7 Essential Steps for Brand Identity Integration into Web Design

With the rising trends of user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) in web design, it is no longer enough to simply provide your visitors with a product and call it a day. Whether you are about to launch your business’ website for the first time or are in the process of a website redesign,… Continue reading 7 Essential Steps for Brand Identity Integration into Web Design

How to Use Popups Without Damaging User Experience

Website owners/designers/developers are always looking for the best strategies to convert new leads into loyal customers, and popups are one of the most effective ways to catch your audience’s attention. Unfortunately, popups can be intrusive and often turn users away. As per a study by HubSpot, popups are one of the three most disliked forms… Continue reading How to Use Popups Without Damaging User Experience

An Introduction to CSS-in-JS: Examples, Pros, and Cons

CSS-in-JS libraries provide us with a new approach for writing CSS. They aim to tackle the limitations of CSS, such as the lack of dynamic functionality, scoping, and portability. In spite of its advantages, CSS-in-JS is a controversial technology, as many developers ask if it’s worth further complicating front-end development.  This article intends to give… Continue reading An Introduction to CSS-in-JS: Examples, Pros, and Cons

Fifteen Ways To Create A Flawless Photo

Photography is rare among the fine arts, since it has remained relevant even throughout our advancement into the digital age, due to our love of beautiful photos. But how should you approach creating a ‘perfect’ photo? Here are fifteen possible ways to release your inner master photographer. Rule Of Thirds First of all, keep in… Continue reading Fifteen Ways To Create A Flawless Photo

Organize Your WordPress Media Library With Folders

Today’s WordPress websites need to be media-rich to draw in and retain traffic. If you have a WordPress website, chances are you will have uploaded a video or images to be displayed on your pages and posts. Whether you want to show off customer testimonials, your latest blog posts, your best images, or just celebrate… Continue reading Organize Your WordPress Media Library With Folders

Mega Menus, Sticky Menus and More

Of things that users expect when they are on a website, navigation menus are the most important. It’s hard to imagine a website without them.  A website menu is made up of a collection of links. These links are road signs that make it possible to navigate and interact with a website. They guide users… Continue reading Mega Menus, Sticky Menus and More

Professional Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

The new professional Photoshop actions can make your photos more beautiful and attractive. The hand-picked fifteen high quality Photoshop actions that will transform your Photography into Oily effect, newspaper print, abstract, watercolor effect, comic and dots effects within a seconds. Mostly Photoshop actions available with video tutorials that shows how to setup action files and… Continue reading Professional Photoshop Actions for Photographers & Designers

How to Pick a WordPress Form Builder Plugin

If you own a WordPress site, you probably find forms to be indispensable for creating a satisfying user experience and increasing your conversion rates.  You need forms for clients to get in touch with you easily, answer simple survey questions, leave feedback, write testimonials, and so on. But you don’t need to have coding experience to… Continue reading How to Pick a WordPress Form Builder Plugin

What’s the Best Way to Share Your Work Online?

Thankfully, you no longer have to rely on a resume to try to communicate how talented you are to others. Your skills as a freelancer should be shared with others through visual media. It makes a lot more sense than writing up a one page summary that says, “I graduated from so-and-so university in 2010… Continue reading What’s the Best Way to Share Your Work Online?

How to Create a ‘Stranger Things’ Inspired Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop

What You’ll Be Creating This very quick tutorial will show you an easy way to create a text effect inspired by the ‘Stranger Things’ series, using only layer styles and some simple adjustments. Let’s get started! This text effect was inspired by the many Layer Styles available on Envato Market. You can get a very similar… Continue reading How to Create a ‘Stranger Things’ Inspired Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop

What’s the Minimum Amount of Security Your Website Needs?

Unfortunately, over half (54%) of the businesses surveyed for the 2018 State of SMB Cybersecurity report believe they’re too small to be a target for hackers. But the data paints a different picture:  67% of small- and medium-sized businesses were attacked in 2018; 82% of those attacked had antivirus software installed on their systems; 72%… Continue reading What’s the Minimum Amount of Security Your Website Needs?

20 Best Construction Company WordPress Themes for Building Websites

If you want to land more clients for your construction company, you need a website that can showcase the range of services you offer and convince potential clients that you have the skills and know-how to deliver on their expectations. One of the easiest ways to create a beautiful website is to use WordPress. More… Continue reading 20 Best Construction Company WordPress Themes for Building Websites

Definitive Guide to Installing a Free or Premium WordPress Plugin

What You’ll Be Creating Plugins are what makes WordPress special. Without them, WordPress wouldn’t be much more than a humble blogging platform. But by adding plugins to your site, you can turn it into so much more. Depending on what you need, you can use a plugin to make your site more efficient and to… Continue reading Definitive Guide to Installing a Free or Premium WordPress Plugin

How to Conduct a UX Card Sorting Workshop

The act of card sorting is a hands-on and quick way of creating a category tree (information architecture) based on users’ understanding of the topics of a product. The simple idea of the workshop is to ask users to organise cards that already contain written content into groups. In this tutorial you will learn how… Continue reading How to Conduct a UX Card Sorting Workshop

5 Ways Social Media Can Impact Your Web Design

There is no denying that the introduction of social media to the world has changed the way website developers and designers build sites. In fact, social media marketing helps you strengthen your brand’s online presence. Thus, it is important that you take social media into consideration whenever you are building (or updating) a website for… Continue reading 5 Ways Social Media Can Impact Your Web Design

10 Best Mobile Apps for Learning to Code

What’s even better is that you don’t have to spend years mastering programming either. Thanks to numerous coding apps available for both Android and iOS devices, you can easily level up your coding skills even when you’re on the go. In this post, we’ve rounded up the best coding apps that will help you learn… Continue reading 10 Best Mobile Apps for Learning to Code

Build an Advanced Responsive Menu Inspired by Netflix

The other day I visited the Netflix Jobs website from my phone and had a look at its off-canvas menu. I really liked the staggering animations that fired every time you hit it. So I thought it might be a good exercise to take this menu as inspiration and show you how to build a similar responsive… Continue reading Build an Advanced Responsive Menu Inspired by Netflix

25 Simple & Clean CV / Resume Templates with Cover Letters

Simple and clean Resume Templates to present your completer bio-data, portfolio, education, skills, and job experiences. Modern resume design have everything about your lifestyle, expertise, and thoughts about your future. In simple words if you apply for job resume is your first impression. So choose only best simple resumes. In this article we are presenting… Continue reading 25 Simple & Clean CV / Resume Templates with Cover Letters

Best WordPress eCommerce, Product, and Marketing Plugins of 2019

If you’re in the market for a top-notch WordPress eCommerce, product, or marketing plugin, you definitely need to check out this list of the best WooCommerce plugins for 2019.   eCommerce Plugins WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates makes it easy to start earning money as an Amazon affiliate. With this plugin, you can start adding Amazon… Continue reading Best WordPress eCommerce, Product, and Marketing Plugins of 2019

How To Build Your First Business Website: 5 Tips Nobody Told You About

As harsh as it may sound, it is pretty much safe to say that nowadays, if your business is not online, it basically does not exist. That is because most people go online, before choosing a product or a service. Essentially, no matter how small your business is, we strongly recommend you to build a… Continue reading How To Build Your First Business Website: 5 Tips Nobody Told You About

Creating WordPress Forms That Get Filled In

What You’ll Be Creating Most of us have got at least one form somewhere on our WordPress site. It might be a simple contact form. Or a newsletter signup. A purchase form maybe. Or perhaps something more bespoke. Whatever information your form is designed to gather, I’m prepared to bet that you want as many… Continue reading Creating WordPress Forms That Get Filled In

Emergency Lead Marketing Services for Plumbing Needs

Are you running a plumbing company but you don’t have much to do. If you are not earning $80,000 as net profit per annum approximately then you are on the right page. You being the owner of a plumbing company spends more time online to seek ways to maximize the profit then you should have… Continue reading Emergency Lead Marketing Services for Plumbing Needs