For this article in the international artist series, we turn to Italy, featuring six artists who create fantastic work, from illustration to graphic design and more! I asked each artist how their country and culture inspired their work, and they delivered fantastic answers. Enjoy!
Officemilano is a multi-discipline design firm based in Milan, Italy. I chatted briefly with Matteo and Angela about the influence of their country and culture on their work. You can check out more of their design work on their website or in the small selection of pieces below.
Write Sketch & | Super! Pocket Notebooks
“Design in Italy, and especially in Milan, has always been very important. We have been influenced by 50’s and 80’s Italian avant-garde [designers].

A Casa di Lora | Brand Identity

Ogami Quotes | Gruppo Cartorama
“We love the international style of the 50’s, but also post modernism of the 80’s.”

Ogami Quotes New Notebooks

Emanuele Colombo
Emanuele is a motion graphics designer from Milan, Italy. His work is vibrant and so, so fun. You can check out some still images below or see his animations in their full glory in his portfolio.
A Bit of Character Animation
“Italians have a sort of love and hate relationship with their country. It is a beautiful place indeed, known all over the world for its beauty, but it is also a country that doesn’t offer many opportunities to young people.

IBM Patents
“I think that the artistic history of my country has helped me build my aesthetic sense and taught me what beauty is. And let’s face it, we are not very good in following the rules. But doesn’t creativity mean breaking the rules?

YouTube Rewind 2015 Doodles
“At the same time, economic difficulties that began in 2008 forced me to find a way out. That’s why I started working as a freelancer, trying to find clients from all over the world.

ESPN – The Story of the Season… So Far
“Again, Italy is a difficult country; it constantly put you to the test. However, it also gives you the instruments to succeed, and most importantly, it teaches you how to enjoy life and take things easy.”

Clarissa Corradin
Clarissa is a freelance illustrator from Turin, Italy. Her work is beautiful and dreamlike, telling little stories in each image. You can check out more of it in her portfolio or in the small selection of pieces below!
Fishing Time
“I live in the northern Italy nearby countryside and hills, so it means pretty landscapes. I often walk through the woods so I like to draw something connected with nature.

Summer Days
“I spend hours at the river so it appears often in my work.

“About culture, I usually look back to French illustrators because of their refinement and that vintage atmosphere that they are able to create. They have a really great taste in comics and children books.”


Andrea De Santis
Andrea is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Ascoli Piceno, Italy. A lot of Andrea’s work has a fantastic retro feel, largely thanks to the color palettes and textures used. You can check out more of it in Andrea’s portfolio or in the small selection of pieces below.
Editorial Illustration for Psychologies 4
“Unfortunately my country, and especially the area where I live, doesn’t invest heavily in creativity. Growing up in a country where we are always looking for unattainable perfectionism surrounded by the dissatisfaction from your employer, you inevitably train to make yourself stronger or you leave and follow other roads.

“Fortunately, I’m a part of one of those rare cases in which that decided to move on, so I can thank Italy because it unwittingly made me who I am and allows me to be sought for my work.

Pride and Prejudice
“The culture of my country has definitely been important to me, especially the artistic culture of Italy that we all have a bit of in our blood. Mostly contemporary designers were, for me, a reference point that had motivated me to try to experiment and find my own artistic identity.”


Federica Frenna
Federica is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Agrigento, Italy. Much of her work is character driven, transporting viewers into whimsical stories one image at a time. You can check out more of her work in her portfolio or in the small selection of pieces below.
– Elephant Bath –
“Growing up in a culturally and historically rich country as Italy has unconsciously influenced my visual language for sure. But I have to say first that my passion for American animation was my first influence and inspires me daily.

– Nicuzza –
“I also think that all the regions of Italy offer a lot of different inspiration. The only things of my country deliberately reflected in my work are my love for nature and animals, and the bright colors of the area where I grew up.

– Viking –
“I love my country, but I always try to be as international as I can and to have a range of many inspirations that I can find everywhere in the world without any restriction.”

– Rise Up High –

Diego Della Posta
Diego is an artist based in Rome, Italy, whose work spans from illustration to motion graphics, graffiti, and more! You can check out more of his work in his portfolio or in the small selection of pieces below.
“They Are Still Playing Your Game”
“I think that Italy and Italian artists have contributed a lot in influencing me artistically and creatively.

Fall Winter 2016/17 Collection
“Surely the main feature that I learned being Italian was to always be able to get by, especially in more difficult situations where there didn’t seem to be a solution.

“Keep Clean Your Masks”
“I believe that the real strength of Italians is the ability to bring out the best of even impossible situations and always having humor and joy in everything one does.”

“Sitting Duck”

Many thanks to the artists above who took time out of their busy schedules to answer my questions. You can, and should, check out more of their work in their portfolios below!