From designed-for-women to design-by-women

[unable to retrieve full-text content] A reciprocal relationship between societal shift and innovative design. Lululemon retail store in Beijing. PHOTOGRAPHER: Eason Yang Design has evolved from a pragmatic methodology towards a strategic influence over the past decades; designers have engaged in complex social problems making significant contributions. Our observations convince us that the need has emerged… Continue reading From designed-for-women to design-by-women

6 Must-See Web Development YouTube Videos

April 28, 2021 by Sangalang Kristine There is something new to learn, every day. There are so many hacks, tips, and tricks you might not know about. Online tutorials are the best way to learn new things – without cost and can be taken at pace. Hundreds, if not thousands, of web development YouTube videos, are… Continue reading 6 Must-See Web Development YouTube Videos

Best PHP Invoicing and Billing Scripts

Do you want to automate your billing and invoicing process and receive payment faster? PHP invoicing scripts will streamline your billing and invoicing process and make it more efficient.  These scripts come with customizable templates that help you build professional invoices. They can also automatically attach and send PDF invoices to your customers via email… Continue reading Best PHP Invoicing and Billing Scripts

How to Start Freelancing on the Side

0 Shares The freelance industry has received a lot of attention in the past year. This is due mainly to the industry’s success during the Covid-19 pandemic. While most other sectors were negatively affected by the pandemic, the freelance industry flourished. In 2020, freelancers constituted 36% of the American workforce. This number is steadily increasing.… Continue reading How to Start Freelancing on the Side

7 Skills You Need To Thrive As A Web Designer In 2021

Web design is an ever-evolving field. Those of us that have been in the industry a long time (i.e., six months plus) have seen the launch of more products, the establishment of more ideas, and the promise of more growth than most industries see over a whole career. While the tools we use, the terminology… Continue reading 7 Skills You Need To Thrive As A Web Designer In 2021

The Evolution of the Firefox Logo

March 31, 2021 by Sangalang Kristine The evolution of the Firefox logo is a signal of an evolving brand. Mozilla Firefox was one of the best browsers in the early 2000s. It was fast, it was new, it was efficient, it could open multiple tabs (something that many browsers couldn’t do at the time). It… Continue reading The Evolution of the Firefox Logo

Top 5 Online Courses to Learn HTML for Students

Programming and computer science are undoubtedly becoming the top valued careers in the world, so there’s more than one reason to hurry up and master one or both of them while the demand is still high. Still, learning how to speak to a computer and treat it right beyond the basic user’s ability can be… Continue reading Top 5 Online Courses to Learn HTML for Students

23 Best Vintage Fonts

19 Shares Vintage fonts are just awesome! Traditional and modern fonts has that vintage touch that really can draw attention. This fonts comes with unique sans and script with the vintage / retro feel. These fonts will make your design stand out in the crowd and spread your message across with a creative font family!… Continue reading 23 Best Vintage Fonts

11 Reasons Why Digital Design Agencies Should Hire Students For Internships

Digital design agencies require fresh talent and fresh ideas constantly. Matching the marketplace and going one better means having a team of heavy-weights, mid-weights who can drive projects forward. However, those holding positions of responsibility can’t always keep those fresh ideas coming. Mixing things up and bringing in new faces is a fantastic catalyst. With… Continue reading 11 Reasons Why Digital Design Agencies Should Hire Students For Internships

The 4 Secrets of a Successful Website Redesign

The beginning of a new year is a great time to go over your old website and refresh your brand. After all, your website is at the center of your online presence, and an excellent first impression is key for driving sales and boosting engagement. According to a recent study, up to 94% of first… Continue reading The 4 Secrets of a Successful Website Redesign

30 Remarkable Lettering Quotes and Typography Designs for Inspiration

31 Shares Amazing hand lettering and digital lettering quotes with positive vibes. Nowadays graphic designers and artists are using watercolor, chalkboard, paper, and gold glam textures to make attractive inspirational quotes and lettering designs with goodtype thoughts. Today I’ve gathered amazing lettering quotes, calligraphy and typography designs for type lovers. This showcase has positive quotes,… Continue reading 30 Remarkable Lettering Quotes and Typography Designs for Inspiration

Small animations; big impact

[unable to retrieve full-text content] The effect of small animations on the user experience and how they improve important KPIs such as conversion rates and discoverability. Two user studies were carried out with more than 140 participants to underpin the findings. Animations are often included in modern user interfaces to bring life into the design… Continue reading Small animations; big impact

What I’m Thankful For: 2020 Edition

My parents loathe when I use poor language but luckily they don’t read this blog so I’ll just be blunt: 2020 has been an absolute shit show. COVID-19 has been a world-wide source of devastation to lives, jobs, and our quality of life. That said, I’ve found myself feeling incredibly grateful at the end. Despite… Continue reading What I’m Thankful For: 2020 Edition

5 Best free Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android Devices

There are many Android and iOS app are out there, but getting by free and good ones is not that easy. In this article we have shortlisted some best apps for Android and best apps for iOS. All apps are different in genre like productivity, health & fitness, education and learning so let’s explore. Previously,… Continue reading 5 Best free Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android Devices

5 Best free Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android Devices

There are many Android and iOS app are out there, but getting by free and good ones is not that easy. In this article we have shortlisted some best apps for Android and best apps for iOS. All apps are different in genre like productivity, health & fitness, education and learning so let’s explore. Previously,… Continue reading 5 Best free Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android Devices

Branding 101: Creating the Visual Identity for Your Business

There are so many things to think about when first starting a business. What will your business offer? How will this differ from existing solutions? Who will benefit most from your offering? And why are you so passionate about this? If you haven’t done so yet, work through this exercise to come up with your… Continue reading Branding 101: Creating the Visual Identity for Your Business

UX and Millennials: 5 Design Tips That Attract Millennial Crowd

Millennials have buying power that is constantly growing. Understandably, businesses are interested in doing things to attract millennial customers. It’s estimated that by 2021, millennials will have a buying power of over $2 billion. Baby boomers and Generation X each have their own needs and wants. Marketers have adapted their tactics to address those needs. Now,… Continue reading UX and Millennials: 5 Design Tips That Attract Millennial Crowd

5 Website Localization Ideas for Design and Content

The world steadily becomes digital, a little bit at a time. Indeed, with internet users accounting for more than half of our planet’s population, considering the audience on the internet becomes vital regardless of what you do. Reaching greater audiences around the world is a win situation today, yet it requires some additional effort and… Continue reading 5 Website Localization Ideas for Design and Content

Building resilient DesignOps teams

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Photo — Jonathon Colman We live in difficult times… resilience is critical for all of us in our personal and professional lives. As DesignOps practitioners and leaders, we need to take care of the individuals in our teams, the teams we work with teams and the organizations. The curation team for the DesignOps… Continue reading Building resilient DesignOps teams

How to Get Dark Mode Design Right

Dark themes are everywhere these days.  As human beings continue to spend more of their time interacting with technology, dark themes provide a more relaxing way to engage with the digital world. More often than not, these themes are easier on the eyes, more attractive, and perfect for the dedicated user.  Throughout 2020, countless leading… Continue reading How to Get Dark Mode Design Right

Covering Your Bases: Finding Success as a First-Time Web Designer

October 15, 2020 by Spyre Studios Making your mark as a successful web designer in a competitive business landscape is undoubtedly easier said than done. While trying to find success in your chosen field can be exhilarating, it can also be frustrating and overwhelming for those who do not have a plan of action. After… Continue reading Covering Your Bases: Finding Success as a First-Time Web Designer

You’re holding it wrong — How to blame your users

[unable to retrieve full-text content] You’re holding it wrong — How to blame your users The customer is always right. See that black line in the middle photo? If you touch it, you’re “holding it wrong”. The iPhone is a beautiful device. Every version of it has been, but my favorite was the blocky, squared-off shape of the iPhone 4… Continue reading You’re holding it wrong — How to blame your users

Understanding Mental Illness in the Tech Field

World Mental Health Day (10th October) is an international day for mental health. Its goal is to raise awareness and to lower social stigma in an empathetic way. The World Federation for Mental Health started the event initially in 1992. Richard Hunter, the then Deputy Secretary General, organized the event, aiming to start a long-term… Continue reading Understanding Mental Illness in the Tech Field

Angular Component Libraries and Accessibility

Nowadays, it feels as if web development is an ever-changing landscape that moves at supersonic speeds. With the demands to keep your content up to date with the latest and greatest designs and frameworks, it can be an overwhelming task to keep up. JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular, play a large role in this with… Continue reading Angular Component Libraries and Accessibility