50+ fresh resources for designers, March 2016

How’s it going, compadres? This month’s roundup hand-picked from all across the web includes icons, design assets, illustrations, vector artwork, UI kits, some really cool code snippets, fonts, templates, some awesome tools, and much much more. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the best freebies on the Web this month! The months of the year vector… Continue reading 50+ fresh resources for designers, March 2016

Making an Original Corporate Theme in WordPress: Designing Other Page Types

Let’s recap: My claim is that the reason of the magnitude of WordPress’s market share is because it’s so darn easy to create corporate websites with WordPress, and this is also the exact reason why the top-selling WordPress themes are corporate (or multi-purpose) themes.  Theme makers might have clogged the market a bit by putting… Continue reading Making an Original Corporate Theme in WordPress: Designing Other Page Types

15 Premium Business Card Templates (In Photoshop, Illustrator, & InDesign Formats)

Are you rebranding or launching a new business? Maybe you have a big conference or meetup fast approaching? Or is your current business card just not at the quality level you’d like? Is it not representing you well anymore or does it have outdated info on it?  You don’t want a wrong phone number, changed… Continue reading 15 Premium Business Card Templates (In Photoshop, Illustrator, & InDesign Formats)

Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Running

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial we will be animating a cycle of a character running. In this case, the character will appear to be running in place. If this run cycle were to be incorporated into a movie, perhaps a background scrolling from right to left would be behind the character. Walks and… Continue reading Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Running

Tips about how to Design the Great Logo

The fundamental shapes of universe’s geometry derive from the knowledge of ancient civilizations. These fundamental forms and functions have constantly helped us to divide time and space and have now motivated every known science (technology, languages, math, physics, civil evolvement, etc.). Art and culture have actually mostly benefited from shapes such as for example circles;… Continue reading Tips about how to Design the Great Logo

Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking

What You’ll Be Creating In this tutorial I will be taking you through the steps of how to animate a character walking in place. Basically you will be creating a walk that loops infinitely, so if you were to incorporate a walk like this into a movie, perhaps the background would be scrolling from right… Continue reading Animation for Beginners: How to Animate a Character Walking

This Year’s Most Useful WordPress Themes

The fact that Enfold is ThemeForest’s best rated top seller is reason enough to give it a closer look. Enfold, with its drag and drop layout editor is extremely user friendly. Simply drag and drop your content into place. An especially useful feature is its ability to import demo files with a single click, select… Continue reading This Year’s Most Useful WordPress Themes

5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Freelance Web Professional

* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;} If you’re working as a web professional for an employer, chances are you occasionally daydream about going it alone. Maybe you do some freelance work in your spare time and would love to extend that to full time, or maybe you just want the freedom of being… Continue reading 5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Freelance Web Professional

What Is An Effective Web Design And What Makes Good User Experience?

The Importance of User Experience We live at an age and time where everything is accessible but also in an era where people’s attention span gets shorter. Therefore, in a race to attract prospective customers, companies of all sizes and shapes come up with ways and means to do that. In the process, the World Wide… Continue reading What Is An Effective Web Design And What Makes Good User Experience?

11 inspirational flat design contact us page

The recent article on flat design login page was well received. This is a follow up on the same idea, which is showcasing the use of flat design in different parts of the website. In this article, we are focusing on flat design for the contact us page.  Arguably, this is one of the area… Continue reading 11 inspirational flat design contact us page

20 Creative Resume Website Templates to Improve Your Online Presence

Every professional should have an online portfolio or presentation website. There are many types of personal websites you can choose to have. For example you can opt for simple vCards or one-page portfolios, or if you have more works to showcase you can choose to have a complex portfolio website with a great gallery and… Continue reading 20 Creative Resume Website Templates to Improve Your Online Presence

New to Photoshop? Get Started Here!

So you’ve decided to teach yourself Photoshop? That is so exciting! Thank you for choosing Tuts+ as your place to learn. Photoshop is a fantastically powerful application that will allow you to manipulate images in just about any way you can think of. You can remove unwanted people or distractions from a photo, make color… Continue reading New to Photoshop? Get Started Here!

Code a Single-Page Sliding Website Layout With Fixed Navigation

When constructing a simple webpage, it can often make sense to fit the content into a single layout rather than multiple pages. These single-page websites are beneficial when you have a small project or portfolio which needs some online presence. If you split up content into neat sections, then visitors might use a small sliding… Continue reading Code a Single-Page Sliding Website Layout With Fixed Navigation

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter

Resume is a comprehensive document where an individual mention his educational qualifications, skills, fortes, experiences and all other information that is relevant to an employer. These are the first point of contact between potential candidates and an employer who is seeking the service of a qualified professional. Therefore, your resume ought to be different from… Continue reading 25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter

20+ Brilliant Premium and Free Adobe Muse Templates

In this post, we have compiled a list of truly brilliant premium and free Adobe Muse templates. If you haven’t already heard it, Adobe Muse is a component of Adobe Creative Cloud that during the first quarter of 2013 gained 479,000 new subscribers. It is becoming an incredibly popular way of building websites and for the… Continue reading 20+ Brilliant Premium and Free Adobe Muse Templates

10 Best Website Builders That Any Graphic Designer Should Know About

No doubt you heard the myth of building websites without coding before, and still you have stumbled on either HTML or PHP in one form or another, be it Dreamweaver or other such hybrid site creators that could either be a mix between editing and coding or create static pages only. The thing is, they… Continue reading 10 Best Website Builders That Any Graphic Designer Should Know About

Why Media Temple’s Grid Package Is Such A Likeable Hosting Option

The Media Temple Grid type hosting plan is the best value for blog, business or personal web hosting, for a number of reasons. First among these is the scalability it comes with:  there is no fixed capacity, so you’re always online. The number of computers comprising the grid can be augmented with just a flip of… Continue reading Why Media Temple’s Grid Package Is Such A Likeable Hosting Option

35+ Best CV and Résumé Templates

In this post, we will concentrate on CV and résumé templates that will help you stand out from the rest. The résumé is among the most essential tools to use when applying for a new job opportunity. With the stiff competition in the job market today, it is not enough to provide a very simple,… Continue reading 35+ Best CV and Résumé Templates

20 Best Designed Contact Pages

For most websites, the contact page is the last page on the sitemap and also the least important. This is a huge mistake. The contact page plays a very important role in your website as it allows potential customers to contact you, so it helps grow your own business. The contact page should be properly… Continue reading 20 Best Designed Contact Pages

How to Make a Resume

In today’s fast paced corporate life, every individual is striving to climb higher and higher on the success ladder. New opportunities arise and are short in duration; so every contestant should be on their toes to capitalize on them. Having said that, it is of utmost importance for every professional to have a perfectly constructed… Continue reading How to Make a Resume

Foundation for Beginners: Custom Forms and Switches

Following on from our look at buttons in Zurb’s Foundation, let’s now take a look at custom forms and switches. During this tutorial we’re going to work on an exercise; a contact form which you can add to your projects or just play around with. Once we’ve built that, we’ll move onto other form elements.

Create An Animated CSS Box Menu

In this tutorial were going to play with CSS transitions to create a new style navigation menu. The effect we are aiming for is having a number of navigation boxes, and when the mouse hovers over a box this will grow and shrink the other boxes. We can even add an icon to animate into… Continue reading Create An Animated CSS Box Menu