How to Create an Andy Warhol Inspired Pop Art Portrait in Illustrator

Andy Warhol‘s screen print series of Marilyn Monroe portraits were probably the main reason I was interested in creating vector art. He’s one of my all time favorite artists so creating a set of portraits inspired by his mass produced art was bound to happen at some point! In today’s tutorial I’m going to show… Continue reading How to Create an Andy Warhol Inspired Pop Art Portrait in Illustrator

Create a Cute Bunny House in Photoshop

Tutorial Resources Grass – Morguefile Daisies – Maureenolder Road – happeningstock Sky – Signpost – Big carrot – Stockfreeimages Three carrots – Stockfreeimages Roof – Morguefile Door – Stockfreeimages Rug – Window – Fence – Morguefile Bunny 1 – Morguefile Bunny 2 – Morguefile Bunny 3 – Morguefile Step 1 Create… Continue reading Create a Cute Bunny House in Photoshop

10 Photoshop Tips: Extend Your Basic Knowledge of Photoshop

Photoshop is very often the tool of choice for photo retouching, but over time it has become a widely used tool in other professional fields such as illustration, conceptual art, graphic design, web design… Therefore, it is a multi-use program that can help a lot to develop our creative work. However, it is easy for… Continue reading 10 Photoshop Tips: Extend Your Basic Knowledge of Photoshop

Create a Stylish, Heart-Shaped 3D Gift Box in Illustrator

Valentine’s Day many only come once a year, but romance is year-round, and designers that can create a warm, romantic, emotional sentiment will be busy from January through December. Whether you’re a designer or just a spouse or partner, don’t wait until February to send some hearts to your special someone. In this tutorial, I’ll… Continue reading Create a Stylish, Heart-Shaped 3D Gift Box in Illustrator

Making the Most of Photoshop Layers

The way web designers are using Photoshop is changing; pixel perfect comps are less relevant than they were a year or two ago. However, Photoshop is still an invaluable design tool and using its features properly is as important as ever. The following tips will help you master working with layers. A Quick Word About… Continue reading Making the Most of Photoshop Layers

Design an Appealing Print-Ready Restaurant Menu in Illustrator

If you’ve ever seen a “food designer” fuss over every last detail of a delicious food item, you’d understand how exquisitely visual the food marketing process can be. The visual evaluation of food has been ingrained in the human psyche for thousands of years, and the right imagery can still elicit strong, visceral reactions (mostly… Continue reading Design an Appealing Print-Ready Restaurant Menu in Illustrator

Reverse Your Layers in Photoshop

It’s not a super common occurrence, but there are certainly times when you have the need to reverse the order that your layers appear in. Whether it’s all of them, or just a select few. Reversed layers usually occur after duplications, but sometimes it can occur simply by misarrangement. Here’s a trick to fix this! The… Continue reading Reverse Your Layers in Photoshop

Tip: Smart Object Duplication

For those who use Smart Objects in Photoshop, you’re probably aware that when a Smart Object is duplicated, the duplication and the original Smart Object share the same source file. This means, that if you were to edit the source (by double-clicking on either Smart Object), the changes would be reflected on both layers. However,… Continue reading Tip: Smart Object Duplication

Portfolio PSD Website Template

Portfolio PSD website template featuring sharp, fresh, clean and modern feel. We’ve designed sleek graphics and original folded elements to make it look more vibrant. That’s why our PSD website template could turn into successful personal portfolio or advertising agency website. Either way it will surely impress all your friends and clients. All layers are… Continue reading Portfolio PSD Website Template

Quick Tip: Precision Colour Control in Photoshop

In this quick tip, I’ll show you a simple and easy way to take control of the colours in your Photoshop documents using the power of adjustment layers. We will consider two scenarios, with the second being somewhat more complex than the first. I’m always preaching about the importance of non-destructive editing in Photoshop, and… Continue reading Quick Tip: Precision Colour Control in Photoshop

Learn How To Create An Open Book In Photoshop

In todays tutorial I’ll be showing you how to create a sleek book with a nice leather textured background. Lets get started. What We’ll Be Creating Resources Used In This Tutorial Leather Texture Lets Get Started! Create a new document (Ctrl + N) 1200 x 800 pixels with any colored background. Open the leather texture… Continue reading Learn How To Create An Open Book In Photoshop

Carbon Fibre Style Metallic Icon Design

What We’ll Be Creating Lets Get Started! Create a new document (Ctrl + N) with the dimensions 800 x 600 pixels, change your background color to a color which will make the icon more visible. Select the “Rounded Rectangle Tool” (U) with a radius of 20px. Drag out a small rectangle in the middle of… Continue reading Carbon Fibre Style Metallic Icon Design

How to Draw a Colorful Fantasy Dragon Battle Scene in Photoshop

Learn how to take a drawing of a dragon and turn it into an amazing painting. This tutorial will show you how to use Photoshop to create shapes from a hand-drawn sketch, apply shading, then finish it by applying color and texture. After creating the dragon, you will learn learn how to create the starry… Continue reading How to Draw a Colorful Fantasy Dragon Battle Scene in Photoshop

Rain, Lightning, Furious Ocean: The Perfect Storm!

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a perfect storm scene. The tutorial is divided into 4 different parts, each teaching you how to create one of the 4 elements needed for the final image: Clouds, Lightning, Rain and Ocean. For this tutorial I preferred to create my original image much larger and… Continue reading Rain, Lightning, Furious Ocean: The Perfect Storm!

Glossy Text With Reflection

In this tutorial I will show you some very useful techniques for creating glossy text for the web. You can use such texts for Logos, also for some titles on clips and different kind of projects. There have a lots and different tutorials on the web about that. The difference in my tutorial is that… Continue reading Glossy Text With Reflection

Create A Realistic Water Text Effect

Step 1 – The Background We will be needing a nice background to write out text in water on. You can pretty much pick whatever background you like as long as it suites your needs. I will go ahead and use scratched metal background. Feel free to download the image: Step 2 – Font &… Continue reading Create A Realistic Water Text Effect

Create an Unique Surreal Photo Manipulation with Nebula Effect in Photoshop

Tutorial Details Program: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Difficulty: Intermediate Estimated Completetion Time: 1- 2 hours In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Create an Unique, Dark Surreal Photo Manipulation with Nebula Effect in Photoshop. This is an intermediate level tutorial so some steps can be a bit tricky, but why… Continue reading Create an Unique Surreal Photo Manipulation with Nebula Effect in Photoshop

Design a Contemporary Poster

Create this simple poster created with layers of photos and shapes. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to use a combination of Photoshop brushes, images, and custom shapes to create this contemporary poster. What you will need Architectural ornaments brush set A few splatter brushes   Step 1 Create a new document with… Continue reading Design a Contemporary Poster