25 Creative Photography Booklet and Brochure Templates

Professional clean and modern Photography portfolio, booklet, catalog and brochure templates. These highly creative Photo booklet and brochures can fit for fashion lookbook, photography, lifestyle, beauty salon, corporate photo event, fashion booklet, photography photo-book or personal portfolio. There brochure templates have all the features you’d expect in a brochures, from placeholders, to text styles, one click infographics, and easy to edit… Continue reading 25 Creative Photography Booklet and Brochure Templates

Best Multipurpose WP Themes You Can Use in 2018

Posted · Category: Best Collections There is one thing web designers like about multipurpose WordPress themes. It is that they can be used to build virtually any type of website. It can be for a creative type, a small business, a corporation, or a cause. A counter-argument is that multipurpose is a “jack of all… Continue reading Best Multipurpose WP Themes You Can Use in 2018

Tips That Graphic Designers Should Follow

As children, many of us used to draw or doodle to express our thoughts. Perhaps we doodled during lessons when work felt tedious and we no longer wanted to pay attention. Some of may have doodles while thinking, creating a pattern or texture on the page. Perhaps we were discouraged by our early results and… Continue reading Tips That Graphic Designers Should Follow

Why You Should Have a Good WordPress Backup Solution

What is WordPress? WordPress is one of the most popular content management system and CMS; which is based on PHP and MySQL. It is a free tool which help us to build websites and create powerful blogs. Earlier it was just a blogging tool but over time its developers increased its functionality and now it… Continue reading Why You Should Have a Good WordPress Backup Solution

Start your designs with a concept — and more UX links this week

If you like the links, don’t forget to ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Start your designs with a concept → The best designers I know always start a project with a concept (or conceptual model). What’s your design concept for this project? How do you envision people interacting with your product? What model are you trying to emulate in… Continue reading Start your designs with a concept — and more UX links this week

The Brand: the forgotten child in Design Thinking

Just as ‘we are our brain’, companies ‘are their brand’. It defines why they exist, why they do what they do and what distinguishes them from competition. The often quoted Simon Sinek framework of the ‘why, how and what‘ is a perfect way to answer the question: ‘why are we doing what we’re doing?’, and… Continue reading The Brand: the forgotten child in Design Thinking

Database and API ― Scotch

To get paid for goods and services provided, companies/freelancers need to send invoices to their customers informing them of the services that they will be charged for. Back then, people had paper invoices which they gave to the customers when they contact them for their services. Right now, with the advent and advancement of technology,… Continue reading Database and API ― Scotch

5 Tips to Make Your Business Website User-Friendly for More Conversions

Days when businesses used websites for sharing information and promoting products only, are long gone. Today, companies use websites to improve customer experiences and increase traffic conversion. However, to offer your website visitors with the best experience possible, you need to ensure your site is as engaging as possible. One of the most critical aspects… Continue reading 5 Tips to Make Your Business Website User-Friendly for More Conversions

4 tips to take your school design projects to the next level

Courtesy of Green Chameleon from unsplash.com. Having attended public portfolio review events as well as getting a good dose of portfolio critique myself, I’ve noticed a few patterns in feedback — particularly about projects coming from school and bootcamps. While I haven’t attended a UX design bootcamp or gone back for a Master’s degree (yet), I’ve jotted… Continue reading 4 tips to take your school design projects to the next level

Freebie: 3 Amazing Bootstrap 4 Gallery Templates

In this article we share with you 3 amazing Bootstrap 4 image gallery templates with awesome hover effects. Just like all our freebies, these templates are completely free to use, fully responsive and very easy to integrate- just copy and paste. The Templates The templates are built with the Bootstrap 4 grid component. The HTML… Continue reading Freebie: 3 Amazing Bootstrap 4 Gallery Templates

SVG Viewport and viewBox (For Complete Beginners)

Check out this quick SVG viewport and viewBox tutorial. We’ll break down exactly what viewport and viewBox are in SVG for the web.  SVG Viewport  If you literally break down the word “viewport” you’ll get a hint as to its role in SVG. It creates a “port” through which you can “view” a section of… Continue reading SVG Viewport and viewBox (For Complete Beginners)

8 Awesome and Free PHP Books

PHP is one of the most popular scripting language for web development. It has an approachable and easy to learn syntax, works on all operating systems, and can be used for building classic web sites and applications, mobile app backends, REST APIs and more. In this article, we’ve collected some of our favorite free PHP… Continue reading 8 Awesome and Free PHP Books

How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?

Everyone who runs a website knows that the loading speed is the most important factor for high convension, especially, if this is an online market. Studies made by Walmart clearly show that the longer it takes to load the page, the less operations made on the site by potential customers, because no one simply wants… Continue reading How and Why to Optimize Images On the Site?

Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Advanced DevTools

The most common tool in Chrome Developer Tools is Inspect Element. As we’ve covered, this tool allows you to view the CSS and HTML associated with specific on-screen elements. But there’s more power than that within DevTools. You can also access additional tools to do far more. You can debug JavaScript, monitor network performance, preview… Continue reading Getting Started with Chrome Developer Tools: Advanced DevTools

New Free Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials (30 Tuts)

Free text effect tutorials to learn how to create 2D, 3D, Retro & Vintage and 80’s text effects in Illustrator and Photoshop tutorials. Tutorials are perfect for beginners and advance graphic designers. There are amazing text effect tutorials to create posters, flyers, calendar and giving your typography or lettering a fresh touch with traditional and digital media, mixing patterns and textures… Continue reading New Free Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials (30 Tuts)

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Mirrorless Camera

If you are looking for a new camera the chances are high that you have already seen some new point-and-shoot or DSLR cameras on the market which offers quite impressive technical features. However, it’s important to note that with advancements in technology, a growing number of consumers are gradually switching from DSLRs to Mirrorless Cameras… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Mirrorless Camera

From a Handful of Beans to the Starbucks Experience

“A person’s hands holding a coffee cup and pouring cream into it” by Taylor Franz on Unsplash How much does a cup of coffee cost these days? Depending on where you buy your beverage, anything from $1 to $6. And while you’ve probably guessed right, that the $1 option is a McDonald’s special, likely you’re also… Continue reading From a Handful of Beans to the Starbucks Experience

Here’s Why Experts Highly Recommend Using Password Managers

Anyone and everyone who uses Internet regularly would be aware of the importance of passwords. The chances are high that your passwords are a lot weaker than you think. Considering the number of different websites, we use these days, it has become imperative to have some system for creation and remembering of passwords used on… Continue reading Here’s Why Experts Highly Recommend Using Password Managers

Top Tips to Prevent Hacking Attempts On Your Website

There are many different reasons why website owners must do all they can to protect their portals from hackers. In fact, if you own an e-commerce portal, you must have already faced some sort of hacking attempt. On the other hand, hackers not just focus on e-commerce websites, they go after simple websites too. And… Continue reading Top Tips to Prevent Hacking Attempts On Your Website

DevOps Automation with MongoDB Atlas ― Scotch

Configuration Management Configuration management tools such as Puppet, Chef and Ansible, which provide the ability to quickly automate config and deployment processes, have become a critical part of many engineering teams’ plans when building new systems. Implementing an additional cloud service should fit alongside the configuration management methods you already use. Luckily, the MongoDB Atlas… Continue reading DevOps Automation with MongoDB Atlas ― Scotch

20 New Professional Catalog Brochure Templates

New creative catalog Brochure Templates of multiple pages. Clean, modern and fully customizable brochures for corporate annual report, fashion booklet, photography photobook or personal portfolio. There brochure templates has all the features you’d expect in a brochures, from placeholders, to text styles, one click infographics, and easy to edit master pages. Brochures are available in different sizes Square, A4 and US… Continue reading 20 New Professional Catalog Brochure Templates

How to Create Better Typography Based Designs

In days gone by, books were originally handwritten by monks in monasteries. Later on, they were created out of wooden or metal type, which was used as a part of a printing process. Using typography, therefore, has a long legacy. In a world where many focus on a drop down menu and the size of… Continue reading How to Create Better Typography Based Designs