Serendipity by design Ideas for applying serendipity principles in the digital world (I) An (un)expected discovery I love flea markets. Whenever I go there, I usually don’t look for anything specifically; I am just opening myself to chance, to discovery by luck. I suppose most of the people coming to this place do the same: they expect… Continue reading Can technology generate serendipity?
Category: Design
Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.
So, are fonts cut from paper now?
On this issue of Type Founds, we’ll be taking a look at trending type designs that imitate paper cut-outs, and how they might have originated from thinner, Brutalist fonts. It was a hazy memory, but I think I saw it once on someone’s Twitch stream. He was scrolling through this beautiful website called, and… Continue reading So, are fonts cut from paper now?
Software accessibility for users with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
When discussing accessibility, the first person that pops into the minds of people is probably a person in a wheelchair. Thinking about software accessibility, the next two types of disabilities might come into mind are blindness and deafness. These are three types of disabilities most people commonly think of when talking about accessibility: blindness, deaf… Continue reading Software accessibility for users with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
When and how will your work be replaced by AI?
And why some jobs will unexpectedly shine tenfold. Is 2030 the end of the road? I won’t keep you waiting. Here is precisely when you will be replaced by an AI application, depending on your field of practice: Chart illustrating a timeline for how we might expect to see fundamental models progress and the associated… Continue reading When and how will your work be replaced by AI?
The rebirth of Office
Evolving the Office brand for a new world of collaboration Opinions expressed here are my own. This article was originally posted on LinkedIn on March 23, 2020. When I first began my design career in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where my early work was founded in branding, the idea of working with such a well-established and recognizable… Continue reading The rebirth of Office
How I use Figma to craft better presentations
I’ve been thinking a lot about presentations and how important they are to designers. When you’re starting out in design, no one mentions how much of your job will eventually be doing the rounds, advocating for good design, and trying to rally people in other disciplines to your cause. But as your career progresses, that… Continue reading How I use Figma to craft better presentations
The age of Agile must end
30 years ago the technology industry attempted to import Lean practices — it failed. Instead of “continuous improvement,” progress halted. Agile is incompatible with UX research, design, and scalable development. It always will be. It’s time to create a new operational standard. Changing of the guards. Photo by Micah Kunkle on Unsplash As startups refocus on “operational efficiency,”… Continue reading The age of Agile must end
What we’re not doing
We’re not accepting AI-generated text. We’re not accepting stories that could have been easily written by an AI. We encourage authors to balance factual (wikipedia-like) information with their own personal insights, anecdotes, and personality. We’re not hiring freelance writers on fiverr to keep our feeds full, either. We’re not succumbing to clickbait-y titles with hyperbolic… Continue reading What we’re not doing
UX Cheat Sheet: Common login patterns
What ho! What is that on yonder homepage? A returning user? Jimminy cricket! Looks like we have to design a login pattern. Continue reading on UX Collective »
Defying physics in UX
In platform video games like Super Mario Bros, players run and jump over various pits, hazards, and enemies to progress. These obstacles become increasingly difficult as the game goes on, and failing to clear them with precise timing often results in death. Because so much enjoyment and progression comes from successfully executing jumps within these… Continue reading Defying physics in UX
The role of grid systems in graphic design
Grid System: Vertical and horizontal lines grid. What is a grid system? The vertical and horizontal axes are divided in proportion to the coordinate system. In graphic design, the grid is used to control the font and image position layout design matrix, which has an important role in Mesh design, in different periods and geographical, people have… Continue reading The role of grid systems in graphic design
Design for AI: What should people who design AI know?
It’s 2023 and we are in the early days of artificial intelligence design. We’re certainly not “there” yet (i.e., you’re not running into Commander Data at the bar) but we do have a substantial cadre of narrow AI capabilities sprinkled throughout our daily lives. You can get a computer to schedule meetings for you, answer… Continue reading Design for AI: What should people who design AI know?
The UX of value perception
Practical examples of creating more value through the components of the value equation Continue reading on UX Collective »
AI is a solution in search of a problem
A designer identifies user problems or opportunities and creates desirable, viable and feasible solutions. Recently there have been questions like “How could we use AI, machine learning or GPT3 for something useful?” This leads to a technology-driven project, which is fundamentally different from the typical design process. Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash I used… Continue reading AI is a solution in search of a problem
Problem framing, not problem-solving: the skill necessary to grow as a UX professional
Understanding the problem space by asking the right questions helps everyone Continue reading on UX Collective »
Designing motivation: the Seinfeld paradox
Self-improvement requires an intrinsic desire to grow and a steady discipline to make it happen. Some would have us believe that rewarding ourselves along the way undermines our purpose. As designers of products that help motivate people to attain their goals, should we be worried? Nah. Listen to Jerry instead. Photos by slgckgc, shared on… Continue reading Designing motivation: the Seinfeld paradox
How Wednesday Addams teaches us about design consumerism
TikTok likes it better when Addams dances to “Bloody Mary.” Non-designers like to do the job of the designer if they can’t meet the demand… Continue reading on UX Collective »
The death of execution
I have taken on a new year’s resolution to explore and learn about AI and the tools out there. This means I’ve been playing with various AI tools for less than a month and during that time, just in my spare time in the evenings, I’ve written a few blogs, created countless images, and coded… Continue reading The death of execution
How designers can gain buy-in from key stakeholders
Managing stakeholders’ competing interests in product development Continue reading on UX Collective »
The general creative state, and the art of experiencing
Lessons from Acting to practice empathy in UX Design Photo by antonio molinari on Unsplash “The greatest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world.” (Plato) A common advice for someone embarking on Entrepreneurship is, ‘don’t solve a pain point for customers that you’ve never… Continue reading The general creative state, and the art of experiencing
Understanding typography: Giambattista Bodoni and the invention of modern type
Invoking royalty and fashion across four centuries Continue reading on UX Collective »
Version control is a skill UX can learn to make their lives easier
Use Components, Variants, and Pages to provide different design versions your team members need Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash Version control for your design prototypes is one of those things you never think about until you desperately need it. Version control is so essential that many Engineers will devote time and effort to build… Continue reading Version control is a skill UX can learn to make their lives easier
Tips for design influencers, unethical bridges, right-to-left UI
Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. Moses, the so-called “master builder” of mid-20th century New York, was very concerned that white-only spaces in America (like beaches) might eventually be opened to all people. When designing the Grand Central Parkway in the late 1920s — a road intended, in part, to give New Yorkers “an easy way to… Continue reading Tips for design influencers, unethical bridges, right-to-left UI
How to design like MacGyver
Using ingenuity and level-headedness to solve design problems MacGyver TV Series | Season 1, Episode 18 I recently re-watched the classic 1980s action TV series MacGyver. This show was a staple of my childhood — it’s the reason why I always carry a Swiss Army pocket knife and have a paper clip in my wallet.… Continue reading How to design like MacGyver