October 25, 2017 by Alex Fox For many dark days, properly aligning objects on a webpage with CSS alone was close to impossible. With mostly-functional semi-hacks like float, positioning and in-like block, we could make it work, but it was far from perfect. When vexed by a particularly troublesome layout quirk, some event lamented the… Continue reading Avoiding Common Problems with CSS Grid
Tag: names
How to Add More Life to Your Website’s Flat UI Design?
Well, the fact can’t be denied that the big names like Google, Microsoft etc. are all opting for flat designs nowadays when it comes to designing their websites. So, the trend of flat UI designs is raising its flag like never before. Be it a flat logo, using one dominant brand color, simple and bold… Continue reading How to Add More Life to Your Website’s Flat UI Design?
Processing Incoming Request Data in Flask ― Scotch
In any web app, you’ll have to process incoming request data from users. Flask, like any other web framework, allows you to access the request data easily. In this tutorial, we’ll go through how to process incoming data for the most common use cases. The forms of incoming data we’ll cover are: query strings, form… Continue reading Processing Incoming Request Data in Flask ― Scotch
Vivify – A New Free CSS Animation Library
As web standards are changing constantly and being improved, we see now that web browsers can do many more things than just displaying text and images. The era of having web pages with just images and text is long gone and in order for you to be successful in this competitive area, you need to… Continue reading Vivify – A New Free CSS Animation Library
7 Minimalist Realtor and Rental Property Site Designs
August 23, 2017 by Zac Johnson There is nothing simple or minimal about the concept of selling real estate or renting out apartments. It’s one of the most lucrative and competitive businesses in the world today. However, when it comes to selling and marketing such services online, a minimalist design and approach have proven to… Continue reading 7 Minimalist Realtor and Rental Property Site Designs
Make Sure You Avoid These Security Mistakes in Your Next Project
Whether you’re building a website, application or server, make sure you don’t make these security mistakes on your next project. 1. Insufficient Backups Backups are a crucial part of running a anything online. They preserve your data in the event of a system crash or user error, and they can also save you from security… Continue reading Make Sure You Avoid These Security Mistakes in Your Next Project
The Company Name on a Logo: How to Make It Work
The name of your company incorporated into its logo isn’t always a right solution but sometimes it is really perfect for your company’s introduction. So, in which cases will it be highly beneficial for companies to implement their names into their logos? A logo can be described as your company’s face, while your corporate style… Continue reading The Company Name on a Logo: How to Make It Work
7 New & Free WordPress Plugins
WordPress plugins are quite a useful commodity as they allow designers and developers to bring in some additional functionality into their website or blog. WordPress plugins are specially popular in designing community because of their widespread variety and easy availability. In this post, we are also presenting a fresh collection of 7 new and free… Continue reading 7 New & Free WordPress Plugins
10 WordPress Plugins to Improve Multi-Author Websites
WordPress is a natural fit for multi-author websites. Its ability to assign User Roles and Capabilities makes it easy to gather content from any number of authors – no matter where they’re located. Depending on your specific needs, you may want to implement some extra features such as managing editorial flow, improving content organization or… Continue reading 10 WordPress Plugins to Improve Multi-Author Websites
The New Skeuomorphism is in Your Voice Assistant
Google Home and Amazon Echo Yay, we killed Skeuomorphism! Not too long ago humanity left behind its skeuomorphic interfaces. Skeuomorphism meant using references to real world surface textures on visual interfaces to enhance their comprehensibility. We stripped our visual interfaces off their ornamentations to allow a more authentic approach to visual aesthetics. Killing skeuomorphism made us… Continue reading The New Skeuomorphism is in Your Voice Assistant
Legally Binding Online Signatures for Free with EverSign
Posted · Category: Tools Eversign is a cloud-based productivity tool that allows you securely sign, approve and deliver documents digitally. Ever sign works perfectly with other popular cloud-based applications like Evernote, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box, connecting and interfacing seamlessly with them. The eSignature application comes with so many handy features like: Compliance and Legal… Continue reading Legally Binding Online Signatures for Free with EverSign
8 Strategies to Create The Perfect .COM Domain Name For Your Website
To get that perfect brand name you’ve always wanted for your business or blog, you’ll need to demonstrate a lot of creativity and flexibility. When selecting your domain name extension, .COM remains the best option. According to the result of a finding by Registrar Stats, the most popular name extension is .COM, with 75% of… Continue reading 8 Strategies to Create The Perfect .COM Domain Name For Your Website
Key Web Development and Design Skills You Should Learn In 2017
In addition to building your client contact list this year, you should be thinking of upgrading your knowledge base in critical areas, especially as competition in the digital economy gets stiffer and opens up wider opportunities for highly skilled web developers and designers. What exactly should you focus on when expanding your web development skills-set… Continue reading Key Web Development and Design Skills You Should Learn In 2017
How to Create a Website to Compliment Your Logo
When it comes to creating your website and logo design, nothing but the best will do. You need to consider your branding always when creating any STD or web property. You also should consider your logo design and how your website works with your logo to help your branding. Remember that branding is a concerted… Continue reading How to Create a Website to Compliment Your Logo
The ultimate guide to CMS, part 1
Gather ’round friends, and I’ll tell you a story that is pure fabrication on my part, and also probably how it happened: Once upon a time, around 1995 (as far as I can figure out from searching around the web), some poor guy who worked as the “webmaster” for some large company was putting nearly… Continue reading The ultimate guide to CMS, part 1
Making logos work for the web
When you design for the web, no matter the industry, there are expectations that must be met, and realities that must be accounted for. Although this is true for all forms of web design, it is especially true for logo design. This is something we’ve encountered numerous times. Think about the many different conventions of logo… Continue reading Making logos work for the web
The evolution of political campaign logos
The most successful brands understand that knowing their audience and how to communicate with them is vital to their success. For better or worse, it often comes down to a simple logo. We’ve all seen our fair share of re-brandings and logo transformations. The history behind an established brand is essential and changing something familiar… Continue reading The evolution of political campaign logos
Nuage – Managing Domains Has Never Been So Cool
Posted · Category: License Free, Tools Nuage is a simple interface that allows you to buy, import and manage your domain names in just a few clicks. They know how painful it is to transfer all your domain names to a new provider. That’s why they had the idea to create a bypass between all… Continue reading Nuage – Managing Domains Has Never Been So Cool
The Principles Of Information Architecture
Advertisement At the heart of online design sits information architecture. In fact, a large proportion of our function as online designers is devoted to supporting users when it comes to locating the content that they need, and driving them towards the content that website owners would like them to interact with. As such, we incorporate… Continue reading The Principles Of Information Architecture
Website navigation and user experience
Advertisement Website navigation usability is the most crucial element in design. It makes the difference between a website where users find what they are looking for and one which causes so much frustration that users want to abandon it. The whole point of designing a website is to allow access the content, so the success… Continue reading Website navigation and user experience
Get Your New Job Faster with Hired
Posted · Category: Information Hired is the world’s most intelligent talent matching platform for full-time and contract opportunities in engineering, development, design, product management, data science, sales, and marketing. It makes your job search faster, focused, and stress-free: instead of endlessly applying to companies and hoping for the best, Hired puts you in control of… Continue reading Get Your New Job Faster with Hired
The Top 10 Super-Ultra-Very Bestest Photoshop Tips the Experts Don't Want You to Know!
New World Order Reader caution: this article was posted on April 1st 2016 and should not be taken seriously. Hi there dear readers, you may recognize me. I’m a frequent contributor to this site, and it’s time for me to come clean. I’m blowing the whistle. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain and letting you… Continue reading The Top 10 Super-Ultra-Very Bestest Photoshop Tips the Experts Don't Want You to Know!
The greatest portfolio that is new, January Edition
Hello all! And welcome to January’s portfolio roundup. There will be a lot to appreciate about each portfolio listed here, so why not grab a coffee and browse through some of the best sites that are new display design work. You’ll find a few of the most exciting designers working away in studios throughout… Continue reading The greatest portfolio that is new, January Edition
Build a Custom Photo Widget for Your Desktop with Node.js
The first thing I do on any new device is customize the home screen. This has been a tradition of mine since my first non-DOS computer, when I used my Mario Paint manual to help me make some Legend of Zelda pixel art in MS Paint, and set it as the Desktop wallpaper. Now that… Continue reading Build a Custom Photo Widget for Your Desktop with Node.js