Lame vs. Kickass WordPress Themes: Take your Pick

Posted · Category: Best Collections Here at Artbees Themes, we’re not big into sugar-coating things. With ourselves or others. So we’ll be blunt–in the world of WordPress Themes there are the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’, but it’s not always easily apparent. If you’re not quite sure what to prioritize when shopping for a new… Continue reading Lame vs. Kickass WordPress Themes: Take your Pick

New Coffee Break Course on CSS Keyframe Animations

CSS keyframe animations offer designers a powerful way to create animations in the browser without having to rely on external plugins or extensive programming.  If you’re not sure how to use them, our new Coffee Break Course, Up and Running With CSS Keyframe Animations, is the place to start. In just ten minutes, Envato Tuts+ instructor… Continue reading New Coffee Break Course on CSS Keyframe Animations

Find JavaScript Code Snippets by Functionality with Cocycles

Cocycles is a new code search service that enables code to be found by functionality. In this article, Cocycles team member Jonathan explains the idea behind this approach to code searching. We’re all familiar with it: that moment when you’re forced to abandon your code editor, interrupt your workflow and open your browser to search… Continue reading Find JavaScript Code Snippets by Functionality with Cocycles

What does simplicity in UX design look like?

For over a decade, designers have debated what constitutes simplicity in user experience design. As Robert Hoekman Jr. points out in his article When It Comes to UX Design, Simplicity is Overrated, the variation in semantics is confusing. Simplicity could refer to a clean design (then there’s the disparity of what “clean” actually looks like), the… Continue reading What does simplicity in UX design look like?

20 Fascinating Examples of Bold Design

If you’re subscribed to my list, you know that in the first email, I ask you what is your biggest struggle with design in business. A huge number of people reply to this email (and I respond to almost all of them). And it turns out that many readers seem to be struggling with finding… Continue reading 20 Fascinating Examples of Bold Design

Tips for Designers Who Don’t Code

I hail from a design background and moved into front-end development some years ago. With responsive web design, the requirement of the designer is shifting. Here are a few tips collated to help designers who don’t code. In an ideal world, everybody designing for the web medium would also be a front-end developer. The reasons… Continue reading Tips for Designers Who Don’t Code

Small Guide For Designing A Website That Sells

Image source:[2] The development of sales makes one thing obvious – consumers are becoming picky and negative towards uncreative companies. The ones to make the best deals are the always evolving ones, which seem to really understand what their customers want. First of all, a company needs to develop an excellent product which can… Continue reading Small Guide For Designing A Website That Sells

How to Install a WordPress Plugin

One of the challenges of writing articles focused on web development and software development is making sure anyone and everyone who wants to learn a skill is able to do so. When you provide as much content as Envato, it can often be a challenge to make sure you’re educating everyone. This includes people who are… Continue reading How to Install a WordPress Plugin

22 Must Reads For Web and Graphic Designers

Stay updated with the latest design news, read some personal development books, learn how to grow your business and how to design better! This is what this roundup will offer you! We selected 22 must reads for web and graphic designers. These are some really useful articles we found on the web. These are both… Continue reading 22 Must Reads For Web and Graphic Designers

WordPress Admin Themes: Rebrand and Customize the WordPress Admin

How do you like the default WordPress admin ? Some people express distaste for it saying it’s stuck in the past design-wise and can be hard to learn for beginners. Personally I have never had a problem with it – that may be because I have used most versions and spend so much time in… Continue reading WordPress Admin Themes: Rebrand and Customize the WordPress Admin

10 Terrific Time-Saving CSS Cleanup Tools

The benefits of having clean, organized CSS are numerous. A site with immaculate CSS will load more quickly, appear more prominently in search results, and serve as a stellar testament of your professionalism for future clients. Everyone from the everyday visitor to the most scrutinous fellow designer will benefit from your diligent, clean CSS markup. … Continue reading 10 Terrific Time-Saving CSS Cleanup Tools

How Human Centric Web Design Improves Your Workflow

Human-centric and user-centric design are two terms we often hear in the industry, though sometimes both designers and developers consider them to mean the same. User-centered design is something most of us aim to put high on our list of priorities; having the end-user in mind and reflecting this philosophy in our products. Human-centered design… Continue reading How Human Centric Web Design Improves Your Workflow

45+ Free GUI Sets For Your Web and App Projects

Free GUI set are in high demand there days. A lot of web designers experience an increasing competition and everyone work hard to become the best of the best. With thousands of skilled designers online it is essential to stand out from the crowd and know how to work smarter than your competitors. Having the… Continue reading 45+ Free GUI Sets For Your Web and App Projects

30+ Websites Offering Free Icon Sets For Download

Free icon sets of high quality can be really useful for busy web designers to speed up the creative process. Icons play an important role in blog- and website design for attracting the attention of visitors to specific content, menu items and so forth. While there are tons of premium icons available for anyone willing… Continue reading 30+ Websites Offering Free Icon Sets For Download

Useful Hacks to Make WordPress Work Better

If you came here looking for ways to break into someone’s WordPress site, you choose the wrong definition of the word hack. No, this article is all about ways to make WordPress work better for you and your visitors by getting your hands dirty with WordPress’ actual code, you know the functions.php files, .htaccess and… Continue reading Useful Hacks to Make WordPress Work Better

14 print inspired websites

For years, I’ve continuously read how print is a dying industry and how print designers are in danger. It’s hard to argue, when many big name newspapers and magazines of the past see more readership online than in print. It’s even harder when many of these magazines and newspapers cease printing altogether to go full-blown… Continue reading 14 print inspired websites

Why Media Temple’s Grid Package Is Such A Likeable Hosting Option

The Media Temple Grid type hosting plan is the best value for blog, business or personal web hosting, for a number of reasons. First among these is the scalability it comes with:  there is no fixed capacity, so you’re always online. The number of computers comprising the grid can be augmented with just a flip of… Continue reading Why Media Temple’s Grid Package Is Such A Likeable Hosting Option

The Pros and Cons of Parallax Website Design

Parallax websites are quickly growing in popularity as web designers continue push the envelope and the capabilities of web browsers in order to wow visitors. You have to admit, a smooth scrolling parallax website captivates users and provokes intense curiosity. Visitors tend to stay on your website longer, if only to play with the slick… Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Parallax Website Design

Web Design Workshop #36: Gateway Learning

Web Design Workshop is our regular community project where we ask readers to submit their work for your friendly, constructive criticism. It’s the perfect way to learn, offer opinions and have your own work critiqued! This week, something you may have already seen if you follow Dan Eden..   Rules of Engagement Play nice! We… Continue reading Web Design Workshop #36: Gateway Learning

38 Unique Musical Websites for Bands and Musicians

Musicians and artists often struggle to come up with their own unique website idea. It is difficult because there are not many standards for building a music website. Often these are more free of the typical rules in web design, which allows artists to break outside the mold of normal website trends. This leaves room… Continue reading 38 Unique Musical Websites for Bands and Musicians

40+ Great Rocking Band Website Designs

Most musicians and bands have a dedicated focus on building a strong brand and I large tribe of fans. Having a great fan or band website design is critical these days, so people can go online and find general information, pictures, event calendars and tracks. It is also important to link it up to social… Continue reading 40+ Great Rocking Band Website Designs

Quick Tip: Creating an App Walkthrough in After Effects

It’s often interesting to turn your attention to a new skill or toolset and see what it offers your current workflow. Today, we’ll do just that by presenting our web projects with… Adobe After Effects. This is a beginner tutorial aimed towards app and web developers. This screencast was originally published on Aetuts+. Go and… Continue reading Quick Tip: Creating an App Walkthrough in After Effects

Top 20 PSD To HTML Services To Code Your Design

In this Internet world full of business opportunities, having a semantic and user-friendly website is important to the next Internet entrepreneur, aka you. But alas, not everyone can be an HTML/CSS ninja, since it requires a truckload of learning spirit, good karma (best practice), and years of experience to produce a functional website that actually… Continue reading Top 20 PSD To HTML Services To Code Your Design