If your business has been frequently suffering from stock-outs, disorganized items, and unreliable and inaccurate inventory records, it’s about time to consider shifting to automation with the help of an inventory system. While the success of inventory management truly depends on hard work and brain in operations, a digital solution such as inventory system offers… Continue reading The Best Benefits of Using an Inventory System in Commerce Businesses
Tag: incorporate
14 WordPress Themes You Should Start Using in 2020
Even web designers who prefer to design websites from scratch eventually look for frameworks, past work, or shortcuts. That way they speed up their workflow. And there are also those times when it’s hard to find the right template. You need help to create a special page and you feel compelled to build it from… Continue reading 14 WordPress Themes You Should Start Using in 2020
Is Your Design Team Consulting These People on Every Project?
Every design team wants to complete their projects quickly and efficiently without any fuss. Sometimes that involves excluding people whose input doesn’t seem necessary. However, sometimes there are reasons to consult people outside of your team. To deliver a superior final product, think about consulting the following people throughout the life of each project. 1.… Continue reading Is Your Design Team Consulting These People on Every Project?
Essential Rules To Follow When Designing a Logo
Do you actually think there could be any well-established brand without having a logo? Of course not! This is because there is not any such business. A logo is something that has a significant impact on how your customers perceive your business. Hence, naturally, you would want your brand to be outstanding enough to stand… Continue reading Essential Rules To Follow When Designing a Logo
Website Pop-Up Design: How To Get It Right
In the age of minimal designs and user friendly websites, using a website pop-up may not always seem like a bright idea. However, the design of your pop-up may just be the difference between a converted used and a user that never returns to your website. Whether you’re using a website pop-up to improve the… Continue reading Website Pop-Up Design: How To Get It Right
20 Best Small Business WordPress Website Themes for 2019
If you want to effectively market your small business and reach more potential clients, you need a website. Given that most of us turn to the internet for everything nowadays, a WordPress small business website will increase your chances to be found organically, and will ultimately lead to more clients and greater revenue. When it… Continue reading 20 Best Small Business WordPress Website Themes for 2019
23 Best Law Firm Logos With Cool Legal Designs (For Lawyers & Attorneys)
To build trust with potential clients, you need a professional law firm logo. The best law firm logos: make it easy to recognize your brand allow you to connect with your audience represent what your brand does The KH Law Firm Logo Maker is just one of the many logo makers available from Placeit. Your… Continue reading 23 Best Law Firm Logos With Cool Legal Designs (For Lawyers & Attorneys)
Logo Trends For 2019
Having a logo for your business is pretty much a no-brainer. It’s synonymous to your brand’s identity, a visual representation that people will recognize immediately even without the company or product name. Knowing, understanding and applying wisely chosen trends in logo design to your emblem shows that your brand is contemporary and relevant to the… Continue reading Logo Trends For 2019
How to Use Animation in Angular 6
In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the importance of animations in improving the user experience. I’ll show you how to incorporate animations in Angular 6 applications with the help of animation components and Bootstrap. The Role of Animations in User Design Most web users are visual creatures and therefore respond to visual objects. This means… Continue reading How to Use Animation in Angular 6
New Short Course: WordPress SEO Without Plugins
We all want our sites to be SEO-friendly, don’t we? A boost in search engine ranking can result in huge increases in traffic and sales. In our new short course, WordPress SEO Without Plugins, you’ll learn some techniques and best practices you can use for better SEO on your WordPress site without having to install… Continue reading New Short Course: WordPress SEO Without Plugins
A Guide to Getting Ready for iOS 12 Notifications for Designers
Now that iOS 12 is out and some users have upgraded to the operating system, you’ll want to start revising your application to take advantage of the new features of iOS 12 notifications. What’s new in iOS 12 Notifications? iOS 12 brings a number of changes to how notifications work. While no single change completely… Continue reading A Guide to Getting Ready for iOS 12 Notifications for Designers
How to Digitally Paint Dimension and Texture in Adobe Photoshop
What You’ll Be Creating How do you add volume and texture to digital paintings? Simple. Just reference real-life objects! Digital painting is difficult for many people, but it’s really all about patience and giving yourself adequate time to develop details to the best of your ability. So today, we’re going to tackle this challenge by… Continue reading How to Digitally Paint Dimension and Texture in Adobe Photoshop
Sun Rising Logo Designs That Make You Say Wow
The logo is one of the most important design elements on your website for several reasons. It’s the one aspect of a company’s commercial brand, or economic or academic entity, and its shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are different from others in a similar market. Therefore, companies pay close attention when it comes to… Continue reading Sun Rising Logo Designs That Make You Say Wow
What’s the impact of Design, you ask?
A quick introduction Design, to me, is to bring compelling ideas to life. Having come from an Engineering background with a bit of experience in Product Marketing, I quickly realized the importance of Design. I dream of being in the front row in creating experiences that positively impact a million people’s lives. Like I want… Continue reading What’s the impact of Design, you ask?
Looking for great WP Plugins for your website? They are in this article
Posted · Category: Best Collections Success breeds success. It’s an adage, but recent scientific studies have shown that once you achieve some success, more is apt to follow. That’s also true of WordPress, the premier website and blog creating platform. WordPress’s popularity continues to grow. More web design entrepreneurs and companies are turning out more… Continue reading Looking for great WP Plugins for your website? They are in this article
Best 7 Game Websites Design Examples for Inspiration
Here’s a fact: a great video game requires an equally awesome website. TV commercials, promotional videos, and teasers are a good start to gain exposure; however, it is not enough. For a successful and well-known brand, these kinds of promotional strategy are already sufficient. For a startup brand, you will need to do a little… Continue reading Best 7 Game Websites Design Examples for Inspiration
Designing for the age of immediacy
2018 UX Trends Illustrated by Fernando Bittar Live streaming on social apps is growing fast. Snapchat puts everyone’s lives on the map and lets you follow your friends’ steps in real time. Messaging platforms, from Whatsapp to Intercom, allow businesses to have real-time (and automated) conversations with their customers. The constraints of tools, infrastructure and geographical barriers… Continue reading Designing for the age of immediacy
The 6 Elements of an Effective Logo
The signature of your company, a strong logo has the power to make people think your name without actually seeing the words. It’s your symbol, and as such it should immediately telegraph what you stand for in the minds of your customers. This is why it’s important to consider the attributes of your primary customer… Continue reading The 6 Elements of an Effective Logo
How to Optimize a Web Design for Video Content
July 31, 2017 by Spyrestudios Blogger As videos become more widely used across the internet, more and more websites are starting to incorporate video content as well. Often however this is done fairly haphazardly, without taking into account that video by its very nature is different from other forms of content. Frankly speaking, slapping a… Continue reading How to Optimize a Web Design for Video Content
5 Wireframing Tools for Rapid Prototyping
June 28, 2017 by David Jones Wireframing tools are used to create rudimentary layouts for websites and applications. Developers use them to plan their user interface and test different options. If you’ve ever sketched out a website site design on graph paper or even a napkin, you’ve done some wireframing. If you’ve seen layouts using rectangles… Continue reading 5 Wireframing Tools for Rapid Prototyping
How to choose your first design gig: startup, corporate, or freelance?
The startup route is for designers who are also entrepreneurial souls. If you are the type to grind your way through to success, and love a high risk but high reward environment, then this might be the first job for you. There could also be a general lack of structures, systems, and processes. It is… Continue reading How to choose your first design gig: startup, corporate, or freelance?
3 Ways to Fund Your Professional Website Development Project
April 28, 2017 by David Jones You’ve launched a business but you still need a website; however, you’re not sure how to create one. You’ve seen DIY platforms like Wix, Weebly, and WordPress, but you also know people who have had a custom website developed. Which route should you take? Though many people are perfectly… Continue reading 3 Ways to Fund Your Professional Website Development Project
Introducing the New Installer for Be’s 250+ Awesome Pre-built Websites
Posted · Category: Best Collections The New Be Pre-Built Installer The old Be prebuilt-website installer got the job done, but it wasn’t entirely free of issues. Installing a website was easy, but the actions you had to take before doing the install were not all that user friendly. Quite simply, neither the UI nor the… Continue reading Introducing the New Installer for Be’s 250+ Awesome Pre-built Websites