This month it’s International Women’s Day, a worldwide event designed to raise the under-representation of women in many walks of life and encourage us all to open up more opportunities to women and girls. I thought it would be a good opportunity to take a look at gender diversity at WordCamps, and compare these with… Continue reading How Welcoming are WordCamps to Women?
Tag: Instead
10 Tips for Improving Your Photo Manipulation Skills
Over it’s 20+ year history, Photoshop has proved itself useful for a great many things. One of the primary applications is photo manipulation. In fact, it’s photo manipulation that is meant by the colloquial term “to Photoshop”. Yet pulling off a successful photo manipulation isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. So whether you are… Continue reading 10 Tips for Improving Your Photo Manipulation Skills
How to Install WordPress: The Application
In this introductory series for how to achieve some tasks in WordPress, we’ve talked about themes and plugins and how to install our web server. The one thing we haven’t covered, though, is how to install WordPress. In this tutorial, I’m going to walk through the process of downloading a copy of the WordPress source… Continue reading How to Install WordPress: The Application
Working with Data, Assets, and Templates in Middleman
This second tutorial about building static websites with Middleman dives a little deeper into the framework. By the end, you should know enough to build your own project from scratch. We’ll cover topics such as Data Files, Pretty URLs, Project Templates and the Asset Pipeline, so let’s get stuck in! Data Files So, having already… Continue reading Working with Data, Assets, and Templates in Middleman
How to Color in a Traditionally Inked Comic in Adobe Illustrator
Learn how to turn a traditionally inked comic page into a warmly lit night scene in vector. With live paint, global process colors, gradients and different layer transparency settings in Adobe Illustrator, we will turn our black and white artwork into a comic page brimming with color. 1. Prepare the Line Art Step 1 I have… Continue reading How to Color in a Traditionally Inked Comic in Adobe Illustrator
Responsive Images: Still Waiting for a Standard? Try Rwd.Images.Js Instead!
Responsive Images is a topic far from resolved. Will it be the picture element as proposed by the W3C or will it be the srcset attribute as proposed by WHATWG in the end? No matter what time will bring, responsive images are a problem that needs to be solved today and not sometime in the… Continue reading Responsive Images: Still Waiting for a Standard? Try Rwd.Images.Js Instead!
HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know
In my previous article, we covered some of HTTP’s basics, such as the URL scheme, status codes and request/response headers. With that as our foundation, we will look at the finer aspects of HTTP, like connection handling, authentication and HTTP caching. These topics are fairly extensive, but we’ll cover the most important bits. HTTP Connections… Continue reading HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know
HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know – Part 1
* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} Learning the fundamentals of the World Wide Web is crucial, especially if you are planning to build web apps. And, HTTP is at the heart of any web application you could build. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It’s a stateless, application-layer protocol for communicating between distributed… Continue reading HTTP: The Protocol Every Web Developer Must Know – Part 1