What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration?

What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration? If inspiration is as easy as drinking a cup of coffee or you can easily find inspiration in a cup of coffee, then a web designer’s life is a breeze. However, like their art and all the codes that go with it, there are times when inspiration… Continue reading What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration?

WP_Query Arguments: Taxonomies

So far in this series, you’ve learned how WP_Query is structured and what its properties and methods are. Now we’re looking at the various arguments you can use with WP_Query and how you code them. WP_Query has a large number of possible arguments, which makes it extremely flexible. As you can use it to query… Continue reading WP_Query Arguments: Taxonomies

Product Tags, Categories & Attributes

In previous articles of this series about WooCommerce I have discussed different settings and their configurations, including the addition of products. Then we explored the addition of four different kinds of products with featured images and product galleries. In the section of products, there were options for product tags, categories and attributes. This is what… Continue reading Product Tags, Categories & Attributes

10 Little Known Ways to Create More Time in Your Life

“Life is crazy. Family, work, social engagements…I just can’t keep up… there aren’t enough hours in a day…whoever has the time to really achieve what they want out of life?” Does this sound like you? Are you tired of waking up and discovering you’re already running behind before you even get out of bed? Life… Continue reading 10 Little Known Ways to Create More Time in Your Life

Real Life Examples of the X Theme in Action

It’s never easy to decide on a specific theme when making a website for one of your clients. So, unless you’ve already heard about this by now, you may be pleased to know that there is no need to seek any further. A certain Theme.co release has gone viral over the past months. The genesis… Continue reading Real Life Examples of the X Theme in Action

Micro UX Effects: Bring Websites to Life with Microscopic Attention to Detail

We are accustomed to taking different helpful elements that are inbuilt into website design for granted. For example, a small load dynamic icon that allows controlling volume of sound seems to us a matter of course. Various effects that transform integral elements into brisk eye-catching items also do not cause delight. Trendy techniques of using… Continue reading Micro UX Effects: Bring Websites to Life with Microscopic Attention to Detail

10 Ways to Be a Student of Life

Learning shouldn’t stop once you graduate from school. Graduating from college doesn’t mean you can no longer be a student. Life offers more lessons than school ever could. As an individual, you must constantly seek for more ways to grow. To be stagnant should never be an option for someone who has so much potential.… Continue reading 10 Ways to Be a Student of Life

Street Photography: 40+ Outstanding Candid Shots

Street Photography is defined as photography that is shot in any public place in a candid situation. The image captured could be any random person, thing, building or street performers. Therefore, despite the name of this genre, the presence of a street is not a necessity. Framing and timing are all important, with the aim… Continue reading Street Photography: 40+ Outstanding Candid Shots

GA Dash: Newcomer teaches Newcomers HTML5 for Free

Online-learning resources are great ways to gain knowledge at your own pace and in topics you are truly interested in, unlike typical school education. There are quite a few institutes promising to help you evolve your skills in whatever field you like. If you are about to embark the web design or development ship, just… Continue reading GA Dash: Newcomer teaches Newcomers HTML5 for Free

How To Create Stylish Pictogram Inspired Illustrations

Illustrating with basic linework not only results in some really cool artwork, it also makes the job a lot easier! Instead of painstakingly drawing every detail, simplifying the object into its basic form and using just a single stroke weight produces a stylised pictogram effect. In this tutorial I’ll take you through the process of… Continue reading How To Create Stylish Pictogram Inspired Illustrations

Indigo Studio – Prototyping Tool for Your Web, Desktop and Mobile Applications

If you are in need of a rapid and interactive prototyping tool for your web, desktop and mobile applications then you should totally check out Indigo Studio. This is one of the latest design tools that will make life easier for you by simply and quickly creating functional animated user interface prototypes. What makes this… Continue reading Indigo Studio – Prototyping Tool for Your Web, Desktop and Mobile Applications

Web Design Trends of Video Backgrounds

Websites do not have to be static all the time. Websites are not in hardcopy, rather softcopy which allows making them more dynamic and providing visitors an ameliorated user experience. With the ever advancing technology and designing techniques it is now possible to implement videos as backgrounds easily and quickly – thanks to HTML5. If this is… Continue reading Web Design Trends of Video Backgrounds

30+ Stunning HDR Photographs of Airports and Planes Around the World

Most of us, at some time or another, have been to an airport, whether it is to take a flight or to meet friends or relatives from their flight. How often do we actually take a look around the airport, try to find unusual angles that would produce a stunning photograph or notice the way… Continue reading 30+ Stunning HDR Photographs of Airports and Planes Around the World

Put More Personal Work In Your Portfolio

Anyone here have a bunch of strange, unusual, or, shall we say, “quirky” hobbies? Perhaps you like to collect bottle caps from around the world and photograph them as found typography. Or maybe you recycle old computer parts to fashion into handmade art pieces? Come on, you’re designers – I know there’s something juicy you… Continue reading Put More Personal Work In Your Portfolio

10 Hand-Picked Useful resources to Make your life a lot Easier

Being a web designer or developer ourselves, we know you guys are always looking for something new and interesting that can help you get things done more accurately and efficiently. So today we have hand-picked 10 amazing resources and tools that can make your life a little easier. These can be great for the budding… Continue reading 10 Hand-Picked Useful resources to Make your life a lot Easier

A Showcase of Beautifully Designed Websites for Magazines

With sales of print magazines consistently falling year-on-year, many publications have turned to the internet, creating online offerings of their existing titles. This growing trend for online publications has also seen many new titles launch via the internet. However, bringing a magazine to life online is not always an easy job for web designers. Replicating… Continue reading A Showcase of Beautifully Designed Websites for Magazines

30 Funny Advertisements Featuring Dogs

Advertising it’s an extraordinary industry because it let’s you play with consumer’s feelings and desires. It’s a line of work where your creativity it’s your most important asset because without it, your work won’t be noticed. Creating a commercial is not easy because in those few seconds of viewer’s attention you not only need to… Continue reading 30 Funny Advertisements Featuring Dogs

Turn a Pencil Sketch Into a Colorful and Dynamic Character Illustration

Sketching out a character illustration can be a lot of fun. Giving that sketch life can be a challenging task, however. In this Tuts+ Premium tutorial, Ken Barthelmey will explain how to use Photoshop’s painting tools to turn a pencil sketch into a colorful and dynamic character illustration. In this process, he will show how… Continue reading Turn a Pencil Sketch Into a Colorful and Dynamic Character Illustration

Stunning Time-lapse of an Illustration of a Dying Star

When a star like our own reaches the end of its life, it begins to run out of hydrogen fuel in its core. Like a car running out of gas, it will begin to sputter, swelling to a size that could encompass every planet in our solar system out to Mars. When this happens, the… Continue reading Stunning Time-lapse of an Illustration of a Dying Star

50 Things We No Longer Do Thanks to Technology [Infographic]

Thanks to our technological advancements, the world is quickly changing. The following infographic take a look at things that we used to do in the past. Remember Blockbuster?  Video streaming at that point and time was so alien to us. Look where were it’s at now… What about the Motorola Razr flip phones? They used… Continue reading 50 Things We No Longer Do Thanks to Technology [Infographic]

50 Fresh and Truly Creative Photo Manipulations

The featured image of this post is the georgeous photo manipulation [myOwnWorld²]. When memory fade like the life of autumn leaf Evolution Titanic II the place you want to be the WorkForce Play with me? also human part II Health Check Despairing Red (Love) Stoned visitor. Moon Palace… the Mysteries of Waxing Youth Preparing for… Continue reading 50 Fresh and Truly Creative Photo Manipulations