Understanding Static Functions and Static Classes in PHP

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;} Static functions and static classes can be easily accessed without necessarily creating an instance of that class. This helps keep your code clean and organized. In this post, you’ll learn about the static keyword and how it is applied on functions and classes to make them static.… Continue reading Understanding Static Functions and Static Classes in PHP

PHP Magic Methods Cheatsheet

In this post, I’ll give you a cheetsheet quick reference to all the magic methods available in PHP.  Whether you are a seasoned PHP developer or a novice in PHP development, if you’ve worked with OOP in PHP, then you’re using at least a couple of PHP magic methods already. However, if you have not… Continue reading PHP Magic Methods Cheatsheet

InVision Studio is out—but are designers migrating to a new tool again?

Why would someone switch from Sketch to Invision Studio? Well, to answer this question I decided to look at what the community is talking about online. Here are some of the answers I found on Quora. Opinions seem pretty divided. 1.“It depends on its performance — if it improves my workflow. Sketch is pretty simple and has many… Continue reading InVision Studio is out—but are designers migrating to a new tool again?

10 Ways to Be a Student of Life

Learning shouldn’t stop once you graduate from school. Graduating from college doesn’t mean you can no longer be a student. Life offers more lessons than school ever could. As an individual, you must constantly seek for more ways to grow. To be stagnant should never be an option for someone who has so much potential.… Continue reading 10 Ways to Be a Student of Life