Designing With Data: How to Improve UX Using Customer Data

Do you always follow your gut when making decisions for your website? Designing your website often starts with what you feel will make a website look good. However, you’ll most likely be changing your plans when the results of your efforts come in. But this is okay because tracking and measuring your site’s performance from… Continue reading Designing With Data: How to Improve UX Using Customer Data

WordPress Survey Plugin: Forminator to the Rescue

Form builder plugins are very handy. Quizzes, polls, surveys, and even event registrations and quote requests are forms. With a form builder plugin, you save time and effort, and the finished product is a well-crafted and professional looking page on your site. A quiz is the type of post that gets shared, thus increasing the… Continue reading WordPress Survey Plugin: Forminator to the Rescue

Best WordPress Magazine Themes for Blog and News Websites

When it comes to magazine and news websites, WordPress is top of the bill.  Well-known news sites like The New York Times, TechCrunch, CNN, Reuters, Mozilla’s Blog, and many others use WordPress as their platform of choice, highlighting just how scalable WordPress blogs can be. Online News Consumption is Rising Precise digital circulation for online magazine and news is… Continue reading Best WordPress Magazine Themes for Blog and News Websites

How to Deliver Dramatic UX with Weatherstack’s API

weatherstack provides real-time, historical, and even forecast data up to 14 days in advance. Licensed from some of the world’s biggest weather stations and weather data providers, the information provided by weatherstack’s simple to use API gives you an accurate picture of the conditions on the ground, wherever your users access your site from. Trusted… Continue reading How to Deliver Dramatic UX with Weatherstack’s API

42 Best Trendy Gradient Resources to Download

The gradient trend is rocking the world! Let’s find out why and check out this awesome list of resources below. 42 Trendy Gradient Resources If a bold punch of color is exactly what you need, consider trying a colorful gradient. From gorgeous beach tones to the stylish violet trends of 2018, these wonderful gradients are… Continue reading 42 Best Trendy Gradient Resources to Download

A Guide to Using SMS Marketing to Generate More Leads

Mobile eCommerce, or mCommerce, is a term used to cover online browsing for products and their purchase, with customers using their smartphones, tablets or personal computers to place the order. In recent years, portable devices have been quick to replace desktop computers, making the need to address mobile marketing more crucial than ever. The rapid… Continue reading A Guide to Using SMS Marketing to Generate More Leads

How to Use the Slider Revolution Plugin for WordPress

In this post, we’re going to review the Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress plugin, which allows you to create rich and dynamic content on your WordPress websites. And not just sliders: it allows you to build carousels, content modules, and full-fledged websites by using the rich built-in editor! Nowadays, sliders and carousels are important building blocks… Continue reading How to Use the Slider Revolution Plugin for WordPress

Insert a Calendar Into WordPress With the Pro Event Calendar Plugin

Displaying a calendar on your website is a must for many business owners. Calendars are the best way to share all the upcoming events that your business has with your audience. However, the various calendar plugins available on the market often have too few features, expensive add-ons, or are too complicated to set up.  In… Continue reading Insert a Calendar Into WordPress With the Pro Event Calendar Plugin

How to Make, Use, and Manipulate a Calligraphic Brush in Adobe Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating The Calligraphic brush in Adobe Illustrator mimics the look and feel of a calligraphy pen nib. Let’s take its options for a spin to get everything you can from this brush type. 1. How to Make a Calligraphic Brush Step 1 To start, create a New Document, select the Paintbrush Tool (B)… Continue reading How to Make, Use, and Manipulate a Calligraphic Brush in Adobe Illustrator

Some Simple SEO Strategies that many people Tend to Miss Out

SEO started in an awkward way to outsmart the first-generation search algorithms, but all such shortcuts and quick fixes have now become obsolete. So, this post is not about smart SEO tips, but the very fundamental things which you need to practice (which many tend to forget easily) to optimize your website. There is no… Continue reading Some Simple SEO Strategies that many people Tend to Miss Out

How to Create a Mailchimp Subscribe Form Widget for WordPress

In this tutorial I’ll explain how to create a “Mailchimp subscribe form widget” using WordPress, the Mailchimp API, and AJAX. It will be aimed at competent beginner developers, and requires some understanding of PHP and WordPress development. There’s a lot to do, so let’s get stuck in! A Quick Note on APIs “The web has… Continue reading How to Create a Mailchimp Subscribe Form Widget for WordPress

25 Professional Vector Illustrator Brushes

The high quality hand-picked vector illustrator brushes for illustrator. This collection included Vintage Brushes, Watercolor Brushes, Pencil Brushes, Charcoal Brushes and Marker Brushes for Adobe Illustrator. The brushes are great to use for simple black and white sketch or graphics or they can also be used to give a handcrafted feel illustrations. In this collection… Continue reading 25 Professional Vector Illustrator Brushes

How to Get Your Newsletter Read

Being in the business of building websites, it’s easy to forget that no matter how great they look, how well they perform, or how optimized they are for search, a website alone will not attract visitors back to it. You have to give them a good reason to return. Blogging and other content generation is… Continue reading How to Get Your Newsletter Read

3 Essential Design Trends, September 2019

This month’s collection of design trends focuses on a bit of a slow burn – design techniques that appeal to millennials (maybe) and Generation Z. Gen-Zers are those born between 1997 and 2012, meaning part of this generation is in grade school. This generation is impacting design trends already because they are the most digital… Continue reading 3 Essential Design Trends, September 2019

Earn Your CCNA Cyber Ops With Cisco 210-250 SECFND Before It’s Too Late!

In case you haven’t heard of the changes within the Cisco certification program, now is the perfect time to read about the recent updates. For the past years, many IT certification providers are shuffling their certification tracks to continue being relevant in the changing industry with new technologies. Some certifications paths are slightly tweaked while… Continue reading Earn Your CCNA Cyber Ops With Cisco 210-250 SECFND Before It’s Too Late!

Organize Your WordPress Media Library With Folders

Today’s WordPress websites need to be media-rich to draw in and retain traffic. If you have a WordPress website, chances are you will have uploaded a video or images to be displayed on your pages and posts. Whether you want to show off customer testimonials, your latest blog posts, your best images, or just celebrate… Continue reading Organize Your WordPress Media Library With Folders

How to Make an InDesign Catalog Template

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an InDesign catalog template for showcasing products. This simple and stylish design could also be adapted as a lookbook for fashion retailers or a brochure template.  Consisting of a front cover and three inside spreads, this versatile catalog template can be easily extended… Continue reading How to Make an InDesign Catalog Template

Create a Drag-and-Drop Contact Form With the FormCraft 3 WordPress Plugin

Whether you are running an online store, marketplace, or blog on your WordPress website, you will need a few essential elements displayed. One of these is a contact form.  Without a contact form on your website, your website visitors will have no way of contacting you with their questions and comments. The absence of this… Continue reading Create a Drag-and-Drop Contact Form With the FormCraft 3 WordPress Plugin

Set up a Secure, Performant WooCommerce Site with Kinsta

WordPress is one of the most versatile, powerful systems available to build websites with. Despite starting out as a blogging platform it’s now equally capable for creating online stores as are platforms dedicated solely to e-commerce. However, its power and versatility come with a catch: if you are completely managing everything to do with your WordPress… Continue reading Set up a Secure, Performant WooCommerce Site with Kinsta

How to Clean Malware from a Hacked Website

Just the hint of a hacked site is enough to send jitters down the spine of every webmaster. In an event where something suspicious occurs on a website or where unexpected elements start to show up on the website, the doubt starts to pop up with a possibility inclined towards the absolutely negative event, i.e.… Continue reading How to Clean Malware from a Hacked Website

Eliminate Old Technology to Declutter Your Space

Developing and accomplishing a total decluttering plan for your home or workspace can be overwhelming. So many books and videos instruct you to tackle an entire room or more all at once, and who has that kind time? This all-at-once approach also leads you to get rid of things you need, causing you to spend… Continue reading Eliminate Old Technology to Declutter Your Space

How to Embed PDF Files on Your WordPress Site With a Free Plugin

Today, we’ll explore the PDF Poster plugin for WordPress which allows you to embed PDF files on your WordPress site. I’ll demonstrate how you can use this plugin on your own site to embed PDF files. As a site owner, sometimes you’ll need to embed and display PDF documents on your website. It could be… Continue reading How to Embed PDF Files on Your WordPress Site With a Free Plugin

Photoshop Tutorials: 35 New Tutorials to Learn Exciting Manipulation Tricks

Adobe Photoshop is the one of the best tools for photo editing, manipulation and graphic design. We are here to help you to learn Photoshop tools  and improve your graphic design skills. These experts-taught Photoshop tutorials have everything you need to learn photo effect, image editing, retouching, watercolor portraits, lighting effects, digital painting and photo manipulation from beginner… Continue reading Photoshop Tutorials: 35 New Tutorials to Learn Exciting Manipulation Tricks