Blogs, blogs, and more blogs. They’re in every corner and every pocket of the universe known as the World Wide Web. Everyone – from professionals and teenagers to fictitious characters and even cats – seems to have a blog. But what are they, what purpose do they serve, and do you really need one? The… Continue reading Why You Should Stop Using The Term “Blog”
Tag: purpose
3 Ways to Help your Website Drive Sales
We all know the importance of a good website, one that reflects our brand identity and can help to boost traffic and drive sales. However, working out the best ways to go about this isn’t always as easy as it might seem. Web design can get incredibly complicated incredibly fast, but having a great website… Continue reading 3 Ways to Help your Website Drive Sales
Purchasing an APM for Your Business: Are Your Stuck?
For any application technology to succeed, it has to provide the end-users with the quality experience. What APM (Application Performance Monitoring/Management) does is to ensure that the application program that you develop performs optimally as expected. It could be that you have disappointed your customers for so long with frequent crashes of your apps and… Continue reading Purchasing an APM for Your Business: Are Your Stuck?
Form is Functional: Why Design is More Than Gold Plating
When budgets are tight in the software world and companies want to save money, form is usually the first to go. In these situations, the design tends to be considered ‘gold plating’ and not a necessity. It’s thought to only make the product ‘look nice’. This assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Form has… Continue reading Form is Functional: Why Design is More Than Gold Plating
A letter from Sol LeWitt about creative block, read by Benedict Cumberbatch
In 1960, pioneering American artists Sol LeWitt and Eva Hesse met for the first time and instantly clicked, quickly forming a strong, deep bond that would last for ten years and result in countless inspirational discussions and rich exchanges of ideas. In the video below, Benedict Cumberbatch reads a letter sent from Sol to Eva… Continue reading A letter from Sol LeWitt about creative block, read by Benedict Cumberbatch
Futuristic Text Effect Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator Tutorials (25 Tuts)
Fresh new Text Effects design Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials for beginners and advance graphic designers. There are 2D and 3D text effect tutorials to create posters, flyers, calendar and giving your typography a fresh touch with traditional and digital media, mixing patterns and textures to give your work outstanding spark. You can use illustrated lettering and typography in posters, brochures or… Continue reading Futuristic Text Effect Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator Tutorials (25 Tuts)
Common UX Mistakes and How to Avoid (or Fix) Them
Have you ever fumbled through a complicated contact form on a mobile website or wished for a button or link that wasn’t there? If so, you’ve experienced what a lack of foresight in user experience (UX) design causes. Don’t fall victim to the same common UX mistakes. Make sure potential customers poor UX design doesn’t… Continue reading Common UX Mistakes and How to Avoid (or Fix) Them
New WordPress Themes For Entrepreneurs & Blogs
New clean and trendy WordPress Themes based on HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and SEO Optimized. Fully responsive design themes are great solution for Entrepreneurs, blogs and all kinds of businesses. The powerful Theme Options Panel paired with intuitive page options panels, a widgetable areas manager and a custom tailored Visual Composer, drag and drop page builder, provide… Continue reading New WordPress Themes For Entrepreneurs & Blogs
The Battle of the Movie Posters : Creative vs Inspiring
2017 is the best year for movies, with a ton of top movies already on the schedule. There are lot of good movies released in 2016 and you saw most of the movie posters at GDJ. This is our first article related to Movie Posters in 2017. There is battle running between Creative vs. Inspiration in every… Continue reading The Battle of the Movie Posters : Creative vs Inspiring
Your First WordPress: 3 Great Beginner Themes
January 12, 2017 by Spyre Studios If you’re a new WordPress designer, you may feel a little overwhelmed by all the theme options before you, and there are new ones out every day. How do you know which ones will work for your purposes? While some WordPress themes are designed for specific types of businesses… Continue reading Your First WordPress: 3 Great Beginner Themes
Starbis – All in 1 HTML5 Theme for Bloggers, Businesses & Web Stores
Bloggers, freelancers and web design studios are rapidly shifting towards building web resources on the basis of multi-purpose website templates. A broad spectrum of customization features, multiple ready-made layouts, child themes, and rich UI kits lure people’s attention, turning them into avid fans of fit-it-all designs. Today, we are going to bring your attention to… Continue reading Starbis – All in 1 HTML5 Theme for Bloggers, Businesses & Web Stores
Luminar: Complex Photo Editing Made Easy and Enjoyable
Finding a source of high-quality photos isn’t all that difficult. Gaining access to absolutely stunning, special effects photos for online use can be a different story; and generally requires the use of a photo editor. Edited images in presentation and e-commerce websites are used to attract and engage visitors, increase sales, and encourage visitors to… Continue reading Luminar: Complex Photo Editing Made Easy and Enjoyable
Visually Build Native Apps Right In Your Browser With Dropsource
Dropsource is a brand new mobile application development platform that was built with the developer’s needs in mind. What does this mean exactly? It means that its sole purpose is to make a developer’s job easier and to make building a data-driven native mobile app as simple as drag and drop. Dropsource comes equipped with… Continue reading Visually Build Native Apps Right In Your Browser With Dropsource
How to use breadcrumbs (the right way)
Bread crumbs…they bring up associations with the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel, where Hansel leaves bread crumbs to help him find his way home again. Although the association with bread crumbs is perhaps still stronger in the realm of Grimm stories, that’s gradually changing as breadcrumbs in navigation help web designers create a better… Continue reading How to use breadcrumbs (the right way)
5 Best Collaboration Tools That Will Improve Your Workflow
Posted · Category: Best Collections A team leader’s role is to take a group of people who have diverse yet complementary skills, and variable degrees of experience, and mold them into a cohesive team. And make them work together toward a common objective. These same skills that can do so much when given proper direction can just… Continue reading 5 Best Collaboration Tools That Will Improve Your Workflow
Choice paralysis: 3 ways the number of choices impacts conversions
Maybe you’ve heard of a phenomenon called choice or analysis paralysis. In short, it’s a situation where a customer can’t make a decision on a purchase because he’s faced with so many choices that they end up paralyzing him. Hence, choice paralysis. In the annals of marketing, there’s this notorious jam experiment that painfully details… Continue reading Choice paralysis: 3 ways the number of choices impacts conversions
Create a Sci-Fi Chamber Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
Learn how to create a sci-fi photo manipulation of a mysterious chamber with amazing light flares and great entrance with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to contruct your own chamber with textures , place a model in front of the entrance and then complete it by adding realistic shadows and lighting effect Throughout… Continue reading Create a Sci-Fi Chamber Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
Meet the Latest Monstroid WordPress Theme Update and Save 40%
Posted · Category: Best Collections We are excited to bring your attention to the most recent update of Monstroid – a multipurpose WordPress theme packed with premade designs, tools for developers, plugins, and many other awesome features.We have already featured Monstroid in one of our posts, and even hosted a giveaway. Today you have a… Continue reading Meet the Latest Monstroid WordPress Theme Update and Save 40%
Showcase Of Colorful Mobile User Interface Designs
Advertisement User Interface (UI) has two parts: technological and aesthetic. The technological half is the logic and scientific method used to make not just a program work, but to ensure that users find access to the program simple to navigate. The aesthetic half provides users with an interface that is attractive visually and draws the… Continue reading Showcase Of Colorful Mobile User Interface Designs
How To Make Infographics Properly
Advertisement I know you are interested in learning how to make infographics. Before getting there, we need to start with the beginning. Since the dawn of time humans have used visuals to communicate with one another. Cave paintings have been discovered across Asia and Europe dating back as far as 40,000 years ago. Fast forward… Continue reading How To Make Infographics Properly
Format Input Text Content Automatically with Cleave.js
Posted · Category: Forms Cleave.js has a simple purpose: to help you format input text content automatically. The idea is to provide an easy way to increase input field readability by formatting your typed data. By using this library, you won’t need to write any mind-blowing regular expressions or mask patterns to format input text.… Continue reading Format Input Text Content Automatically with Cleave.js
4 Useful Ways to Use Perspective Warp
The Perspective Warp tool is almost like magic. It lets you change the perspective in your image and can be used to rotate buildings and objects, make telephoto shots look like wide angle shots, and quickly straighten multiple objects in less than a minute. Read this tutorial and find out four useful ways to use… Continue reading 4 Useful Ways to Use Perspective Warp
How To Design A Great Portfolio Website
Advertisement Designing a great portfolio, whether it is a web design portfolio or a graphic design portfolio, is a challenging task for every designer. Designing a project for ourselves, such that could meet our highest requirements, can be tough. Still, it doesn’t mean that we cannot create an online portfolio which is entertaining, accurate, and… Continue reading How To Design A Great Portfolio Website
How to Design a Modern, Creative Agency Website
Posted · Category: Best Collections Your assignment is to create a website for a creative agency, perhaps the one you work for. Hence, your goal is to design a website that will attract and engage potential clients and customers. And have them beating on the door. You need to address what these potential customers expect from a creative agency.… Continue reading How to Design a Modern, Creative Agency Website