How to Conduct an Interface Inventory With InVision

By definition: an inventory is a gathering of items tracked in a list. This term isn’t anything new, but the idea of using this concept towards interfaces is. Brad Frost, who coined the term “Atomic Design”, states that creating agnostic patterns helps to build far more versatile components that can be used widely across a… Continue reading How to Conduct an Interface Inventory With InVision

Card Grid Layouts: Showcase of 40 Beautiful Websites

Card grid layouts, made popular by Pintrest, Facebook, and Twitter, are becoming a fast-growing trend in web design, and have almost turned into the go-to format for nearly every website. They organize information in neat, little boxes, and they give any website a clean, minimalistic look. However, card grids are not just aesthetically pleasing, but also… Continue reading Card Grid Layouts: Showcase of 40 Beautiful Websites

10 Reasons Why Your Design Skills May Seem Lame

The design field is pretty crowded. If this is your “calling,” then you have to accept that you are in competition with a lot of creatives that may know more than you. You have to accept that you will have to take all of that creativity you have and translate it into products that others… Continue reading 10 Reasons Why Your Design Skills May Seem Lame

How To Choose The Best Font For Mobile User Interfaces

Image source: Gal Shir[2] It is a tricky task-we are not discussing content that will be opened once/twice, but such that will be browsed while users sit in waiting rooms, travel in the subway, rest in their beds, etc. Regular usage opens the door for other challenges too-mobile screens’ responsiveness depends on lighting, and it… Continue reading How To Choose The Best Font For Mobile User Interfaces

9 WordPress Advertising Plugins

Here, we are presenting another useful assortment of 9 WordPress advertising plugins for you. These plugins will allow you to place different advertisement on your WordPress blog in order to earn some extra money. You can place ads either into your posts or your sidebar – the choice is yours. With these WordPress advertising plugins,… Continue reading 9 WordPress Advertising Plugins

Counting Word Frequency in a File Using Python

Ever wondered about a quick way to tell what some document is focusing on? What is its main topic? Let me give you this simple trick. List the unique words mentioned in the document, and then check how many times each word has been mentioned (frequency). This way would give you an indication of what… Continue reading Counting Word Frequency in a File Using Python

The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site

Web usability is an approach to make web sites easy to use for an end-user, without the requirement that any specialized training be undertaken. The user should be able to intuitively relate the actions she needs to perform on the web page with other interactions she sees similar contexts, e.g., press a button to perform… Continue reading The Importance Of Usability When Designing A Site

9 Free Database Tools For System Admins

Database management is the most essential thing that a developer needs to do in order to make sure that the website is up and running fine. Although, there is a huge plethora of tools available for database management but here in this compilation, we are showcasing only the 9 best database management tools for developers.… Continue reading 9 Free Database Tools For System Admins

How to Create a Greyscale Monochrome Vector Portrait in Adobe Illustrator

What You’ll Be Creating In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a monochrome portrait from a photograph. Today’s subject is the inspiring Aydian Dowling, who has given us permission to use one of his photos for this tutorial.  If you’re not aware who Aydian Dowling is, let me introduce you to… Continue reading How to Create a Greyscale Monochrome Vector Portrait in Adobe Illustrator

10 Freelancing Tools & Apps To Manage Your Work

Freelancing comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In order to keep yourself motivated and up to date with the latest tools and developments in your area of work, freelancers need to spend lots of time in searching for the appropriate tools and resources. In this post, we are presenting 10 amazing freelancing… Continue reading 10 Freelancing Tools & Apps To Manage Your Work

How to Install a WordPress Plugin

One of the challenges of writing articles focused on web development and software development is making sure anyone and everyone who wants to learn a skill is able to do so. When you provide as much content as Envato, it can often be a challenge to make sure you’re educating everyone. This includes people who are… Continue reading How to Install a WordPress Plugin

Icons In Web Design

Image source:[2] Well-executed and beautiful icons look like tiny and cute images, but they are much more than that. They are extremely advantageous to every website because they attach visual cues to the essential elements of a website (headings, sections, buttons, etc) and they make the site/app look professional and sophisticated. Generally speaking, icons… Continue reading Icons In Web Design

How To Create And Customize A WordPress Child Theme

The WordPress platform is a magnet for those who want to take matters into their own hands, who want complete control over their websites and want to be independent in running them. WordPress does make it really easily to completely customize a website. If you have a bit of knowledge of HTMl, CSS and/or PHP,… Continue reading How To Create And Customize A WordPress Child Theme

14 Best Resources For Learning CSS3

Are you looking for some detailed and useful CSS3 tutorials and techniques that you use to create better results? If your answer is yes then you are at right place. In this compilation, we are presenting top 14 useful and detailed CSS3 tutorials and techniques for you. All these tutorials and techniques are designed by… Continue reading 14 Best Resources For Learning CSS3

How To Design An App Walkthrough

Image source: Dan Machado[2] There are so many walkthroughs-misuse situations, that it is questionable whether designers really understand their purpose. There are many complex apps which don’t have walkthroughs, the same as simple ones which don’t need them, but they still incorporated them in their design. This makes the decision on whether to use walkthroughs… Continue reading How To Design An App Walkthrough

International Artist Feature: Germany

For this article in the international artist series we turn to Germany, featuring seven illustrators and designers who create fantastic work from digital paintings to textile design and more! I asked each artist how their country and culture inspired their work, and they delivered fantastic answers. Enjoy! Cloudy Thurstag Cloudy is an illustrator and designer… Continue reading International Artist Feature: Germany

A Collection Of Useful Photoshop Typography Tutorials

Type art is popular at the moment for all sorts of reasons – and it’s a highly versatile skill to have. You can use illustrated lettering in projects ranging from posters to brochures – making it a great technique to add to your creative toolset. But beware: type art is so popular at the moment… Continue reading A Collection Of Useful Photoshop Typography Tutorials

Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial I will be taking you through the steps of how to animate a character walking in place. Basically you will be creating a walk that loops infinitely, so if you were to incorporate a walk like this into a movie, perhaps the background would be scrolling from right… Continue reading Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking

How to Work With Excel Documents Using Python

I believe you have used Microsoft Excel on some occasion. It is very powerful when it comes to working with spreadsheets, tables, charts, etc. But what does Python have to do with that? Python is a game changer when it comes to Excel files because it can automate daunting stuff you might encounter in some… Continue reading How to Work With Excel Documents Using Python

9 Free A/B Split Testing WordPress Plugins

Split testing or A/B testing is the method of comparing two versions of a web page or call to action in order to see which version performs better. It is the integral part of any web designing as designer creates more than one version of a same web page and then he checks which one… Continue reading 9 Free A/B Split Testing WordPress Plugins

Strategies For Creating Better User Interfaces

Believe it or otherwise not, perfect interfaces are created on an item of paper. It’s much later on that the exact same is used in Photoshop or Sketch App. The primary advantage of paper sketches may be the possibility to produce errors. Unlike limited design pc software, paper is ready to accept everybody’s imagination and… Continue reading Strategies For Creating Better User Interfaces

How to Create This Eerie Floating Island Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will create an eerie floating island photo manipulation by using your vast imagination and the mighty power of Photoshop. I will introduce you to  some simple editing techniques, smart objects and adjustment layers. Let’s begin! What you’ll be creating This is a classic floating island scene with a touch of funny… Continue reading How to Create This Eerie Floating Island Photo Manipulation in Photoshop