Bread crumbs…they bring up associations with the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel, where Hansel leaves bread crumbs to help him find his way home again. Although the association with bread crumbs is perhaps still stronger in the realm of Grimm stories, that’s gradually changing as breadcrumbs in navigation help web designers create a better… Continue reading How to use breadcrumbs (the right way)
Tag: among
5 Best Collaboration Tools That Will Improve Your Workflow
Posted · Category: Best Collections A team leader’s role is to take a group of people who have diverse yet complementary skills, and variable degrees of experience, and mold them into a cohesive team. And make them work together toward a common objective. These same skills that can do so much when given proper direction can just… Continue reading 5 Best Collaboration Tools That Will Improve Your Workflow
Website navigation and user experience
Advertisement Website navigation usability is the most crucial element in design. It makes the difference between a website where users find what they are looking for and one which causes so much frustration that users want to abandon it. The whole point of designing a website is to allow access the content, so the success… Continue reading Website navigation and user experience
7 Top eCommerce Themes For Building Great Shops
Advertisement Designing an online store should be relatively straightforward. Still, some web designers have a tendency to overdesign their sites, or invest in themes encourage overdesign or inventiveness. You can avoid these pitfalls by following a few simple rules: Give Your Store a Familiar Look. “Don’t make me think.” This brief cautionary message is the… Continue reading 7 Top eCommerce Themes For Building Great Shops
Showcase Of Websites With Creative Background Gradients
Advertisement Gradients play an essential role in web design, especially cool gradient backgrounds. There are many different possibilities of gradients that you can use, such as linear or radial. You can use a wide variety of shades and colors to add interest and depth. Gradients are very important to making your website unique and attractive.… Continue reading Showcase Of Websites With Creative Background Gradients
9 Best WordPress Calendar Plugins
We all know very well that WordPress is the backbone of every website or blog. We cannot imagine any website or blog without WordPress. WordPress is easy to use and save time that’s why it is very popular among web developers. WordPress provides so many exciting and useful plugins calendar plugins are one of them.… Continue reading 9 Best WordPress Calendar Plugins
Creative Examples of Geometric Web Design Styles
Something making its presence known on the web these days is the use of common geometric patterns which we all learned in grade school. Polygons, diamonds, rectangles, triangles, and the occasional rhombus are all an integral part of modern web design. So how does this 10th grade math subject end up affecting the way website… Continue reading Creative Examples of Geometric Web Design Styles
Free UI Kits That A Designer Should Have
Posted · Category: Best Collections UI kits are among designers’ favorite tools to work with, because they enhance their creativity, and clean the palette even for the most difficult projects. What makes UI kits even more loveable is that they help us explore other designers’ ideas, without expecting the client to come up with his,… Continue reading Free UI Kits That A Designer Should Have
How exactly to Overcome The Top 4 Freelance issues
“Freelancing is tough. It may be very hard, in reality. It May wear people down, making them lose sight of whatever they utilized to love simply because they need to just do everything else to get by.” – Mason Hipp, The Unlimited Freelancer Recently, a friend of mine switched to become a freelancer that is full-time.… Continue reading How exactly to Overcome The Top 4 Freelance issues
Exploring WordPress Managers: ManageWP, CMS Commander & MainWP
In the previous part of this series, we talked about two popular WordPress managers out in the field. In this second part, we’ll be checking out a few more of them. Also, there will be one bonus tip about a core WordPress feature that may help you manage your (or your clients’) websites. So, without… Continue reading Exploring WordPress Managers: ManageWP, CMS Commander & MainWP
Exploring WordPress Managers: Jetpack & InfiniteWP
When you have a lot of clients with WordPress-powered websites, or a lot of WordPress projects that you work on, it might get messy to deal with all those updates and maintenance. Logging in to each website with different usernames and passwords, then moderating comments, updating plugins and themes, maybe occasionally (or periodically) making database… Continue reading Exploring WordPress Managers: Jetpack & InfiniteWP
11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers
This post showcases 11 best and most amazing CSS3 animation tools that will be extremely helpful for the developers. CSS3 has got excellent reputation among designers and developers. It is here to help them create amazing results. With these animation tools, you can create breath taking animations in a hassle free manner. These resources will… Continue reading 11 CSS3 Animation Tools For Developers
What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design
One of the most common elements of your website is typography. After all, it is for reading the content that visitors typically look to visit your web-pages. Undoubtedly, graphics and layouts are also key components of a webpage but you simply cannot ignore line heights, type size, and column width in their favor. When it… Continue reading What To Keep In Mind When You Use Typography in Your Design
10+ Awesome Tools You Should Use
2015 has just started and we all are looking for ways to improve our work. How can we do that ? The easiest way is to start using the best solutions on the market. Here is the showcase of the best tools and services. 1. Great results can only be achieved when we work… Continue reading 10+ Awesome Tools You Should Use
Top 20 Most Usable Content Management Systems
There are plenty of options when picking a content management system for a development project. Depending on how advanced you need the CMS to be, what language it’s built in, and who is going to be using it, it can be a nightmare trying to find the “perfect” CMS for a project. However, some CMSs… Continue reading Top 20 Most Usable Content Management Systems
Grunge Minimalist Posters Illustrating Famous Movie Quotes
Making posters related to famous movies is somehow popular these days among designers. There are a lot of them doing it and they are each creating the posters in a certain style. For example, Jay Quann created this series of posters which illustrate famous movie quotes and a significant minimalist image which is relevant for… Continue reading Grunge Minimalist Posters Illustrating Famous Movie Quotes