5 Must Have Free eBooks for Web Designers

We have gathered 5 ebooks regarding web design for you to download and read. In the era of Internet, you can get good quality free content instead of buying with cash. Here we have a list of ebooks that’s worth reading. Enjoy. 1. Designing for the Web by Mark Boulton This snappy, extensive book from… Continue reading 5 Must Have Free eBooks for Web Designers

11 showcase sites to get your user interface design inspiration

There are many galleries online that showcase the best in web site designs. As we move towards a more interactive web, we need more than just beautiful aesthetics. Designers and developers need to look for user interfaces, specifically different types of user interactions designs, to inspire them on how to design websites that users can… Continue reading 11 showcase sites to get your user interface design inspiration

The Building Blocks of Designing UX For Kids

Designing for kids is a unique and challenging situation for any UX professional. While many principles and practices span across all ages, there are many issues which arise exclusively when dealing with children. In this introductory article we’ll look at kids and the specific issues that they bring about. We’ll also examine some guidelines, constraints,… Continue reading The Building Blocks of Designing UX For Kids

10 Digital Design Terms You Need to Know

Design jargon is everywhere. And you need to be able to speak the language. Working on digital projects has its own set of terminology. From dither to color values to fluid or fixed layouts, there are a few terms every designer needs to have a grasp of. So we’ve made it easy for you, and… Continue reading 10 Digital Design Terms You Need to Know

The Future of Web Design is in Our Hands

For the past 20 years, the Web has evolved via a single portal (the desktop browser) and a single paradigm (the page). In the last two years both have been obliterated by the proliferation of new Internet-connected devices and browser technology. The Web as we know it is undergoing a transformational shift in how information is delivered, created,… Continue reading The Future of Web Design is in Our Hands

Hey, Event Apps: Why So Serious?

Over the past several years event apps have been soaring in popularity, and it’s easy to understand why. The event details you need are accessible on the go and not reliant on a WiFi connection. Plus, these apps make event organizers’ lives easier by making it easy to manage event logistics and monitor and report… Continue reading Hey, Event Apps: Why So Serious?

Functional Beauty and User Experience

Beauty is one of the oldest and most powerful concepts in human history—inspiring artists and lighting up cultural movements, philosophical debates, and, in modern times, curious scientific interest. Beauty is a desirable feature of the products we buy, with the power to shape consumer choices and preferences. While the nature of beauty is still a… Continue reading Functional Beauty and User Experience