What goes in must come out

An icon of two people with arrows going between them: person to person.

How to keep from getting overwhelmed or creating excuses not to be constantly learning more.

Prioritize both your time and the content you want to consume. A lot of content exists out there and it can feel overwhelming to know where to start.

Make a list of skills–hard or soft–you want to improve and learn more about and prioritize consuming that content first.

Tip: Focus your time on topics that help you progress toward your goals.

For example, if you are wanting to grow your leadership skills, research articles or podcasts that share advice on that topic.

What I’ve found helps me is to Google “best podcasts on [insert topic here]” and browse the results. Next, I try out an episode of the podcast to see if we work out.

Good podcasts can be hard to find as they are subject not only to the content they provide but also to the way they provide it–hello potentially “annoying” voices.

Be aware the podcast or article doesn’t necessarily need to be specifically about only the one topic you’re interested in either.

One of my favorite podcasts right now, Brave UX with Brendan Jarvis🇺🇦, offers episodes on different topics within the UX and product design fields.

My interest or goal that led me to this podcast was to learn more about the differences between UX and product design positions from leaders in those fields as I pursue a calculated career shift to product design.

I tried out an episode and established I liked the way Brendan curates content and facilitates conversations that add value to me both personally and professionally.

By offering different topics and highlighting the topic in the episode title, this podcast makes it easier for me to find specific episodes I’m interested in listening to and reduces the amount of time I spend just looking for content to consume.

Bonus, Brendan has an amazing accent which makes listening that much more enjoyable.

Categorized as UX

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