Luminar: Complex Photo Editing Made Easy and Enjoyable

Finding a source of high-quality photos isn’t all that difficult. Gaining access to absolutely stunning, special effects photos for online use can be a different story; and generally requires the use of a photo editor. Edited images in presentation and e-commerce websites are used to attract and engage visitors, increase sales, and encourage visitors to… Continue reading Luminar: Complex Photo Editing Made Easy and Enjoyable

Stressful Holiday? This Tool Will Make Next Year Easier

Posted · Category: Tools There’s no doubt that the Q4 holiday shopping season is the busiest time of year for online store owners and ecommerce businesses. If your freelance business or agency works with these online merchants, the last few weeks have almost certainly been hectic and stressful. Performing last minute site updates, troubleshooting broken… Continue reading Stressful Holiday? This Tool Will Make Next Year Easier

A Collection Of Beautiful Typography Designs

Since the invention of the printing press, typography has evolved to become a complicated and beautiful element of modern design. Typography is ubiquitous in daily life; every single piece of media you see was meticulously crafted to give you a specific impression of the product and brand. The appropriate use of typography can elevate a… Continue reading A Collection Of Beautiful Typography Designs

4 Useful Ways to Use Perspective Warp

The Perspective Warp tool is almost like magic. It lets you change the perspective in your image and can be used to rotate buildings and objects, make telephoto shots look like wide angle shots, and quickly straighten multiple objects in less than a minute. Read this tutorial and find out four useful ways to use… Continue reading 4 Useful Ways to Use Perspective Warp

Mobile UI Design Inspiration: Charts And Graphs

Design can be considered a craftsmanship because you do it until you are good at it and then you keep doing it to be better. The problem is that many developers are really eager to solve functionality problems rather than spending time to solve the interface issues. A mobile designer must embrace minimalism because he… Continue reading Mobile UI Design Inspiration: Charts And Graphs

Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation

This Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to use a variety of color, lighting, and cut and paste techniques to create a surreal photo manipulation. Combine your creativity with these Photoshop techniques to create your own photo manipulation artworks. Final Results Step 1 – Place the background The first step it’s to place the sky,… Continue reading Combine Photo Elements to Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation

How to Create Your Own Product Mockup Box in Photoshop

Learn how to create your own realistic looking Product Mockup Box in Photoshop with this very easy tutorial This image was made to help readers create their very own product mockup. To create this, we’ll start by making the boxes. Next, we’ll add some designs to the box. Finally, we’ll finish it up with shadows… Continue reading How to Create Your Own Product Mockup Box in Photoshop

Taking Control of the tvOS Focus Engine

Introduction On iOS, users normally interact with your apps via the device’s touch screen. On tvOS, however, user interaction is handled by moving the current focus between views on the screen. Luckily, the tvOS implementations of the UIKit APIs handle the changing of focus between views automatically. While this built-in system works very well, for specific… Continue reading Taking Control of the tvOS Focus Engine

How to Send a Pull Request using the Github Desktop Client

In one of my previous posts, I outlined the process of contributing to open source software with a detailed account of each step. One of those steps was sending a pull request to the owner of the repository you forked from. I showed you how to send a pull request using Github‘s web interface. In… Continue reading How to Send a Pull Request using the Github Desktop Client

How to Create an AJAX Driven Theme for ProcessWire

In this tutorial we will look at setting up a simple theme in ProcessWire, we’ll investigate delayed output (now the default theme strategy within ProcessWire), and setup our site to request new content using AJAX. To accompany this tutorial I have created a new theme for ProcessWire, making use of both AJAX and delayed output,… Continue reading How to Create an AJAX Driven Theme for ProcessWire

Find JavaScript Code Snippets by Functionality with Cocycles

Cocycles is a new code search service that enables code to be found by functionality. In this article, Cocycles team member Jonathan explains the idea behind this approach to code searching. We’re all familiar with it: that moment when you’re forced to abandon your code editor, interrupt your workflow and open your browser to search… Continue reading Find JavaScript Code Snippets by Functionality with Cocycles

What Multipurpose WordPress Theme Should You Pick?

Posted · Category: Best Collections Most web designers work with a variety of website types, and they prefer multipurpose themes for that reason. This is especially true when they need to deliver websites to multiple clients with different needs. Each of the multipurpose WP themes presented here features pre-designed website or layout selections from which… Continue reading What Multipurpose WordPress Theme Should You Pick?

Better CSS Drop Caps With “initial-letter”

Drop caps are a form of decoration sometimes used at the beginning of a block of text; the initial letter running several lines deep and indenting the body text within these lines.  Drop cap example, as found on The Walrus Drop cap example, as found on Nautilus It’s a typographic tradition as old as the… Continue reading Better CSS Drop Caps With “initial-letter”

Weekly Inspiration: Comments, Discussion, and Feedback

In this age of content saturation on the web, one opportunity for online publishers to stand out is through their respective communities. The communities which surround and make use of websites are massively important, and how they interact with those websites, and each other, is equally important. We’re used to seeing comment threads on websites;… Continue reading Weekly Inspiration: Comments, Discussion, and Feedback

Weekly Inspiration: Full-on Full Screen Home Pages

The full screen splash is one of the most familiar patterns on the web at the moment. Some love it, some loath it, but whatever your feelings let’s take a look at some noteworthy examples and talk about best practices while we’re at it. A Note on Design Convergence The term “design convergence” refers to… Continue reading Weekly Inspiration: Full-on Full Screen Home Pages

Multisite Enhancements in WordPress 4.4

I’m a big fan of WordPress Multisite: I use it to manage a small network of client sites, hold all of my demo sites in one place, and also run a network allowing people to create their own custom sites. So it’s always nice to see Multisite getting a bit of love when WordPress is… Continue reading Multisite Enhancements in WordPress 4.4

How Welcoming are WordCamps to Women?

This month it’s International Women’s Day, a worldwide event designed to raise the under-representation of women in many walks of life and encourage us all to open up more opportunities to women and girls. I thought it would be a good opportunity to take a look at gender diversity at WordCamps, and compare these with… Continue reading How Welcoming are WordCamps to Women?

Counting Word Frequency in a File Using Python

Ever wondered about a quick way to tell what some document is focusing on? What is its main topic? Let me give you this simple trick. List the unique words mentioned in the document, and then check how many times each word has been mentioned (frequency). This way would give you an indication of what… Continue reading Counting Word Frequency in a File Using Python

How To Choose Colors For Websites

Color schemes Although I will be criticized for skipping the basics, it is better to skip writing about why RGB is for web and CMYK is for print and other similar notions. Instead, I will jump directly to things that not everyone knows. For example, color schemes. In color theory, a color scheme is the… Continue reading How To Choose Colors For Websites

Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

Nobody likes finding bugs. Even worse, no one enjoys finding bugs while shopping for digital products. That is why, as a company providing a web-based bug tracking tool to tens of thousands of users, we have to ensure a bug-free environment. With our increasing number of web pages – and therefore increasing lines of code… Continue reading Developing a Static Site Generator Workflow

22 Must Reads For Web and Graphic Designers

Stay updated with the latest design news, read some personal development books, learn how to grow your business and how to design better! This is what this roundup will offer you! We selected 22 must reads for web and graphic designers. These are some really useful articles we found on the web. These are both… Continue reading 22 Must Reads For Web and Graphic Designers

How to Work With Excel Documents Using Python

I believe you have used Microsoft Excel on some occasion. It is very powerful when it comes to working with spreadsheets, tables, charts, etc. But what does Python have to do with that? Python is a game changer when it comes to Excel files because it can automate daunting stuff you might encounter in some… Continue reading How to Work With Excel Documents Using Python

What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration?

What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration? If inspiration is as easy as drinking a cup of coffee or you can easily find inspiration in a cup of coffee, then a web designer’s life is a breeze. However, like their art and all the codes that go with it, there are times when inspiration… Continue reading What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration?