easy to handle this multipart/form-data when your users upload files. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to use this library to handle different file upload situations… Continue reading File Upload With Multer in Node.js and Express

How to Design a Powerfully Persuasive Above the Fold Area

There are few parts of a website that command more attention than the area above the fold. This is the screen section users look at after immediately landing on a website. The punchier and more persuasive the above the fold is, the better your conversion rates. Despite its importance, this crucial real estate often gets… Continue reading How to Design a Powerfully Persuasive Above the Fold Area

Create a WordPress Image Gallery: Code the Plugin

What You’ll Be Creating People like pictures. They like looking at them, they like clicking on them. So it makes sense to use them in the navigation for your site. You may already use featured images in your archive pages, letting users get a greater insight into what a post is about and making your… Continue reading Create a WordPress Image Gallery: Code the Plugin

Introduction to Firebase

We are in an era of rapid prototyping. We may get bright ideas, but sometimes they don’t get implemented if they take too much work. Often, the back-end is the limiting factor—many ideas never get implemented due to lack of knowledge or time for server-side coding. As a mobile developer, using a back-end as a service (BaaS) platform can… Continue reading Introduction to Firebase

How to Draw Natural, Textured, Afro Hairstyles (Afros, Locs, Braids, Twists)

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, we’ll look at drawing multiple hairstyles that tend to be popular choices for natural, afro textured hair: afros, locs, braids, and twists. While these styles could potentially be worn by people with other hair types, we will primarily focus on Type 4 hair. We’ll take a stylistic approach… Continue reading How to Draw Natural, Textured, Afro Hairstyles (Afros, Locs, Braids, Twists)

5 Most Clever WordPress Tweaks to Improve Your Site (Without Plugins)

WordPress is one of the best CMS out there for a number of reasons. Aside from being flexible and highly customizable, you can supercharge it using powerful plugins. Regardless of your goals for your website, you can be sure there’s a plugin for that. However, it’s always better to forego plugins and hard-code them into… Continue reading 5 Most Clever WordPress Tweaks to Improve Your Site (Without Plugins)

Testing Components in React Using Jest and Enzyme

This is the second part of the series on Testing Components in React. If you have prior experience with Jest, you can skip ahead and use the GitHub code as a starting point.  In the previous article, we covered the basic principles and ideas behind test-driven development. We also set up the environment and the tools… Continue reading Testing Components in React Using Jest and Enzyme

The Impact WordPress Has Had on the Web

WordPress recently celebrated its 15th birthday. Not only is it quite an achievement for anything web-related to last that long, it’s also impressive to see that the content management system is still at its peak relevancy. That got me thinking about the impact WordPress has had on the web and specifically on web designers. Frankly,… Continue reading The Impact WordPress Has Had on the Web

Tracking Users In An Age of Ad Blockers

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, 26 percent of desktop users employ ad blocking extensions while using the Internet. 15 percent of mobile users employ similar content blockers, with the largest segment of both groups being men between the ages of 18 to 24. While this might be higher among your own peer group of… Continue reading Tracking Users In An Age of Ad Blockers

What’s the impact of Design, you ask?

A quick introduction Design, to me, is to bring compelling ideas to life. Having come from an Engineering background with a bit of experience in Product Marketing, I quickly realized the importance of Design. I dream of being in the front row in creating experiences that positively impact a million people’s lives. Like I want… Continue reading What’s the impact of Design, you ask?

How to develop an eye for Design

When I started off in design, I sucked. I was obsessed with copying pieces of the trending Dribbble shots, but oblivious to how all the pieces worked together. If you could see the harsh drop shadows and unnecessary flourish I added to things, you would gasp in horror. Though I was no product design prodigy,… Continue reading How to develop an eye for Design

Tips For Using Images in Web Design: 20 Examples

Web designers know that images can have a huge impact on viewer experience.  An attractive image, placed on a well-designed site, can engage your users and send out a message.  How do you find the best images for our site?  How do you use your images to the very best effect? When creating a website,… Continue reading Tips For Using Images in Web Design: 20 Examples

Creating a Customized Experience with Ipstack

At this world and age, it is important to deliver differentiated service. As the world is moving to digital platforms, this is getting quite difficult. After all, tailoring an in-store experience to a given customer is easy via human interaction. But, what do you do when different people visit your site? Simple. You deliver an… Continue reading Creating a Customized Experience with Ipstack

Why You Need Video For Design and Marketing

Before we dive deep into the topic let’s consolidate few numerical facts regarding the beneficiary of having the video for your product and marketing campaign. 90% of online shoppers stated that a video helps them to make a decision whether to buy the product, service or not 83% of businesses say that video provides the… Continue reading Why You Need Video For Design and Marketing

Tips for Designing a Great Looking E-commerce Website + 20 Examples

If you’ve ever spent time buying from an online store, you know that a pleasurable experience would motivate you to return.  Customer satisfaction is key to designing an effective E-commerce site.  An effective E-commerce site allows the products to shine and then allows you to carry out purchases quickly and efficiently.  When designing an E-commerce… Continue reading Tips for Designing a Great Looking E-commerce Website + 20 Examples

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Mirrorless Camera

If you are looking for a new camera the chances are high that you have already seen some new point-and-shoot or DSLR cameras on the market which offers quite impressive technical features. However, it’s important to note that with advancements in technology, a growing number of consumers are gradually switching from DSLRs to Mirrorless Cameras… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Mirrorless Camera

What Makes the Best Ecommerce Website?

Ecommerce is so commonplace these days that it actually sounds slightly odd to talk about “ecommerce” as some niche phenomenon set apart from ordinary life. Now it’s just the way we shop, the way we buy, indeed the way we live. Nonetheless, there are still all sorts of mistakes that businesses makes, both large and… Continue reading What Makes the Best Ecommerce Website?

4 Easy Hacks To Improve Your Site’s Speed And Get Better Conversions

I have a confession to make; I’m the type of person who has no patience for a slow loading site. And apparently, I’m not the only one. Based on a research by the Aberdeen Group, a 1-second delay in a page load time can have the following negative effect: – Reduced page views by 11% –… Continue reading 4 Easy Hacks To Improve Your Site’s Speed And Get Better Conversions

Manage Complex Projects with Merlin Project Express

February 8, 2018 by Alex Fox Managing a to-do list for an individual is a fairly straight-forward process. Write down all the tasks you need to do with their due dates. As you work, mark the items off as they get completed. When you’re done with the items on your list, you’ve completed your to… Continue reading Manage Complex Projects with Merlin Project Express

How to turn user journeys into high-end highways

Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash When we need to get from point A to point B, we usually choose from several roads. And let any of them somehow lead us to the destination point, most likely we will get different impressions from this trip. Similarly, when we need to get any online service, we choose… Continue reading How to turn user journeys into high-end highways

How to Design a Web App: A Showcase of 20 Designs

An intuitive, efficient web app will always be a pleasure to use.  However, in order to create a well-designed app, you need to look beyond color choice and excellent content.  You also need to be aware of user experience.  Otherwise, users will move on to your competition. Understanding the rules of application design will enable… Continue reading How to Design a Web App: A Showcase of 20 Designs

How to Write Helpful User Tutorials and Onboarding Guides

Writing user tutorials is essential to launching any new software project. But writing helpful user tutorials requires a careful hand, with a correct understanding of the user’s needs and expectations. With a solid foundation of empathy and understanding, we can build user tutorials that will educate our users without losing their attention or going over… Continue reading How to Write Helpful User Tutorials and Onboarding Guides