How to Parse JSON in PHP

JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a common lightweight format for storing and exchanging information. As the name suggests, it was initially derived from JavaScript but it is a language-independent format for storing information. A lot of languages like PHP now implement functions to read and create JSON data. This tutorial will teach you… Continue reading How to Parse JSON in PHP

How to Use WordPress

If you’ve just set up your first WordPress website, or you’re thinking of doing so, you might be wondering just how you use WordPress. How can you create a website with WordPress? How do you get your site looking the way you want it to? How do you add content and extra features? In this… Continue reading How to Use WordPress

Dealing with the loopholes of quantitative research

Concerns from stakeholders – High dissatisfaction among students😒 If the problem is approved, it gets posted, and if disapproved, the admins of the group don’t post that problem. But, they think students need to know why their problem was refused. Another primary concern was the announcements of the senate, and other information gets hidden in… Continue reading Dealing with the loopholes of quantitative research

Categorized as UX Tagged

5 Human Things UX Designers Can Learn From Conversational Design

It seems like magic: you talk to the phone, and it talks back. And if you’re lucky, it says something useful. You type into the chat box, and if the bot is good, you find out what you need to know. [Cue: shocked-looking stock photo models.] The current marketing term for it is “conversational design”,… Continue reading 5 Human Things UX Designers Can Learn From Conversational Design

5 Above the Fold Elements that Get Your Audience’s Attention

An old study from Nielsen states that web visitors spend 80.3% of their time above the fold – the top area of your site that’s immediately viewable upon loading. Furthermore, Google found out that ads above the fold had 68% viewability, as opposed to ads below the fold with only 40%. Naturally, a lot of… Continue reading 5 Above the Fold Elements that Get Your Audience’s Attention

Useful Hacks to Make WordPress Work Better

If you came here looking for ways to break into someone’s WordPress site, you choose the wrong definition of the word hack. No, this article is all about ways to make WordPress work better for you and your visitors by getting your hands dirty with WordPress’ actual code, you know the functions.php files, .htaccess and… Continue reading Useful Hacks to Make WordPress Work Better