First look at Adobe’s Animate CC

Adobe have just launched their ‘new’ application, Animate CC. A major component in the Creative Cloud application suite, Animate CC replaces Flash Professional CC, and is available to download now. As we previously reported, Animate CC is an evolution of Flash Professional. The name change is based on the changing role of the application. Adobe… Continue reading First look at Adobe’s Animate CC

How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop

How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop 3.33/5 (66.67%) 3 votes This is a simple tutorial about how to make an awesome space image with a couple of simple pictures. Made in Photoshop Cs5 on a Macbook pro. What you’ll be creating Jupiter Fall is a piece I did out of a dream I… Continue reading How to Create a Surreal Space Scene in Photoshop

Top Free Photoshop Watercolor Brushes for Designers

Design styles can be created with free resources like icons, vectors, custom illustrations, and notably brushes. Free brush packs are available all over the web dating back to Photoshop 7. There are now thousands of brush packs online made specifically for digital designers. This collection of free Photoshop watercolor brushes can be perfect for anyone… Continue reading Top Free Photoshop Watercolor Brushes for Designers

How to Create Mooncake and Dim Sum Icons for Chinese New Year

What You’ll Be Creating Celebrate Chinese New Year with mooncakes, steamed buns, and dumplings! In this tutorial we’ll illustrate dim sum food icons, perfect for use in a mobile game or other vector graphic needs. Start with circles and ellipses, and end with delicious food drawings.  You can also supplement your icon designs with vectors… Continue reading How to Create Mooncake and Dim Sum Icons for Chinese New Year

How to Grow Your App Team

You can find a lot of online resources that help you on your way to make a successful app. Once you reach that point, you’re looking to retain or even expand on that success. This is the moment that you, a single person who has built an app, grows into something bigger, a team that continues… Continue reading How to Grow Your App Team

How to Install a WordPress Plugin

One of the challenges of writing articles focused on web development and software development is making sure anyone and everyone who wants to learn a skill is able to do so. When you provide as much content as Envato, it can often be a challenge to make sure you’re educating everyone. This includes people who are… Continue reading How to Install a WordPress Plugin

Web Designers: Roll up Your Sleeves and Sketch!

Let’s talk about why you, as a web designer, should be using pens and pencils more often. I’m going to give you some tips, tool suggestions, and plenty of reasons to roll your sleeves up and sketch! Step Away From the Computer The design process tends to isolate designers from the rest of the team, meaning… Continue reading Web Designers: Roll up Your Sleeves and Sketch!

30 Brilliant Examples Of UI Cards

Card UI is a very popular layout option for many types of data. Pinterest was the first to create a layout like this, and it is was earlier referred to as “pinterest-style layout”. Usually cards are used to group together information in a very intuitive way and permits for a very fast UX, meaning users… Continue reading 30 Brilliant Examples Of UI Cards

What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration?

What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration? If inspiration is as easy as drinking a cup of coffee or you can easily find inspiration in a cup of coffee, then a web designer’s life is a breeze. However, like their art and all the codes that go with it, there are times when inspiration… Continue reading What Are Web Designers Best Sources For Inspiration?