Flattening Contracts and Debugging with Remix — SitePoint

Smart contracts on the Ethereum main-net use real money, so building error-free smart contracts is crucial and requires special tools like debuggers. Remix IDE is the most fully-featured IDE for Solidity. Among other tools, it has an excellent step-by-step debugger. You can perform various tasks such as moving in time, changing the current step, exploring… Continue reading Flattening Contracts and Debugging with Remix — SitePoint

Deploying from GitHub to a Server

GitHub, and the Git version control system it’s based on, are fantastic tools for managing and collaborating on projects – code-based or otherwise. In this article, we’ll look at options for making Git and GitHub projects fit better into developer workflows, allowing for a smooth and hands-off deployment process. I’ll break these options into the… Continue reading Deploying from GitHub to a Server