Streetlayer – Free Address Validation & Autocomplete API

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools Obtaining international addresses from clients and customers just got a whole lot easier. Streetlayer offers a seamless address data processing add-on. The JSON API helps to analyze, validate, and format international addresses immediately upon entering the system. The primary benefit is that you get higher quality data sets. The… Continue reading Streetlayer – Free Address Validation & Autocomplete API

9 Best WordPress Plugins for Use in 2017

Posted · Category: Best Collections WordPress has many pluses, but it’s not necessarily the most glamorous platform to work with. Still customize it with themes and plugins to fit a designer’s needs has made it the most popular CMS. Plugins are great to have access to when you need to embed certain functions into your… Continue reading 9 Best WordPress Plugins for Use in 2017

UX Design Is the New Web Design: How to Shift Your Career

Advancing technology and the digital revolution are rapidly changing the career landscape for designers. Where web design once reigned as the career of choice for digitally-minded visual designers, that job has recently been dethroned by a new supreme leader of the design realm: UX designer. As more people do business digitally – not just on computers,… Continue reading UX Design Is the New Web Design: How to Shift Your Career

Essential design trends, December 2016

Do you ever find yourself noticing that a certain design element just keeps popping up? Even those tiny details that look somewhat insignificant can be indicators of design trends. That is particularly true with the elements in this month’s roundup. Each of these trends—white edges framing a web design, cinemagraphs and tiny loading animations—are seemingly… Continue reading Essential design trends, December 2016

The evolution of political campaign logos

The most successful brands understand that knowing their audience and how to communicate with them is vital to their success. For better or worse, it often comes down to a simple logo. We’ve all seen our fair share of re-brandings and logo transformations. The history behind an established brand is essential and changing something familiar… Continue reading The evolution of political campaign logos

Essential design trends, November 2016

It’s time to break out of your (design) shell and try something bold. Larger-than-life bold techniques are the big theme this month as we look at three trends that incorporate items that make users look at the design. Here’s what’s trending in design this month: 1. The color purple Purple color palettes are traditionally somewhat… Continue reading Essential design trends, November 2016

A Collection of Repeatable SVG Background Patterns

Posted · Category: License Free, Patterns Hero Patterns is a collection of repeatable SVG background patterns for you to use on your digital projects. With SVG quickly growing as the preferred method for using graphics on the web, there are still few resources available in this format. Steve Schoger created Hero Patterns so that you… Continue reading A Collection of Repeatable SVG Background Patterns

10 Free Favicon Generators For Web Designers

In this showcase, we are presenting 10 best favicon generators for web designers. These favicon generators are free to use and some of them come with premium features too that will help you generate attention grabbing and appealing favicons for your websites. To wrap it up, they are all free to download, so dig in.… Continue reading 10 Free Favicon Generators For Web Designers

Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Child Themes

A child theme is a set of styling guidelines and/or functions which are utilized to incorporate functionality or replace the appearance of an existing WordPress theme. Child themes can be modified without altering the original code of your theme, allowing you to make changes as small as changing a couple of colors, or as extensive… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About WordPress Child Themes

Take a Free Course on Programming Interactive Art With p5.js

What You’ll Be Creating Do you want to learn a new way of creating animations and interactive graphics, in less than an hour?  If so, check out our new course on How to Program Interactive Art With p5.js, in which you’ll learn how to create an interactive, animated web page with p5.js.  The course consists of just… Continue reading Take a Free Course on Programming Interactive Art With p5.js

15 Responsive Design Tools for Savvy Designers

Having a responsive website is a necessity for almost any business in 2016. As a designer, you’re always faced with the pressure to deliver quality results as quickly as possible. Today we are reviewing some of the responsive design tools that will provide for a stellar user experience on multiple devices. These are the kind… Continue reading 15 Responsive Design Tools for Savvy Designers

New Course: Surreal Digital Painting

What You’ll Be Creating What story would you like to tell the world? Surrealism is a style that allows you to express your feelings and thoughts on the world through your art.  In our new course, Surreal Digital Painting, you’ll learn how to create a symbolic painting inspired by real-life events.  What You’ll Learn First… Continue reading New Course: Surreal Digital Painting

How To Design An App Walkthrough

Image source: Dan Machado[2] There are so many walkthroughs-misuse situations, that it is questionable whether designers really understand their purpose. There are many complex apps which don’t have walkthroughs, the same as simple ones which don’t need them, but they still incorporated them in their design. This makes the decision on whether to use walkthroughs… Continue reading How To Design An App Walkthrough

Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial I will be taking you through the steps of how to animate a character walking in place. Basically you will be creating a walk that loops infinitely, so if you were to incorporate a walk like this into a movie, perhaps the background would be scrolling from right… Continue reading Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking