Smart contracts on the Ethereum main-net use real money, so building error-free smart contracts is crucial and requires special tools like debuggers. Remix IDE is the most fully-featured IDE for Solidity. Among other tools, it has an excellent step-by-step debugger. You can perform various tasks such as moving in time, changing the current step, exploring… Continue reading Flattening Contracts and Debugging with Remix — SitePoint
Tag: various
New Text Effect Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials (26 Tuts)
New Text effect design and illustration tutorials to learn how to create 2D, 3D, Retro & Vintage typography and 80’s text effects in Photoshop. There are amazing text effect tutorials to create posters, flyers, calendar and giving your typography or lettering a fresh touch with traditional and digital media, mixing patterns and textures to give your work outstanding spark. These… Continue reading New Text Effect Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorials (26 Tuts)
On UX Anxiety (Part I)
credits Starting new jobs make me nervous. Have I been a designer for a long time? It feels to me like forever, but comparatively it’s a definite no. The anxiety began when I realized I needed to quit my current job. At the time I was working in UX and front-end development as an offshore… Continue reading On UX Anxiety (Part I)
The Brand: the forgotten child in Design Thinking
Just as ‘we are our brain’, companies ‘are their brand’. It defines why they exist, why they do what they do and what distinguishes them from competition. The often quoted Simon Sinek framework of the ‘why, how and what‘ is a perfect way to answer the question: ‘why are we doing what we’re doing?’, and… Continue reading The Brand: the forgotten child in Design Thinking
Why Web Devs Need To Know About Servers And Infrastructure In 2018
April 4, 2018 by Spyrestudios Blogger Web developers must always be up to date with the latest advancements in their field if they want to remain relevant and create future-proof websites. Since the computer industry is one of, if not the most, dynamic field of specialization, keeping abreast with what’s new is not as easy… Continue reading Why Web Devs Need To Know About Servers And Infrastructure In 2018
Why You Need Video For Design and Marketing
Before we dive deep into the topic let’s consolidate few numerical facts regarding the beneficiary of having the video for your product and marketing campaign. 90% of online shoppers stated that a video helps them to make a decision whether to buy the product, service or not 83% of businesses say that video provides the… Continue reading Why You Need Video For Design and Marketing
Build A Pomodoro Timer ― Scotch
Last week on the code challenge #5 we looked at building a movie player using a provided API. Here is the solution to the challenge built with Vue.js. This week we’ll be building a Pomodoro timer. A Pomodoro timer is a time management tool which breaks down task completion time into intervals of about 25… Continue reading Build A Pomodoro Timer ― Scotch
A Short Guide to Mobile-First Web Design
There is no way to go around the fact that modern websites have to provide a quality user experience on a variety of devices. Four out of five people who would visit your website use both mobile and desktop devices. Even though mobile-only is a trend that has been exhibiting growth, it still makes the… Continue reading A Short Guide to Mobile-First Web Design
The Powerful JavaScript Debugger You Never Knew You Had
February 26, 2018 by Alex Fox When you were first starting to write JavaScript, you learned about console.log. You learned about outputting messages to the console and using it to troubleshoot your JavaScript. And unless you’re a fairly serious JavaScript developer, you might not have bothered with much more. When JavaScript apps don’t work correctly,… Continue reading The Powerful JavaScript Debugger You Never Knew You Had
IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS – How Do You Choose?
Before your business can adequately take advantage of the opportunities that cloud services offer in infrastructure and application deployment, there is a need to understand the various categories of these cloud services and how each of them can help your business grow. Understanding the fundamental differences between them will help you choose which one would… Continue reading IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS – How Do You Choose?
Illustrator Tutorials: 35 Fresh and Useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
Fresh free illustrator tutorials will help you to learn how to create illustration vector resources like vector logo, cartoon characters, typography poster and more useful illustration graphics. You’ll be able to use these illustration and drawing techniques for your future drawing and vector art and creating new interesting graphics and compositions! Tutorials are the best way to learn trendy styles and… Continue reading Illustrator Tutorials: 35 Fresh and Useful Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
Mobile App Development Trends That Are Expected to Roll Out In 2018
The market of different mobile applications is increasing with each passing day. In fact, it has penetrated into different walks of our daily lives. That is why there is a great demand for a wide variety of mobile applications. Even the most startup companies use apps to promote their businesses and earn great revenues every… Continue reading Mobile App Development Trends That Are Expected to Roll Out In 2018
How to Make Amazing UI/UX Design for Mobile Apps?
Nowadays there is a trend of using mobile phones or smartphones as billions of people are now using them daily for doing various tasks across the world. Due to the high demand for mobile phones, mobile apps which run on them are also in high demand. Now people do most of their activities using mobile… Continue reading How to Make Amazing UI/UX Design for Mobile Apps?
The 5 Best Video Editing Apps for 2018
Are you a YouTuber? Do you vlog? If you regularly create videos for any online or commercial purpose, then you understand the importance of using a top quality editing app to cut your final videos. It’s a little overwhelming to search through all of the editing apps and software programs available. Every one of them… Continue reading The 5 Best Video Editing Apps for 2018
Essential Tips For Designing a Beautiful Website
A website can have the absolute greatest content and value on the internet, but it won’t succeed if it is poorly designed. Web design is an often-overlooked factor in the success of any business and having a great looking and intuitive website can give you a leg up on your competition. There are thousands and… Continue reading Essential Tips For Designing a Beautiful Website
Why You Should Be Using One of These WP Themes in 2018
Posted · Category: Best Collections There’s no limit to the number of themes on the market you can use to build attractive websites. Searching for the best one for a given business or client can be a time waster, however. You need to use a responsive theme. Otherwise, you’ll soon discover that having a website… Continue reading Why You Should Be Using One of These WP Themes in 2018
Pros and Cons of Infographics
Infographics are a great way of representing complex data in a manner which is easily understandable. Therefore, the advantage of infographics is that it translates complex data into a form which can be read and interpreted easily hence making the process of research an easy one. This is made possible by the fact that infographics… Continue reading Pros and Cons of Infographics
5 Essential Features of a Viable Human Resources Software
The end of the year makes an ideal time to reflect on the year’s performances and to make new resolutions for the new year. As a business owner, your human resources department is the most important within your company. The unit is vital in hiring, firing, payroll, benefits, and understanding all tax and employment laws.… Continue reading 5 Essential Features of a Viable Human Resources Software
UX is a Process. SEO, too.
TL;DR: Most people consider the value of both UX and SEO in the same way. Instead, we need to emphasize that both are about the process and an end result, not a product or deliverable. The Internet is a crazy place. Where else can you find a whirlwind of scholarly papers one minute and an… Continue reading UX is a Process. SEO, too.
You want these special Black Friday deals for designers?
Posted · Category: Best Collections Attention web designers and developers. Black Friday is upon us, and it’s your turn to participate in the fun and excitement. We’ve put together nine attractive deals just for you. In fact, there is one or more you’re certain to want to take advantage of while they’re available. You’ll have to… Continue reading You want these special Black Friday deals for designers?
Different Strokes: How Brands Build Logos Using Typeface
The concept of something as intangible as a design calling consumers’ attention to a tangible product is a concept that goes back more than one hundred years with brands such as Pepsi, Valvoline and Jack Daniel’s. These logos of yesteryear might be largely unfamiliar, but the way designers chose how to construct a likable image… Continue reading Different Strokes: How Brands Build Logos Using Typeface
Simplux – Creative Portfolio and Blog WordPress Theme
SIMPLUX is a WordPress Theme, it’s not just ordinary WordPress theme, its a new look of soft and clean professionalism for Corporate, Portfolio and Blogging. These designs combine creativity with simplicity on each page. This theme is suitable for all creativity, blogs and creative corporate businesses. Theme is built especially for portfolio focus website so… Continue reading Simplux – Creative Portfolio and Blog WordPress Theme
The Role of Color in Graphic Design
Color is a powerful thing. It can influence emotions, control moods, and motivate actions in a way that we still don’t entirely understand. It is a factor that has been recognized, if not fully understood, for many generations of businesses, and it remains a powerful factor in graphic design today. You can now assemble your… Continue reading The Role of Color in Graphic Design
How To Use Color In UI Design Wisely to Create A Perfect UI Interface?
Whenever found an interface that looks nice, clean and elegant, I save it. Now I have a collection of more than 100 UI interfaces. After learning, making use of or simply viewing it again and again, I finally realized something in common. It is always the color that steals my heart at the very first… Continue reading How To Use Color In UI Design Wisely to Create A Perfect UI Interface?