A brief guide to writing more accessible content

Make content accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash UX designers are experts at developing empathy, supposedly. So why do designers ignore such a large segment of their users? People with disabilities are often neglected in the design process. They’re excluded from user research and testing, which is evident… Continue reading A brief guide to writing more accessible content

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Research vs Vision: the origin story of Sony Walkman, Mini Cooper, and the iPhone

It’s always interesting to watch how companies approach the building of their new products. During the market research phase, companies are trying to future-proof every detail to ensure it will be popular among users and bring more money to the company. Research methodologies and strategies have been improving since the beginning of the 20th century. Some… Continue reading Research vs Vision: the origin story of Sony Walkman, Mini Cooper, and the iPhone

Accessibility as an essential pillar in design teams

Creating habits to cultivate the mindset and go from theory to practice It may seem difficult to build a culture of accessibility when that is not the focus of a company or product. There is a myth that accessibility is expensive, demands resources and, above all, time. But what if I tell you it’s possible?… Continue reading Accessibility as an essential pillar in design teams

Designing dark mode

Design considerations for crafting a great dark mode. Continue reading on UX Collective »

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Why designers quit

Why did you quit your last job? This was the main question in my recent study I did with designers. I received 156 responses to my survey, most of them were from Product/UX designers, second and third in number of responses were graphic designers, and web designers. Let’s dive into the results! 53 percent of… Continue reading Why designers quit

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Systems and Operations in the Design Profession

Systems and operations in the design profession Photo by Deva Darshan on Unsplash I always loved conceptualizing and visualizing processes. As a product designer, I ended up working with a design team, doing user flows, user testing, design sprints, etc. As I was growing as a designer, I did more facilitation, customer journeys, created big conference… Continue reading Systems and Operations in the Design Profession

3 practical uses of the UUP UX metric

Measuring perceptions and acting on findings. Early in 2019 I wrote, UX Metrics: Why not measure aesthetics? Extending proven user experience measures to account for aesthetic usability effect, which introduced UUP or “up score”. It received more attention than I expected, which spawned exchanges with other designers. Many were about ways to apply the UUP… Continue reading 3 practical uses of the UUP UX metric

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4 ways to prioritize work (in-depth)

Source: Images by author using getstencil Prioritization is the curious art of choosing what to do and where to focus. The question I keep asking myself is, “Is prioritization the most important thing that we do?” So before we dive into ways to prioritize let’s ask why picking a way to prioritize should be the… Continue reading 4 ways to prioritize work (in-depth)

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10 Confessions of a Product Designer

This article isn’t being written because I advocate or advise reckless design behavior, but let’s be honest, it happens, and we’re all guilty of it. I usually write articles about design best practices, so I thought it would be fun to share the opposite, the less advertised but common bad practices. Designers aren’t perfect, and… Continue reading 10 Confessions of a Product Designer

Learning to see problems from above to create new approaches and solutions

Adopting this mindset helps to acknowledge in a better way design problems. As an old and bad habit, one of the most common mistakes designers make is rushing to have a final solution as an immediate response to any request. Although this reaction may be good (questionable) because it allows us to visualize a final… Continue reading Learning to see problems from above to create new approaches and solutions

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Figma next steps, is Design Thinking overhyped, the UX of Stable Diffusion

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “It’s 2022. Figma has completely taken over the Product Design world over the last four years. It’s rare to see a company gain such rapid adoption across an entire industry so quickly. With that kind of growth comes a lot of problems. The product accrues debt in different areas (both… Continue reading Figma next steps, is Design Thinking overhyped, the UX of Stable Diffusion

Putting people before numbers and creating a positive impact through design

Illustration: Sam Whitney / Getty Images If you are not familiar with the term, Dark Patterns are the use of cheap user interface tricks and psychological manipulation to get users to act against their own best interests. User Experience consultant Chris Nodder wrote Evil By Design, a fantastic book that unpacks how to detect and… Continue reading Putting people before numbers and creating a positive impact through design

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How to stand out in a big team?

Break down key attributes with examples to help you stand out in your team. It is primarily focused on design teams, but can be used by… Continue reading on UX Collective »

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Creating a strategic product roadmap in 7 steps

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash Thinking about creating a strategic product roadmap? You’re not the only one. With increasing pressure to produce measurable results, an effective strategy has become the key to success in today’s competitive business world. With a strategic product roadmap, you can focus your efforts on meeting specific goals instead of… Continue reading Creating a strategic product roadmap in 7 steps

Game design, yoga for the mind

Cover image — by Shakuro Graphics Today, there are almost too many academic papers proving that gaming isn’t bad, and in small quantities, actually good for you, and your brain. But it wasn’t always viewed this way, and even today, most parents would rather not have their children on consoles. Game designers have been fighting… Continue reading Game design, yoga for the mind

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