I sent an email, but nobody read it. So I sent out an invite.

When it comes to group dynamics, there are two key factors that play a crucial role: task-oriented and maintenance-oriented behaviors. As you plan your team’s agenda, consider how these factors influence the dynamics and productivity of the group. midjourney 2023 / prompt: Google calendar full of meetings “Not another meeting…” or “this could have been an email…”… Continue reading I sent an email, but nobody read it. So I sent out an invite.

Design a Clean and Modern Pricing Table in Photoshop

Photoshop is often used to create graphics and layouts for web designs. In this tutorial, we will explain how to create a pricing table for a hosting company using a combination of vector shapes and layer styles. Let’s get started!   Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Pixel… Continue reading Design a Clean and Modern Pricing Table in Photoshop

Tip: Smart Object Duplication

For those who use Smart Objects in Photoshop, you’re probably aware that when a Smart Object is duplicated, the duplication and the original Smart Object share the same source file. This means, that if you were to edit the source (by double-clicking on either Smart Object), the changes would be reflected on both layers. However,… Continue reading Tip: Smart Object Duplication