What to Measure Mathematically in UX?

Posted on: 29 November 2023 Scott Plewes Chief Strategy Officer With the growing popularity of machine learning and AI, it seems the number of mathematical techniques available to understand people’s experience with systems is almost limitless. In practice, there are only a few things you typically really measure or try to model. Some examples of… Continue reading What to Measure Mathematically in UX?

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Conversational AI search: beware of smoke and mirrors

Search bots based on LLMs contain hidden dangers Photo by Julius Drost on Unsplash At the moment, conversational AI search is in a perilous place. In the midst of an AI hype boom, it’s easy to overlook the challenges and dangers inherent in the way major search companies are applying large language models to our information ecosystems.… Continue reading Conversational AI search: beware of smoke and mirrors

Branding Web Strategy Mistakes Brand Identity Guru

Lack of overall strategy and clear definition of success Most people realize the need for a site, but don’t understand what it can/should do for the company. And when they do have a goal, they don’t measure it. We’ll often ask people, “What are the objectives of your site?” Answers vary from “the site is… Continue reading Branding Web Strategy Mistakes Brand Identity Guru