In this tutorial, we will show you how to create an illustration of “Hit Girl,” from the new “Kick Ass” film. In the process, we will show you some simple techniques to help you improve your digital illustration skills and give your artwork an almost comic-like edge. Let’s get started! Speed Art Video Tutorial… Continue reading Create a “Kick-Ass” Fan Art
Category: Photoshop
Photoshop is not a verb. It is a noun. It is the means to an end, not the end itself.
Create Fresh Fruit 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the process of creating fresh fruit 3D text effect in Photoshop. You will learn a few trick to render a nice and unique 3D text effect and apply various fruits around it. We will use a number filter to add some extra effect for our text. This… Continue reading Create Fresh Fruit 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
Multi-Exposure Masking with Photoshop and Lightroom
In this tutorial, we will take a look at an interesting way to make the most of your Camera RAW photos using Lightroom and Photoshop using a technique that will allow you to precisely control the exposure of your photographs. Let’s get started!
A Beginner’s Guide to Photoshop Tools
Web designers use the most powerful photo editor, Photoshop, as a web design app. It comes with a vast array of tools. Today, Adobe Photoshop has become so powerful that you actually start using it as a verb. It’s no exaggeration to say that it is the most amazing software application on the earth. It’s… Continue reading A Beginner’s Guide to Photoshop Tools
Create This Gorgeous Moonlight Poster of a Girl Walking on a Railway
Preview of Final Results Tutorial Resources Model – Dazzle-stock Railway – Sed-rah-stock Sky 1 – Frostbo Sky 2 – Frostbo Moon – Yumi1805 Step 1 Create a new document with a trasparent background. Size: Width 1500px Height: 2000px Step 2 Go to File > Place and open the ‘Railway’ Stock. Step 3 Go to Edit… Continue reading Create This Gorgeous Moonlight Poster of a Girl Walking on a Railway
Create a Clueless Racecar Driver Illustration in Photoshop
Creating a high-impact and realistic caricature illustration can be a fun but extremely challenging task. In this tutorial, we will explain how to properly control all the elements of a composition including color balance, contrast, textures, and more, as well as all of the tools and techniques that you will need to know in Photoshop… Continue reading Create a Clueless Racecar Driver Illustration in Photoshop
Create a Clean Cubist Logo in Photoshop
Think about your favorite famous brand. The first thing that comes to mind is the logo. Logos play the most important part in establishing a memorable brand, but it’s a tough task to condense all of the admirable aspects of an organization into a single simple symbol. Ask any designer or brand manager, and they’ll… Continue reading Create a Clean Cubist Logo in Photoshop
Create a Delicious Print Ad Using Photo Manipulation Techniques in Photoshop
Print designers often work with digital illustrators and CG artists to help produce their work. In this tutorial, we will continue to develop a character concept from a Cgtuts+ tutorial by Nacho Riesco and show you how to create a print ad by combining photo manipulation techniques with some renders from another tutorial. Let’s get… Continue reading Create a Delicious Print Ad Using Photo Manipulation Techniques in Photoshop
Create a Shaded, Stylized Text Effect in Photoshop
Typography and text effects are critical in today’s graphic and commercial design. Viewers are becoming more and more overwhelmed with daily information, and as a result they can inadvertently be conditioned to “filter out” messaging that isn’t truly distinctive. Stylized typography is an effective way to regain the attention and appeal that can otherwise be… Continue reading Create a Shaded, Stylized Text Effect in Photoshop
25+ must-have Photoshop actions for your toolkit
No matter your area of expertise, chances are you’ve worked with photographs. Web and print designers alike are no strangers to the magnificence that can be captured in photos. It’s what we build our designs on top of and with, whether they’re the focus or just a background piece. And as the time passes and… Continue reading 25+ must-have Photoshop actions for your toolkit
12 Free Photoshop Actions to Enhance Digital Photos
Photoshop is a tool without which modern day designing cannot survive. Moreover, Photoshop tasks are becoming more and more used and they compile to create one big bag of tricks. One of these tasks is Photoshop Actions; intended to enhance the impact of digital images. There are various Photoshop Actions available. Each has its own… Continue reading 12 Free Photoshop Actions to Enhance Digital Photos
Create a Romantic and Warm Portrait Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
Create a Mysterious Scene with Planets
Preview of Final Results Tutorial Resources Stars – greenaleydis-stock Cosmos Package – resurgere-stock Field – f3rd4-stock People Brush – fiftyfivepixels Trees Silhouettes – kuschelirmel-stock Trees Silhouettes 2 – winerla-stock Bushes – redheadstock Step 1: Creating a new Photoshop file Let’s start off by creating a new Photoshop file. Create a new file with the following… Continue reading Create a Mysterious Scene with Planets
Design a Roll-up Banner Stand in Photoshop
For many web and digital designs, the designer’s intent is to make the viewer feel like they’re visiting in person. Not every interested customer can physically visit your storefront, conference, event, or sale, so it’s important to invite them and accommodate them online. One way to achieve this is to allude to items they might… Continue reading Design a Roll-up Banner Stand in Photoshop
Create Facial Photo Manipulation Surrounded by Electrified Orbs in Photoshop
In this tutorial, I will show you the process of creating this Create Facial Photo Manipulation Surrounded by Electrified Orbs in Photoshop. I will show some interesting methods to rendering the electrified orbs by utilizing lightning textures and various Photoshop tools. We will go through manipulation techniques such as clipping mask, layer mask, layer blending… Continue reading Create Facial Photo Manipulation Surrounded by Electrified Orbs in Photoshop
How to Create a Panorama Using Photoshop and Lightroom
Create a Heart-Warming Wildlife Illustration in Photoshop
Create a “Middle-Earth” Inspired Landscape in Photoshop
How to Turn an Ordinary Landscape into a Dramatic Moonscape
Step 1 – Preparing Sky Download all the images listed as Tutorial Resources. Create a new document in Photoshop and drag a photo of “sky 1″ into it. Place it in the top left corner and name in LEFT SKY. Note: I really recommend to name all the layers in your photo manipulations. It makes… Continue reading How to Turn an Ordinary Landscape into a Dramatic Moonscape
Excellent Collection Of Free And Useful Photoshop CS6 Tutorials
Here, we have gathered some excellent tutorials on how to excel the new features of Adobe Photoshop CS6. Since the release of Photoshop CS6, it has been a hot topic of debate among designers as it boasts loads of interactive and appealing features that empower Photoshop to a great extent.Photoshop CS6 comes with impressive features… Continue reading Excellent Collection Of Free And Useful Photoshop CS6 Tutorials
Create a Surreal Photo Manipulation of a Monk in the Caves
Retinize It: Free Photoshop Action For Slicing Graphics For HD Screens
High-definition (or “Retina”) displays have spread wider and wider, and evidently their numbers will keep growing. So, as creators of products that will be consumed on Retina devices, we have to optimize our design and development workflow accordingly. Slicing graphics from finished designs to use for development is one of the less enjoyable parts of… Continue reading Retinize It: Free Photoshop Action For Slicing Graphics For HD Screens
Quick-Tip: How to Create Double Exposure Photographs in Photoshop
Step 1 Start by opening the photo you’ll use as a background into Photoshop. This is usually a landscape/cityscape. Place the second image by dragging and dropping the file into your canvas or by going to File > Place. The transform tool will automatically be activated. Set the blending mode of the layer to screen… Continue reading Quick-Tip: How to Create Double Exposure Photographs in Photoshop
Create a Flat Countdown Timer in Photoshop – iOS 7 Inspired
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a simple countdown timer, iOS 7 inspired! Flat design is dominating the web and I’m sure you all know that Apple created a new look and feel for their OS. I’m really happy seeing the minimal look of the user interface and I know Apple… Continue reading Create a Flat Countdown Timer in Photoshop – iOS 7 Inspired