Ipapi: IP Targeting Made Easy

Gone are the days when mass marketing was considered to be effective. Now, micro-marketing has taken over. We don’t just want our communications to be relevant to our needs. But, we also need them to be pertinent to our cultures and region. This is where IP targeting comes in handy. Interactive Advertising Bureau defines IP… Continue reading Ipapi: IP Targeting Made Easy

A Guide to CrocoBlock Service – How to Create a Website Without Any Experience

Creating a website seems to be a fascinating idea, at least, at first thought. However, when you start looking for the right way to put it together, you discover that the things are actually more complicated than you expected. That’s when page builders come into play. Lately, there are lots of them. One of the… Continue reading A Guide to CrocoBlock Service – How to Create a Website Without Any Experience

Are you a designer? These Portfolio WordPress Themes Were Created for You

Posted · Category: Best Collections What does it take to have a decent portfolio? You will definitely need the right tools and a fair amount of creativity. Extra creativity isn’t something that someone can easily come up with. But there are some top-of-the-line WordPress themes that can help you. They are to some degree portfolio… Continue reading Are you a designer? These Portfolio WordPress Themes Were Created for You

How to hack people loyalty with care?

First thing first: If you have a few friends in your life, care is not designed to fit your skillset. Having a lot of friends proves how much effort and time you have spent to build a loving community around you. Care requires the same effort and it should be mandatory for every startup. “Caring… Continue reading How to hack people loyalty with care?

Branding Web Strategy Mistakes Brand Identity Guru

Lack of overall strategy and clear definition of success Most people realize the need for a site, but don’t understand what it can/should do for the company. And when they do have a goal, they don’t measure it. We’ll often ask people, “What are the objectives of your site?” Answers vary from “the site is… Continue reading Branding Web Strategy Mistakes Brand Identity Guru

Auto Club – FREE Responsive Car Dealer Joomla Template

Every month Envato Market Places which is the leading company in selling premium resources for designers,developers and photographers give out some specially selected files for free and you can use them however you want.(WordPress themes,graphic file,audio file video file etc..) So they released the free files of June and all you have to do is… Continue reading Auto Club – FREE Responsive Car Dealer Joomla Template

Designing A Crypto Website

Cryptocurrencies have amassed a lot of attention around them, and the more banks and tycoons fight them, the more people are intrigued to find out what exactly makes them so threatening to the rich. The truth is, technology is moving faster and soon, very few people will be walking around with hard cash. Bitcoin broke… Continue reading Designing A Crypto Website

Comparable experiences: The starting point for inclusive design.

Photo by Talles Alves on Unsplash How many of you drink Coca-Cola? Did you know that initially it was not sold in supermarkets, but in pharmacies? In the beginning, the recipe included alcohol and was used to cure headache, nausea, and even addiction to morphine. A vintage 1917 Listerine Antiseptic ad. Credit: Vintage Art Clips Let’s try… Continue reading Comparable experiences: The starting point for inclusive design.

9 Effective Invoicing and Time Management Apps You Should Pay Attention To

Posted · Category: Best Collections  “Time is money” may be a business cliché, but its truth is not to be denied. How you use your time when working for a company can influence your salary and your job security.  How you do so if you are self-employed can impact your earnings. One way to use… Continue reading 9 Effective Invoicing and Time Management Apps You Should Pay Attention To

Looking for great WP Plugins for your website? They are in this article

Posted · Category: Best Collections Success breeds success. It’s an adage, but recent scientific studies have shown that once you achieve some success, more is apt to follow. That’s also true of WordPress, the premier website and blog creating platform. WordPress’s popularity continues to grow. More web design entrepreneurs and companies are turning out more… Continue reading Looking for great WP Plugins for your website? They are in this article

Top 4 Mistakes To Avoid While Developing An App

Mobile app developers always seek for new ways and means to deliver great and unique mobile software. Everyone is eager to learn how to create a top-selling mobile app that will wow the users just off the bat and as a result achieve immediate success in the field of the app development. Of course, there… Continue reading Top 4 Mistakes To Avoid While Developing An App

Web Designers, Stop Wasting Time on Billing and Accounting When You Don’t Have Too

Posted · Category: Tools Keeping a small business running is hard work. You have projects to negotiate, emails to answer, and deadlines to meet. You have to find the time to explore new trends and methods. Sometimes, you have to take whatever time it takes to learn how to use new tools of your trade… Continue reading Web Designers, Stop Wasting Time on Billing and Accounting When You Don’t Have Too

34 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 49

A superb and professional ideas and concepts of corporate logos, minimal logos, geometric logos created by expert Designers. These logo designs can help you to design a brand new logo for your business branding or personal identity. The most elementary step in order to have your own brand identity or logo amongst the market or customers is to have… Continue reading 34 Creative Business Logo Designs for Inspiration – 49

Analysing Usability Testing Data

Gathering feedback from your users is a crucial part of any design process. The way in which you can gather this feedback varies depending on what kind of questions you are trying to answer, the resources you have available for user research and what stage of the product life cycle you are currently in. Qualitative… Continue reading Analysing Usability Testing Data

Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript ― Scotch

Object-Oriented Programming is a popular style of programming that has taken root in JavaScript since the beginning. It’s so deeply rooted in JavaScript that many of JavaScript’s native functions and methods are written in the Object Oriented style; you’ll also find many popular libraries written in the Object Oriented style as well. If you already… Continue reading Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript ― Scotch

Personas, jobs to be done, user needs = goals + pain points

Recently I’ve been working on discovering unmet user needs for my company using the Job-To-Be-Done framework, and I saw some arguments between people who use personas and people who use jobs-to-be-done (JTBD). A common critique of using personas from the JTBD people is that personas tend to focus on the attributes of the users (like… Continue reading Personas, jobs to be done, user needs = goals + pain points

The state of UX in Colombia, 2018

The local UX scene Medellín I’m pleased and humbled to announce that I’ve just become the Local Leader of IDF Medellín at the Interaction Design Foundation. This means that, in the coming months, I’ll be taking up the responsibility (and pleasure) of building a vibrant and meaningful community of UX Designers in Medellín and helping the… Continue reading The state of UX in Colombia, 2018

Freelance Web Designers: 3 Delightfully Easy Ways to Increase Your Productivity

Posted · Category: Best Collections Have you been struggling with bouts of procrastination and lack of focus? Maybe it appears hard for you to find a way to make some positive changes in your work habits? Then take heart! It’s not as difficult as you might have been led to believe. It is possible to… Continue reading Freelance Web Designers: 3 Delightfully Easy Ways to Increase Your Productivity

Vision: A free geometric & humanist typeface

Vision is a free geometric font family with humanist touch designed by Daniel Iglesias Arreal, talented designer from Spain. The typeface includes 12 weights and styles, numbers, opentype features and supports more than 30 languages. The design started as an exploration of geometric forms from early 20th century Lissitzky’s prouns. It’s made to be used as a… Continue reading Vision: A free geometric & humanist typeface

‘Hire’ this article if you’re struggling to understand your customer needs

There are zillions of words written about how customer centricity leads companies to success. However, the “customer-centric” term is sometimes misused as a catchall for customer feedback or customer satisfaction results, but making people happy is not enough. To have sustained success, companies must genuinely understand what the customer wants and needs, and implement the… Continue reading ‘Hire’ this article if you’re struggling to understand your customer needs

Weather Commuter: A UX Case Study

The UX behind the need to checking the weather Persona The persona I interviewed were young adults ranging from the age of 20–30 yrs old. I mainly focused on busy college students. All my users have checked the weather either daily for the purpose of commute, or weekly for the purpose of vacationing or weekend planning.… Continue reading Weather Commuter: A UX Case Study

50 Best Logos Of 2017

The list of best logo designs of 2017, creative collection of top logos of 2017, based on logo concept, story board, ideas behind logo and design. We believe that effectiveness should be based on how quickly the idea spreads and how much people want to spend time with the brand. In essence – a good idea should be… Continue reading 50 Best Logos Of 2017

9 ½ Plausible and/or Absurd UX Industry Predictions for 2018

1. Salaries will either increase or decrease, but likely not remain exactly the same With the volatility of our world, who’s to say where salaries will go? 2017 similarly saw salaries go in a direction. 2018 will either see an increase or decrease. This will depend on economies, how many salary negotiation blogs we read, and… Continue reading 9 ½ Plausible and/or Absurd UX Industry Predictions for 2018